Did you know this is "empty holster" week on college campuses?


Joe S.

Good grief.

We used to have to worry about STDs, too much alcohol, and our college
sports team losing a championship game. Now we have to be worried about
junior NRA members on campus.

This week they have launched something called "Empty Holster" Week. This
group of collegians is protesting that they can't pack heat on campuses.

Forget for the moment that you have be 21 to buy a handgun, which excludes
most undergraduates. Forget that you might find the open discourse and
freedom of thought a bit chilled by knowing someone who doesn't agree with
you in class is also locked and loaded. Forget for the moment that most
colleges are still a place where alcohol abounds, and guns and liquor don't

Just think about this. Does anyone believe that a fraternity full of armed
guys is going to make a college safer or less safe? Has anyone been to a Big
Ten school for instance and seen what a fraternity lawn looks like the day
after a Saturday night party?

Does anyone beyond the brainwashed gun advocates of the world take this idea

Apparently, whoever is behind concealedcampus.org does, as does the NRA. As
GunGuys has reported, the NRA has made the carrying of hidden guns on campus
a priority, and has successfully forced universities - against their will -
to allow students to carry guns into classrooms in Utah, for example.

The first link in the "concealed campus" website is to the NRA; the second
is to the Second Amendment Foundation; and the third is to the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Are you getting the picture?

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is to the right
of the NRA and run by Alan Gottlieb, who has made a business out of
overseeing pro-gun organziations. (He also was convicted of felony tax
evasion a few years back, but that's another story.)

We should note that the "concealedcampus.org" website warns participants in
the "Empty Holster" week occurring now:

"Do not carry ANYTHING in your holster. Some members have suggested the
idea of carrying cell phones or other personal items in their holsters, as a
way of showing that the holsters themselves are harmless; however, SCCC
strongly discourages against doing so. Aside from the fact that a casual
observer's overactive imagination might lead him or her to believe that the
item in your holster is actually a gun.."

In short, even these young Charlton Heston wannabees recognize that the
presence of a handgun itself might set off an unwanted chain of events.

All we can hope is that this is not "Bud Light" week at campuses across the

Otherwise, we are in for some trouble
"Joe S." <no_one@nosuch.net> wrote in message
> This week they have launched something called "Empty Holster" Week. This
> group of collegians is protesting that they can't pack heat on campuses.
> Does anyone believe that a fraternity full of armed guys...

Accoring to The Center for the Study of the College Fraternity at Indiana
University total fraternity and sorority membership was 13% in 1997, and 12%
in 2000 and has been in decline for many years.

So you would condemn 88% of all college students to being unarmed victims
because MAYBE some small portion of 12% of them have a wild party now and

> Does anyone beyond the brainwashed gun advocates of the world take this
> idea seriously?

Yes, its already legal at some colleges and spreading.