"Dedicated's" Origin


New member
Where does the song "Dedicated" come from? I always thought it was on a LPU album, but cannot find it in any of them.


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additional random info:

it was made as a hip hop track mainly by using Mike's skills with Joe....it was made back at the same time the HTEP was made (1999). no idea why it wasn't on the HTEP. Step Up was basically the same thing....both songs are very similar.

but yeah LP has tons of these tracks lying around and decided to throw some on the LPU 2.0 and LPU 4.0 CDs, which was a great idea. we need unreleased songs released to the LPU every month, that'd be dope.



New member
good year for LP that, 1999. HT EP, Dedicated, and who knows what else

I think Dedicated's their best kinda pure hip hop track, if we can talk about pure hip hop

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