Did Huckabee Go Too Far?....YES!!!

  • Thread starter AnAmericanCitizen
  • Start date


Huckabee showed off the spot to the journalists, knowing full well his negative
message would seep out of the room. He told the media to pay close attention.
"You're not going to get a copy of it," he warned, "so this is your chance to see it,
then after that you'll never see it again."

ON DEADLINE: Did Huckabee go too far? By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press Writer
Mon Dec 31, 4:56 PM ET

DES MOINES, Iowa - Mike Huckabee may have finally gone too far.

After running an unconventional, surprisingly strong and sometimes strange race to
the top tier of the Republican presidential campaign, the former Arkansas governor
topped himself Monday with a campaign stunt that smacked of hypocrisy.

He called a news conference to unveil a negative ad that he had just withdrawn from
Iowa television stations because, he told a room full of journalists recording the
ad, he had a sudden aversion to negative politics. Quite a convenient epiphany.

"If people want to be cynical about it," Huckabee said, "they can be cynical about

If he loses Iowa's caucuses, New Year's Eve will forever mark the day Huckabee blew
"AnAmericanCitizen" <NoAmnesty@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> Huckabee showed off the spot to the journalists, knowing full well his
> negative
> message would seep out of the room. He told the media to pay close
> attention.
> "You're not going to get a copy of it," he warned, "so this is your chance
> to see it,
> then after that you'll never see it again."


I'm very surprised that a lot of the media DIDN'T let him get away with
showing it without showing it.