Democrat Bill Clinton Subtly Accuses Barack Obama Of Being Unpatriotic


Tyrone Cannon

In a stump speech former U.S. Democrat president stated that it would be
much better if this November's presidential election were between two
candidates who loved their country--meaning, of course his wife Hillary and
Vietnam war hero, Republican John McCain. Clinton's statement implied that
Obama does not love his country, otherwise he would have left his
Afro-centric Chicago church of American-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.

Some liberals/Democrats, like Fox News' Alan Colmes, have tried to spin the
remark by saying that Clinton did not use any names. However, Obama campaign
advisor and spokesman General Merrill McPeak knew better. He said that
Clinton's slur was McCarthy-like. The late Republican senator and liberal
scourge Joe McCarthy, it should be noted, volunteered for combat duty in the
service his country during WW II.

"Majority rule in democracies is a threat to
individual liberties". ---Erik Maria von Kuehnelt--
Kuehnelt-Leddihn described himself an
enemy of all forms of totalitarianism and collectivism.
Anyone with half a brain, something no Obama supporter seems to have, could
clearly see that Bill was refering to Hillary and McSame being the two
nominees for president.

But no, the MSM has to spin it into "Bill bashes Obama" again.

No thanks Hillary, No thanks Obama, and no way in Hell McSame.

You're all damaged goods as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe I'll just stay home on election day.

Hell, if Al Gore said he was in tomorrow, I would probably do the happy

"Tyrone Cannon" <> wrote in message
> In a stump speech former U.S. Democrat president stated that it would be
> much better if this November's presidential election were between two
> candidates who loved their country--meaning, of course his wife Hillary
> and Vietnam war hero, Republican John McCain. Clinton's statement implied
> that Obama does not love his country, otherwise he would have left his
> Afro-centric Chicago church of American-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.
> Some liberals/Democrats, like Fox News' Alan Colmes, have tried to spin
> the remark by saying that Clinton did not use any names. However, Obama
> campaign advisor and spokesman General Merrill McPeak knew better. He said
> that Clinton's slur was McCarthy-like. The late Republican senator and
> liberal scourge Joe McCarthy, it should be noted, volunteered for combat
> duty in the service his country during WW II.
> --
> "Majority rule in democracies is a threat to
> individual liberties". ---Erik Maria von Kuehnelt--
> (1909--1999).
> Kuehnelt-Leddihn described himself an
> enemy of all forms of totalitarianism and collectivism.
On Mar 25, 2:47 pm, "Tyrone Cannon" <> wrote:
> In a stump speech former U.S. Democrat president stated that it would be
> much better if this November's presidential election were between two
> candidates who loved their country--meaning, of course his wife Hillary and
> Vietnam war hero, Republican John McCain. Clinton's statement implied that
> Obama does not love his country, otherwise he would have left his
> Afro-centric Chicago church of American-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.
> Some liberals/Democrats, like Fox News' Alan Colmes, have tried to spin the
> remark by saying that Clinton did not use any names. However, Obama campaign
> advisor and spokesman General Merrill McPeak knew better. He said that
> Clinton's slur was McCarthy-like. The late Republican senator and liberal
> scourge Joe McCarthy, it should be noted, volunteered for combat duty in the
> service his country during WW II.

If Obama wants to play that nasty political game, then Obama must
apologize to Edwards and Clinton and Kucinich and Dodd etc., because
Obama attacked them and slurred them. How? Obama called McCain a "good
man" in February, which by his campaign's reasoning means Obama called
all the other candidates bad people.

Bill Clinton did not subtly imply that Obama was anything. He told a
Veterans of Foreign Wars post why Clinton would be a better president
than McCain, and why Clinton would win in November. After that, Bill
said that given both Clinton and McCain were patriots who loved the
U.S, wouldn't it be nice if the candidates could be judged on issues
rather than extraneous stuff (which I'm sure includes nasty attacks by
Obama's campaign with Obama's blessing).

Bill Clinton: "I think it would be a great thing if we had an election
year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted
to the interest of this country, and people could actually ask
themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other
stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."

> --
> "Majority rule in democracies is a threat to
> individual liberties". ---Erik Maria von Kuehnelt--
> (1909--1999).
> Kuehnelt-Leddihn described himself an
> enemy of all forms of totalitarianism and collectivism.
"Tyrone Cannon" <> wrote in message
> In a stump speech former U.S. Democrat president stated that it would be
> much better if this November's presidential election were between two
> candidates who loved their country--meaning, of course his wife Hillary
> and Vietnam war hero, Republican John McCain. Clinton's statement implied
> that Obama does not love his country, otherwise he would have left his
> Afro-centric Chicago church of American-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.
> Some liberals/Democrats, like Fox News' Alan Colmes, have tried to spin
> the remark by saying that Clinton did not use any names. However, Obama
> campaign advisor and spokesman General Merrill McPeak knew better. He said
> that Clinton's slur was McCarthy-like. The late Republican senator and
> liberal scourge Joe McCarthy, it should be noted, volunteered for combat
> duty in the service his country during WW II.
> --
> "Majority rule in democracies is a threat to
> individual liberties". ---Erik Maria von Kuehnelt--
> (1909--1999).
> Kuehnelt-Leddihn described himself an
> enemy of all forms of totalitarianism and collectivism.

I must agree with Bill Clinton, I do have doubts now about Obama's
patriotism. But I also agree it was a McCarthy-like way for Clinton to say
On Mar 25, 3:47 pm, "Tyrone Cannon" <> wrote:
> In a stump speech former U.S. Democrat president stated that it would be
> much better if this November's presidential election were between two
> candidates who loved their country--meaning, of course his wife Hillary and
> Vietnam war hero, Republican John McCain. Clinton's statement implied that
> Obama does not love his country, otherwise he would have left his
> Afro-centric Chicago church of American-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright.
> Some liberals/Democrats, like Fox News' Alan Colmes, have tried to spin the
> remark by saying that Clinton did not use any names. However, Obama campaign
> advisor and spokesman General Merrill McPeak knew better. He said that
> Clinton's slur was McCarthy-like. The late Republican senator and liberal
> scourge Joe McCarthy, it should be noted, volunteered for combat duty in the
> service his country during WW II.

Clinton is treading on dangerous grounds since
he is an agent/advisor for several Arab countries
and bombed the serbs in Bosnia to help the
Albanian muslim terrorists

--- ---
Political correctness is destroying Europe.

America will be the next down the PC tube
greased by academic idiots like Scott Erb,
Noam Chumpsky, Ward Churchill, and
Slick Willy & Hilly, Algore & Pelosi, too.
And now there is Barak Hussein Obama too wrote:

> Bill Clinton did not subtly imply that Obama was anything. He told a
> Veterans of Foreign Wars post why Clinton would be a better president
> than McCain, and why Clinton would win in November. After that, Bill
> said that given both Clinton and McCain were patriots who loved the
> U.S, wouldn't it be nice if the candidates could be judged on issues
> rather than extraneous stuff (which I'm sure includes nasty attacks by
> Obama's campaign with Obama's blessing).

When Clinton was president I supported him 100% and in fact I have a
website dedicated to his accomplishments (Reagan Versus Clinton). But
understand this and never forget it. Clinton lied when he said Obama
didn't oppose the war and he also attacked the patriotism of Obama.

What Clinton said was more vile and more hate-filled than anything the
preacher said. He insinuated that only two candidates are patriotic;
the two who supported war for no reason, the two who lied about war for
no reason, the two who supported war for no reason long after they were
absolutely sure there were no WMD. Those two people are McCain and
Hillary. In our opinions, they are not patriots. They are cowards and

This sliming of a great American like Obama must never be forgotten.

Now on top of that we have Clinton telling us she misspoke when she said
she was shot at in Bosnia. If I was shot at, I'd remember every detail,
but when it didn't happen, that's a lie...a bald face lie.

We've had nearly eight years of lies under Bush. We don't need another
liar in the White House.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine:
On Mar 25, 7:18 pm, zzpat <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Bill Clinton did not subtly imply that Obama was anything. He told a
> > Veterans of Foreign Wars post why Clinton would be a better president
> > than McCain, and why Clinton would win in November. After that, Bill
> > said that given both Clinton and McCain were patriots who loved the
> > U.S, wouldn't it be nice if the candidates could be judged on issues
> > rather than extraneous stuff (which I'm sure includes nasty attacks by
> > Obama's campaign with Obama's blessing).

> When Clinton was president I supported him 100% and in fact I have a
> website dedicated to his accomplishments (Reagan Versus Clinton). But
> understand this and never forget it. Clinton lied when he said Obama
> didn't oppose the war and he also attacked the patriotism of Obama.
> What Clinton said was more vile and more hate-filled than anything the
> preacher said. He insinuated that only two candidates are patriotic;

Sorry, zzpat, but you are simply wrong about Bill Clinton's speech at
the Veteran of Foreign Wars post. Though I greatly admire your Reagan
versus Clinton website, you are taking Bill Clinton's words out of
context and twisting them.

What the Obama campaign is doing is exactly the same as saying Obama
insinuated that Edwards is a bad man and that Clinton is a bad woman
because in Feb Obama said that McCain was a good man. Obama's
campaign, to be consistent, would have to believe that Obama said lots
of vile things about his Democratic opponents when Obama said "John
McCain is a good man, an American hero, and we honor his half century
of service to this nation." Nobody believes that, because the context
does not support it.

Here's the video of Bill Clinton at VFW Stonewall Jackson Post talking
about reasons to vote for Clinton.

There is no reasonable way to see and hear the speech in context (Bill
Clinton, during the part of his speech about Clinton and McCain going
head to head, admits McCain loves his country as much as Clinton but
says Clinton can win on the issues if people stick to the issues) and
turn that into an insinuation that Obama does not love his country. No
veteran at that meeting has been reported as hearing it that way.
Please take the time to watch the video.

It saddens me to watch Obama step aside for his campaign co-chair to
make a personal attack on Bill Clinton based on an unsupported claim
that Bill Clinton said Obama was unpatriotic, so that Obama doesn't
make the personal attack himself.

> the two who supported war for no reason, the two who lied about war for
> no reason, the two who supported war for no reason long after they were
> absolutely sure there were no WMD. Those two people are McCain and
> Hillary. In our opinions, they are not patriots. They are cowards and

When you say "our opinions" for exactly what group are you the
spokesperson? Thanks.

> fools.
> This sliming of a great American like Obama must never be forgotten.
> Now on top of that we have Clinton telling us she misspoke when she said
> she was shot at in Bosnia. If I was shot at, I'd remember every detail,
> but when it didn't happen, that's a lie...a bald face lie.

Though you're far off topic, I agree with you. Any benefit Clinton
could get from her admirable 1990s visit to Bosnia to show
presidential level support for US soldiers, she way more than negated
with a whopper about personally witnessing sniper fire and a revised
tale about running to the vehicles because there might be sniper fire.
If Clinton had just repeated what she wrote in her memoirs 5 years ago
- that she remembers they shortened her event with local children on
the tarmac because there were reports of snipers in the hills around
the airport - she could have discussed the merits of the visit.

It reminded me of economist Robert Reich's book right after he left
the cabinet where he made up this big confrontation during
Congressional hearings, and then tried for a while to pretend that he
hadn't even though C-SPAN had video of the hearings. Left a sour taste
about Reich that still colors my perceptions of him when he strays
from economic theory to recollections of events.

> We've had nearly eight years of lies under Bush. We don't need another
> liar in the White House.
> --
> Impeach Bush
> Impeach Search Engine: