Deco grasps at straws as he slips into his "loser hole" where he will remain eternally Flabby.


John \C\

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> John \"C\ <> wrote:
> >"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> nightbat <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Art Deco wrote:
> >> >"Home of the auk fake award really Big Whoppers"
> >> >
> >> >> nightbat <> wrote:
> >>
> >> [fro0tbat/saucer crew drivel snecked]
> >>
> >> >>>>Careful, or you'll be sucked into the $cientology mind control

> >> >>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Translation: Deco finally admits he likes being sucked in by the net
> >> >>>hyper clueless spewing gay Duck laming twin.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>"To err is human, to award cover it up, pure coffeeboy." -- nightbat
> >> >
> >> >> alias Bart Devo
> >> >>
> >> >> Come on Captain, I dare you to provide even one message ID that

> >contains
> >>
> >> Post edit.
> >>
> >> >> a single gay lame that I've posted. Unlike your profound Officers

> >Hagar the
> >>
> >> Post edit.
> >>
> >> >> Hypercritical and Colonel HJ, who post nothing but profoundness.
> >>
> >> Post edit.
> >> >>
> >> >> You can't, and I predict you'll run away.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >Translation: I Deco live in denial for oops that was my post wasn't it
> >> >that I S.O. Captain ad-libbed about limitless free energy and flying

> >saucer.
> >>
> >> Meaningless gook gobble.
> >> >
> >> >Deco challenge answered
> >>
> >> Oh this should be good:
> >> >
> >> >Exhibit Deco Gay Lame One:
> >> >"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >VVFWS NOMINATION: Re: Top Scientist Claim Biofuels Are Scam
> >> >7:23 PM 6/11/07
> >> >
> >> >"Biofuel" is a very broad subject, you idiot. And while the pros and
> >> >cons of biofuels are controversial, the statements of one person are
> >> >hardly the last say."
> >>
> >> Nothing about gay or anal sex in those statements, fro0tbat. Strike 1.
> >> >
> >> >Answer: Top scientist and researcher statements always have more

> >> >then uninformed lay especially clueless laming auk coffeeboys. All

> >> >engines burn fuel silly producing enormous discharged environmental
> >> >active and passive heat regardless of fuel, that's why they're called
> >> >heat engines clueless laming coffeeboy.
> >>
> >> Note that fro0tbat has now dropped "gay" from incoherent

> >> >
> >> >Exhibit Deco Gay Lame Two:
> >> >"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >In same message
> >> >
> >> >"For his whacky claim that he has developed an "super advanced
> >> >technology of cold energy" that provides limitless free energy for
> >> >planet side and for his flying saucer"
> >>
> >> Nothing about gay or anal sex in those statements, fro0tbat. Strike 2.
> >> >
> >> >Answer: Term renewable is not as Deco defined as limitless or free for
> >> >an energy system is always defined by its physical known limitations.
> >>
> >> Huh? Another random string of disconnected words.
> >> >
> >> >Also Deco used term flying saucer is a fantasy sci fi based one and
> >> >considered confirming evidence absent and therefore silly and gay in a
> >> >very serious profound science newsgroup. The science term advanced

> >> >Ship or advanced deep space multi purpose model space design vehicle

> >> >theoretically physically possible.
> >>
> >> Delusions of grandeur. Strike 3.
> >> >
> >> >Nuff said, now please take your Deco auk laming ass out of here.
> >>
> >> How do you propose to make me, napoleon?
> >> >
> >> >"To err is human, to award cover it up, pure coffeeboy." -- nightbat
> >>
> >> Great acceptance speech for your latest kook award nomination, BTW.
> >>

> >
> >BRAVO!!!
> >
> >Excellent Foam, Deco!
> >
> >I give you a "9.9" on that effort.

> Clock <snip desperation>

Grab more straws Deco!

Great performance of "Ko0kism" tonight, Deco!

Your Pal,