Dem Politicians Go to Canada For Trial Lawyer Money


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Democrats Go to Canada. It’s a Fundraising Excursion

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Tuesday, July 13th at 10:59AM EDT

18 Comments Rand Paul’s opponent, Jack Conway, has ventured outside the United States to raise cash from trial lawyers.

Conway headed north, to Canada, for a meeting of trial lawyers from whom he wanted cash.

The trial lawyers ponied up. Conway’s campaign said it welcomes support from across the country, which Canada is not.

But it wasn’t just Conway. The mob banker from Illinois, Giannoulias, went too and money was raised for these Democrats, most of whom were present:

Michael Bennett running Colorado

**** Blumenthal running in Connecticut

Robin Carnahan running in Missouri

Roxanne Conlin running in Iowa

Chris Coons running in Delaware

Brad Ellsworth running in Indiana

Lee Fisher running in Ohio

Paul Hodes running in New Hampshire

Charlie Melancon running in Louisiana

Elaine Marshall running in North Carolina

And, of course, Harry Reid.

Raising money, spending money, and supporting people in the United States is, like with Barack Obama, beneath them. They’d rather hang out with Canadians to raise money from trial lawyers than their own fellow Americans.

This is pitiful. We’ve gone from Buddhist temples to actually leaving the United States to raise money for Democrats. And one of them acts like it’s just another part of the country. Um . . . no.

Hodes the hypocrite finally DISCLOSEs Vancouver junket.

Posted by Moe Lane (Profile) Wednesday, July 14th at 8:30AM EDT

No Comments (H/T: Red Hampshire) It has been confirmed: Senatorial candidate Rep. Paul Hodes (D, NH) did in fact attend in person the Canadian trial lawyer fundraiser that was mentioned yesterday by both myself and others. Interestingly, the Hodes campaign isn’t really trying to push back on this: they’re simply admitting that he went abroad in person to pick up trial lawyer lobbyist money. I wonder why?

Today, Paul Hodes fought to end the influence that corporate and foreign special interests have in American elections by supporting the DISCLOSE Act. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
, foreign corporations, Wall Street banks, and oil company CEOs have been given a green light to spend unlimited money anonymously in order to influence our elections. The DISCLOSE Act ends these corporate loopholes and forces Washington special interests to play by the same campaign rules that govern the actions of middle class Granite Staters.

Ah. Of course. You see, there’s dirty corporate lobbyist money, and then there’s what Democratic politicians have to travel to Vancouver to pick up. Hodes, being one of the latter, can clearly see the difference - the only problem is that ‘middle class Granite Staters’ might have their own opinions on the difference. Best to just stare right ahead, say nothing that you have to, and hope that the controversy about your hypocrisy dies down quickly, no?

Such courage, the man shows.



New member
Absolute amateurs compared the last admin.

Watch this video.
Unsubstantiated truther ****.

That's why I said that comic was for you. Most all you say is 4 - 10 year old bumper sticker/talking points much of which has been proven false or irrelevant.

That's why I don't even answer half of your posts. You have Bush derangement syndrome.

Just as bad as a birther.



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You say Bush had no business connections with the Bin Laden family? Now the onus is upon you to prove it.

Knock yourself out, brother. :whistling:

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You say Bush had no business connections with the Bin Laden family? Now the onus is upon you to prove it.

Knock yourself out, brother. :whistling:
Again a BS, straw man, arguement.

I didn't say they didn't have any business connections. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he didn't have a talk with the Saudis and recommend a company, off the record, to give the oil contract to. So what. It's two private businesses and that's how business is done.

Compare that to the Obama administration, writing in $2 bil in taxpayer money (taxpayer money, not private investment) for a Brazillian company, who's biggest investor is Obama/Dem billionaire, George Soros to deep water drill for oil, and then shut down drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, when it was unnecessary and actually against the recommendations of the scientists, causing oil rigs to leave the area and be in a position to transfer jobs and technology to Brazil,

Before you say some stupid (straw man) comment like I'm implying the Obama admin had something to do with the oil spill happening, I'm not, but just as their motto, "never let a crisis go to waste" they shut down oil drilling to benefit Soros and his investment in Brazil, against the advise of experts.



New member
Let's talk about Cheney's Halliburton and his awarding of contracts to his own company. Kinda makes 2 billion look like a waitress tip.

Deny that, buddy.



New member
Anyway, Builder, once again your BDS made you miss the point, these Dem politicians made statements like this...

Today, Paul Hodes fought to end the influence that corporate and foreign special interests have in American elections by supporting the DISCLOSE Act. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, foreign corporations, Wall Street banks, and oil company CEOs have been given a green light to spend unlimited money anonymously in order to influence our elections. The DISCLOSE Act ends these corporate loopholes and forces Washington special interests to play by the same campaign rules that govern the actions of middle class Granite Staters.
and how if they don't pass it it will lend to foreign influence and then run off to Canada to get money from them.

The point was about the hypocrisy.



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Just my point. You find no hypocrisy in the Vice Prez awarding contracts to his own company?


Try and keep up. :geek:



New member
Let's talk about Cheney's Halliburton and his awarding of contracts to his own company. Kinda makes 2 billion look like a waitress tip.

Deny that, buddy.
Again, dated, bumper sticker talking points.

It's been shown that at the time of the contracts being issued, Halliburton was the only, domestic company, in a position to be able to handle the jobs that needed to be done because nobody else was big enough or capable enough to handle a task of that magnitude.

If there had been anything major, factually to the claims, the media would have been all over it, with facts not rhetoric, before the 2004 election was held. There was plenty of time and it's not as if they didn't try. The media did everything they could, even make up fake national guard documents, to try to affect that election.

They sold it to the BDS/truther crowd, as a tasty story, but it ended up that there really wasn't any meat in that sandwich.



New member
Avoidance is an admission of guilt, IWS.

At least you are true to form.

Obama could auction off Mount Rushmore to the Arabs, and he'd still be a shining light compared to the previous executive branch, and you know it.

That's why you avoid my posts. The truth hurts your cause too much. :whistling:

Avoidance is an admission of guilt, IWS.

At least you are true to form.

Obama could auction off Mount Rushmore to the Arabs, and he'd still be a shining light compared to the previous executive branch, and you know it.

That's why you avoid my posts. The truth hurts your cause too much. :whistling:
You couldn't be more wrong sir.

I haven't seen IWS dodge anything. He's proving you wrong and you can't stand it.

This is definitely a darker time in American politics. I'd rather have the previous leader (as bad as he was the last 2 years) for 20 more years, than this guy for the rest of his first term.

The truth has thus far been his cause. Your rambling and slander isn't going to hurt that.



New member
Go check my posts, RaE. More often than not, that feeb tj replies for IWS.

You don't like Obama because he's changing what you would rather not change.

I'll give you one little clue on why you are in the position you are in right about now.

Your previous executive branch raped your country, pillaged its coffers, and screwed its supporters.

Yet you still crow that you'd rather the crim than the man of change.

Now that is what I'd call ****** pathetic.


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Corruption would be practically nil if partisans held their own party office holders to the same standard they hold office holders of the other party. These who was worse debates get kind of old.


New member
I can see why Harry Reid went to get money. He's losing voters so bad, even dead people don't want him re-elected...

Election 2010 has just heard from a member of the Silent Majority.
You know, from a deceased person.

Chances are good you never met Charlotte McCourt during her 84 years, but I’m willing to bet you’ll be hearing about her in the coming days now that her obituary has taken Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to task. It’s the kind of small story that has the potential to ricochet like a bullet through the campaign showdown between incumbent Reid and Republican challenger Sharron Angle.

Not because McCourt, who died July 8 after a long illness, was a political player or business powerbroker, but precisely because she was neither of those things. She was a homemaker, proud mother and grand mother and wife of 67 years to Patrick McCourt.

And she was at one time a loyal supporter of Harry Reid.

Her obituary, printed in Tuesday’s Review-Journal, reads in part, “We believe that Mom would say she was mortified to have taken a large role in the election of Harry Reid to U.S. Congress. Let the record show Charlotte was displeased with his work. Please, in lieu of flowers, vote for another more worthy candidate.”



New member
These who was worse debates get kind of old.
That would be much easier to avoid if someone wouldn't answer every post with 6 year old, irrelevant, code pink, protest slogans. I really don't think the guy can make a post without using one of the following words...

Bush (or any variance of - W, GWB, Shrub, etc...)





New member
Avoidance is an admission of guilt, IWS.

At least you are true to form.

Obama could auction off Mount Rushmore to the Arabs, and he'd still be a shining light compared to the previous executive branch, and you know it.

That's why you avoid my posts. The truth hurts your cause too much. :whistling:
Haven't we gone through this before?

Once again, I answered your question, it seems you only see words that you agree with, RaE can see the answer, it must be your BDS acting up again.



Active Members
Builder, your biggest problem is "YOUR" the guy who dodges questions, not anyone else. You don't even have a basic understanding of American politics or reality that is not handed to you by wacko talking point websites or socialist news.

Everything you bring up is childish propaganda, not really worthy of even giving a reply but some of us still do try to get through to you and you simply ignore whatever does not match up to your wrong assumptions.

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