Details of Shocking US Missteps in Iraq ( t r u t h o u t )



Former Navy soldier/private contractor imprisoned and tortured in Iraq
by US military sues Rumsfeld; senior Iraqi official publishes account
of White House's rank amateurism, swaggering arrogance, monumental
ignorance and shocking mismanagement of Iraq; 10 US troops die in
Iraq, US military deaths in Iraq at 3,280; Cindy Sheehan urges Bush to
"end this madness" in Iraq in a march toward Bush's ranch in Crawford,
Texas; Robert Parry writes on Bush and Cheney's continuous lies - "as
if they have the power and the right to manufacture reality itself";
The New York Times on the layers of scandal in the Bush White House;
US-run detention camps in Iraq have become a breeding ground for
extremists; and more ... Browse our continually updating front page at

t r u t h o u t | 04.09

American Tortured in Iraq Sues Rumsfeld
Donald Vance was falsely accused by the US military of aiding
terrorists. He was held without charge for more than three months in a
high-security prison in Iraq, and subjected to psychological torture
day and night without legal counsel or even a phone call to his
family. On Wednesday, the former private security contractor was
honored for his ordeal and for speaking out against the incident. In
Washington, Vance received the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling, an
award named in memory of Army helicopter gunner Ron Ridenhour, who
struggled to bring the horrific mass murders at My Lai to the
attention of Congress and the Pentagon during the Vietnam War.

Details of Shocking US Missteps in Iraq
In a rueful reflection on what might have been, an Iraqi government
insider details in 500 pages the US occupation's "shocking"
mismanagement of his country. A performance so bad that by 2007 Iraqis
had "turned their backs on their would-be liberators." "The corroded
and corrupt state of Saddam was replaced by the corroded, inefficient,
incompetent and corrupt state of the new order," Ali A. Allawi
concludes in "The Occupation of Iraq," newly published by Yale
University Press.

10 US Troops Die in Iraq; Six on Sunday
Among the 10 US deaths announced Sunday were three soldiers killed by
a roadside bomb while patrolling south of Baghdad; one killed in an
attack south of the capital; and two, who died of combat wounds
sustained north of the capital in Diyala and Salahuddin provinces. On
Saturday, the military said, another four US soldiers were killed in
an explosion near their vehicle in Diyala. At least 3,280 members of
the US military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war.

Iraq War Protester Marches to Bush's Ranch
Iraq war protester Cindy Sheehan urged Bush to "end this madness" in
Iraq on Friday in a march toward Bush's ranch. Sheehan, a vocal
protester of the war since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq
in 2004, also expressed disappointment with Democrats in charge of the
US Congress for failing to stop the war.

Robert Parry | Bush/Cheney Still Lie With Abandon
Robert Parry writes, "What makes George W. Bush and Dick Cheney such
extraordinary threats to the future of American democracy is their
readiness to tell half-truths and outright lies consistently without
any apparent fear of accountability."

The New York Times | Another Layer of Scandal
"As Congress investigates the politicization of the United States
attorney offices by the Bush administration, it should review the
extraordinary events the other day in a federal courtroom in
Wisconsin. The case involved Georgia Thompson, a state employee sent
to prison on the flimsiest of corruption charges just as her boss, a
Democrat, was fighting off a Republican challenger," writes the New
York Times.

US Prisons in Iraq Are Breeding Ground for Extremists
US-run detention camps in Iraq have become a breeding ground for
extremists, where Islamic militants recruit and train supporters.
Prisons have long served as an incubator for radicals, and mass
roundups by the US military after the 2003 invasion are now blamed for
antagonizing Iraq's Sunni Arab population and feeding the insurgency.
