Devices and Printers empty - bad device experience


N Orcutt


I also am having a problem like "Devices and Printers no show." When I installed Windows 7 32-bit on mg 4 Gb Dell D830 laptop, the Devices and Printers screen showed several devices, like the mouse and keyboard. I added 4 network printers and a scanner and they showed as well. A couple of weeks later, the Devices and Printers window became empty. I added another printer from within Notepad, and still nothing showed in Devices and Printers. The printers, my scanner and other devices all work properly. When I plug in a USB memory key, nothing shows up in Devices and Printers.

I checked in my account's dmrcache\en-US directory, and there is one subdirectory in it, with a GUID name. I checked in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceMetadataStore\en-US, and there are two files there, with names like GUID.devicemetadata-ms.

Even though I have no bluetooth devices, I tried stopping and restarting the bluetooth service to fix Devices and Printers as reported on several internet sites, but nothing improved. I don't think I have that problem anyway, because my Devices and Printers starts quickly and does not delay for a long time like it did with the people who had problems with the bluetooth service.

So, do I have a problem with WMIS? Has some device metadata disappeared? Do I have missing registry keys? Did a Windows Update kill my Devices and Printers?

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