DeserTBob crying on his cash-cow fraudulent disability SSIcheck-along with Hillary

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Clinton "legacy" kaput-game over.

Weeping Hillary Clinton now underdog as Obama leads New Hampshire
Last updated at 13:28pm on 8th January 2008

Hillary Clinton's eyes fill up as she explains why she decided to run
for president
White House hopeful Barack Obama today stormed ahead of his
increasingly flagging rival Hillary Clinton as voting in the New
Hampshire primary began.

The former First Lady choked back tears as she acknowledged her one-
time clear lead had been wiped away and was now an underdog in the
campaign to become the Democrat's candidate in November's presidential

In the Republican race, Senator McCain has a lead over main rival Mitt

Candidates are hoping to gain momentum before 20 states hold their
elections on February 5, known as Super Tuesday.

Two tiny hamlets, Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, traditionally
the first to vote in New Hampshire, opened their polling stations at
midnight giving small, early victories to Mr Obama and Mr McCain.

Most of the rest of the state began voting at 6am local time (11am).

Polls close at 8pm (1am Wednesday) and first results are expected
shortly afterwards.

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A pensive moment: The wife of former US president Bill Clinton has
much to think about as she faces a possible second defeat to Barack
Obama in New Hampshire

New York Senator Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee were among
the candidates who turned up at polling stations as they opened in a
last-minute bid for votes.

After a disappointing second-place showing behind Mr Huckabee in last
week's Iowa's caucuses - the opening battle of the primary season - Mr
Romney needs a strong showing in New Hampshire to keep his campaign

Hillary Clinton's eyes fill up as she explains why she decided to run
for president
"Right now it's a neck-and-neck race," he told reporters in Stratham,
New Hampshire, on Monday.
"But with the debate last night and the support I received from that
debate I anticipate winning tomorrow."

Opinion polls indicate that Mr Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor
and Baptist minister, is polling third.

Both are threatened by a resurgent Mr McCain who after seeing his
campaign nearly derail last summer, has concentrated much of his time
and money on New Hampshire.

Other Republican candidates have been looking beyond New Hampshire
primary to focus on states that go to the polls later.

Former New York mayor Mr Giuliani has been focusing on Florida's 29
January contest, hoping to gain momentum going into Super Tuesday.

Actor and former Senator Fred Thompson has been campaigning in South
Carolina, where Republicans vote on 19 January.

Humbled Mrs Clinton's voice trembled with emotion as she told a group
of undecided New Hampshire voters in a coffee shop that politics for
her was personal.

"It's not easy, and I could not do it if I just didn't passionately
believe it was the right thing to do.

She may well laugh, but there is little to smile about in terms of her
presidential campaign
"I have had so many opportunities from this country, I just don't want
us to fall backwards," she said.
She has seen her lead in the polls eclipsed by Mr Obama who told
cheering supporters in Claremont, New Hampshire, that "you're the wave
and I'm riding it".

Analysts say New Hampshire's large bloc of independents - about 45% of
registered voters - could be key to swinging the primary.

Mr Obama, in particular, showed strong appeal at Iowa's caucuses among
such voters, who are registered as neither Republican nor Democratic.

Despite a USA Today/Gallup poll indicating a 13 per cent lead for Mr
Obama, Mrs Clinton vowed to "keep going until the end of the process
on 5 February " no matter what the result of the New Hampshire vote.

While Iowa and New Hampshire - two of the earliest contests - do not
necessarily produce a winner from either campaign, they can boost
contenders' chances ahead of primaries in larger states.

Bookmakers Ladbrokes have McCain as the third best bet after Obama and
Clinton to be next president, giving him odds of 6/1, with Giuliani
fourth at 7/1 and Huckabee at 8/1.
On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 06:30:47 -0800 (PST), trippin-2-8-track
<> wrote:

>http://www.dailymail <snip>

Gee, Noodles...why are you quoting "foreign scumbag" papers (your own
terminology, remember?) in a US election? Of course, the article is
correct, but now you've got a little's COPYRIGHTED
MATERIAL and you've reused it WITHOUT PERMISSION...just like you dupe
off tons of useless fraud 8 track tapes and try to sell them as being
geniune...part of why your eBay fraud account, "66-catalina", is
sucking air..

New Hampshire: Obama and McCain.

By the way...if you continue to make claims that I receive "fraudulent
SSI checks," I'd come up with some hard evidence, and soon...which you
can't, because I don't. Keep it up, and you could face serious