Did you know that watching FUX News can actually make you stupid?


Harry Hope

Hands up who couldn't see this coming a mile away?

This morning on Fox News, hosts of the show Fox and Friends blamed the
wildfires in California on a new culprit: al Qaeda.

They pointed to a 2003 FBI memo, which raised the possibility that al
Qaeda may try to set wildfires around the western United States.

They also noted that men in a "hovering helicopter" saw "a guy
starting one of these fires."

Well that settles it!

Since there is no other evidence to the contrary, clearly he must have
been a member of al Qaeda!

So, Fox and Friends, tell me this:

if the surge is working, and we're fighting them over there so we
don't have to fight them over here, how come they've managed to set
southern California on fire?

Perhaps this is just their way of thanking us for bringing freedom and
democracy to the Middle East.

It's okay though, because:

Later in the segment, host Steve Doocy acknowledged that in memo, al
Qaeda didn't even mention California.

"They mention Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming," he added.

Did you know that studies have shown that watching Fox News can
actually make you stupid?

Seriously, I'm not kidding.

By EarlG
Democratic Underground

Harry Hope wrote:
> This morning on Fox News, hosts of the show Fox and Friends blamed the
> wildfires in California on a new culprit: al Qaeda.
> They pointed to a 2003 FBI memo, which raised the possibility that al
> Qaeda may try to set wildfires around the western United States.
> They also noted that men in a "hovering helicopter" saw "a guy
> starting one of these fires."

> Well that settles it!
> Since there is no other evidence to the contrary, clearly he must have
> been a member of al Qaeda!

The Bush White House blamed the Taliban for 911 even though they had
nothing to do with it. Dumb people believed the lies put out by the
Bush White House and they soon fell for the lies about WMD in Iraq to
justify another war.

Now they're falling for more lies about forest fires and Iran. It's not
an accident...it's a plan....a very evil plan hatched by the GOP and
their disciples to destroy all known truth and let evil reign.

Religious people seem the most gullible to this evil.

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