Deployment Toolkit 2012 RC1: Windows 7 policies and settings different, despite standard...



Imported Windows 7 Pro x86 and x64, made separate task sequences for each (Standard client task sequence), created new media including everything, copied all media to a flash drive. After running either task sequence, Windows 7 Pro is installed, but many of the policies and settings are different than they should be after a totally standard installation.

Even after changing known security options, I am unable to access a Linux-based file server that is essential to our network and organization; it asked for my username and password, then said it couldn't connect. The root of the issue, however, is not that I can't get to the server; the root of the issue is that MDT is somehow changing the default OS settings, even though I haven't asked it to.
For example, under Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options, the policy "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level" should be set by default to "Send NTLM response only."Instead, when deployed using LiteTouch Media from MDT, the OS default is "Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM and NTLM." This is only one of many options that are mysteriously different, and I obviously haven't found most of them, as I still cannot access our Linux file server.
I'm not sure if this issue is only with MDT 2012 RC1, or if it was this way with MDT 2010 as well. Has this happened to anyone?Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening? Should I just tell my boss to revert back to MDT 2010??
Hunter Buchanan
Computer Support Assistant
Life Sciences Computing Group
University of California, Santa Barbara

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