Democrats Caught Cheating, Again: Stuff Troop Bill with Pork


Patriot Games


Democrats Stuff Troop Bill with Pork Wires Saturday, March 10, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Democrats seeking votes for their Iraq-withdrawal plan have
stuffed the bill it's in with billions of dollars for farms, flu
preparedness, New Orleans levees, home heating and other causes.

Some critics say the Democrats are simply being opportunistic - using a
must-pass measure for funding U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to carry
items that can't advance as easily on their own.

At the same time, Democratic leaders are trying to increase support for
setting deadlines for ending U.S. military combat in Iraq, which they've
made part of the larger legislation.

It's plain that Democrats are unwilling to approve the bill's $100 billion
for Iraq and Afghanistan without devoting considerable sums of money to the
home front.

"The president wants to make sure we take care of Iraq, but I think we also
have to make sure that we don't lose sight of what we have to do here at
home," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill.

Already, money in the bill not directly related to the war exceeds $20

The funding - ranging from $3.5 billion for medical care for veterans and
active duty troops to $500 million in "emergency" money for a Western fire
season that has yet to start - has raised hackles with Republicans who say
Democrats are using the measure to muscle federal dollars back home.

"Wartime funding should be not used as a gravy train," said Senate GOP
conservative Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.

But Gregg said the White House would be hard-pressed to veto the bill over
the add-ons, and White House aides have conspicuously failed to issue one -
though a veto promise hangs over the bill because of its higher-profile
provisions setting a deadline for ending the U.S. military role in Iraq.

All told, farmers would get $4.3 billion in disaster aid, aimed chiefly at
the drought-stricken Great Plains and California farmers hurt by a hard
freeze earlier this year.

The drought disaster aid package has been scaled back, in part to make room
for $74 million for a peanut storage program that pays storage and handling
fees as farmers market their crop. And Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., is pressing
for $25 million for spinach farmers who pulled produce from market shelves
after last year's E. coli outbreak.

Meanwhile, House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., isn't
waiting on the upcoming farm bill to extend income subsidies aimed at small
dairy farms. Obey's 13-month extension would cost $283 million.

Those items and others, including $2.5 billion for homeland security
projects such as additional cargo screening at ports and airports, $2.9
billion for levee improvements and other aid for the Gulf Coast, and $735
million to close shortfalls in the State Children's Health Insurance
Program, offer virtually every lawmaker a reason to vote for the Iraq
funding bill - regardless of their feelings on the war itself.

Democrats insist they aren't being bought off.

"Absolutely not," said Rep. Jim Costa, a Democrat representing a farm
district in California's Central Valley. The California delegation is
demanding help for citrus, avocado and other farmers facing $1.2 billion in
losses from a devastating January freeze.

"I would support this one way or another," said Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., a
driving force behind the drought aid package.

In some cases, such as drought aid for farmers, new money for veterans
medical care and additional aid for the Gulf Coast, Democrats are fulfilling
promises from last year's campaign.

Still, the need to maximize the vote count among Democrats makes it harder
for party leaders to say "no" to lawmakers whose requests are, say, more

Republicans accused Democratic leaders of larding the bill with spending
aimed at greasing its way through Congress.

"They've tried to appease every member of Congress, every coalition, every
interest group, by loading this bill up," said Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill. He
said the strategy risked having the bill collapse of its own weight.

"If this is a sweetener deal, then it makes me real sour on the whole bill,"
said Rep. Lincoln Davis, D-Tenn.

There are a few lawmakers - such as Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore. - whose
support for war funding is contingent on add-ons. In DeFazio's case, it's
$400 million to extend payments to rural counties hurt by cutbacks in
federal logging.

The billions of dollars not requested by Bush include $1 billion to prevent
or prepare for a possible avian flu epidemic and $400 million in additional
heating subsidies for the poor.

Later Friday, the White House sent Congress $3.2 billion in revisions to its
$94.3 billion request for Pentagon operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
through Sept. 30.

The money would pay for 4,700 additional troops to support President Bush's
influx of 21,500 combat troops to stabilize Baghdad and Anbar province,
along with additional funds for vehicles with V-shaped bottoms more
resistant to roadside bombs. Another $510 million would send an additional
7,200 troops to Afghanistan to prepare for a Spring offensive by the Taliban
and to train Afghan security forces.

To keep costs down, the White House eliminated several much-criticized
requests for airplanes - including two next generation Joint Strike
Fighters - that never would have seen action in Iraq. Opponents said the
Pentagon was using the war funding bill to evade budget limits - much like
the criticism being leveled at Democrats for adding domestic items.