you know what royalorleans, your right, this is a soverign nation, but, your forgetting what this country was built on, IMMIGRANTS, and im not saying, let them all in, cuase that will only cuase problems, im saying, this country was built by immigrants for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, kicking them out is an insult to those that have died to make this country what it is today
im asking to make an immigrant exclusion act, forbidding all that are NOT students, educators, bussiness men, etc. etc.
im not saying, let the druggies and robbers come in, thats what a background check is neccesary,
if you give them a chance to become a citizen, they will stop crossing the border illegaly, and crossing it illegaly does not make them invaders, an invader is one that crosses a border (like you said) and attacks what it crosses (different thing), then they are terrorist, (im not saying that illegal immigrants are terrorist, becuase they have not attacked anything yet, unlike what happened in 9/11, yet, not all muslims are terrorist)
look i would know why some one would cross the border, my dad (step dad) is an illegal immigrant and he is in the process of be coming a citizen, hes a hard worker, tells me to do the right thing, sends me to school, works hard,
he actually fell off a latter one day in his work and kept working two days later, didnt complain, no "therapy" (that they offer in the hospital), nothing, just went back to work like nothing happened. seriously, do you want some one that devoted to work for you, **** i would
your right royal orleans, "We have the absolute right to deny citizenship, residency, and passage into our country."
but do you want to kick out the productive ones, the ones working, the ones not disturbing people, the ones that stay out of trouble, do you really want to kick them out, my dad isnt the only good illegal immigrant i know, his friends are too, and they work, play with their kids, stay out of trouble
tell me, what kind of a leader would kick someone out that is only being a good person, kicking them out is like saying, "we only what people that break the law, we get more money that way", and thats just wrong
and im not saying that all illegal immigrants are good people, some dont deserve to be in this country, and i mean like rapist, murderers, drug dealers, etc. etc. and if they as so much as come to this country, break the laws, they should be treated like we would treat one of our own, putting them in jail or something, with no probation, then kick them out
as for the other ones, we dont give them any of our rights as americans until they have become citizens, sucks, but if they want to be americans, they have to do as we say and be productive citizens, but nothing like making them eat dirt, you wouldnt want their country to do that to you, or would you love soem dirt?
what im saying is real easy to understand, block criminals, let students, educators, bussiness men, etc. etc. in, give them several years to be a productive citizen the entire time and not depending on the goverment...execpt for work. and if they cant be productive citizens, kick them out, we already have those making this country into **** that are NATURAL BORN CITIZENS, and we might adapt how they raise their kids (if its a good and effective way) and their traditions, like cinqo the mayo, saint patricks day, chinese new year (witch is in our calander)
and although you insulted, me royalorleans, atleast you werent like other ******** that can only put an insult