

Active Member
Jan 23, 2005
Hey I have a question and it is a tough decision ...well for me lol I want to know should I play Bass guitar or paino. I like them both but I only have time for one/Please help me on my decision thanks everyone.
you cant just say "o i want to play bass or guitar" you gotta have the soul to be really good at it.i played piano for a year and i sucked. didnt have the mind or spirit for it. Now i am playing guitar. and am real good at it. you gotta find the instrument that fits you. because you are not going to succeed in every insturment. you are going to overachive in one. or maybe you mightbe like Mike. But the you know right away his instrument is the piano.
Well if you want to play bass guitar, I would suggest learning guitar first. You get more music theory and understanding, plus it's really easy to then switch to bass afterwards. Piano, on the other hand, also gets you a lot of theory and understanding of music (asuming you're a beginner). You probably get more with piano because guitar teacher tend not to teach that kind of stuff. Piano can help you learn other intruments easily. (I don't know how old you are or how advanced you are so sorry if you know all that stuff.) But the main question is which do you see yourself enjoying for a while? Piano would probably keep you more entertained, but bass guitar is probably easy. Just depends I guess.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Well if you want to play bass guitar, I would suggest learning guitar first. You get more music theory and understanding, plus it's really easy to then switch to bass afterwards. Piano, on the other hand, also gets you a lot of theory and understanding of music (asuming you're a beginner). You probably get more with piano because guitar teacher tend not to teach that kind of stuff. Piano can help you learn other intruments easily. (I don't know how old you are or how advanced you are so sorry if you know all that stuff.) But the main question is which do you see yourself enjoying for a while? Piano would probably keep you more entertained, but bass guitar is probably easy. Just depends I guess.

ok.. your a cool person and everything... but as a bass player i kind of hate you right now! jk... not hate, but i hate that people make the asumption that just because you play guitar you can play bass NOT TRUE. i know plenty of guitar players who SUCK at bass. and don't think that just because it has four strings if will be easier, it's a different instrument. It does a different thing, you play it differently. it makes differnt sounds.

sorry... but i gotta defend my instrument of choice
Well, I've played piano, and guitar for like 6 years. Not really good a piano and just a good stummer for guitar. I just recently played the drums and found out i can play really good and i love it.

what i'm trying to say, is that you might be really good at one intrument, and not that good on the other. Are you a beginner at both and want to know what you should play? or are you experienced with both? You just got to try both and see which one your good at.
i would go with guitar. but i dont play instraments so i dont know. i dont have the money for them. but i know people who play and most of them like guitar better.
If you wanna have more knowledge of making music in future then I'll say you should go for piano but Bass sounds more fun to me cause I've played piano for like 4yrs.
I;m pretty god at both well thanks you guys are making my decisinon a lil eaiser .. But do you think it will be to hard to play both...?. Oh and by the way I'm 18 :D
acdcrules04 said:
ok.. your a cool person and everything... but as a bass player i kind of hate you right now! jk... not hate, but i hate that people make the asumption that just because you play guitar you can play bass NOT TRUE. i know plenty of guitar players who SUCK at bass. and don't think that just because it has four strings if will be easier, it's a different instrument. It does a different thing, you play it differently. it makes differnt sounds.

sorry... but i gotta defend my instrument of choice
I'm not saying it's the same. It's just that you know the same basics, which make it easier to switch to. least most people I know are able to switch to it. lol