Did you see that pig Kanye West?


New member
It was the MTV Video Music Awards last night in New York. Taylor Swift won the award for the best female video. She's 19-years-old and she sings country music. That's not exactly the target demo for the MTV Video Music Awards.

Sooooooo .... Swift is on stage accepting her award when Kanye West runs up and grabs the microphone away from her and said "Yo Taylor. I'm really happy for you I'm let you finish, bit Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time ...." West then left the stage to boos .. and Swift didn't get the chance to finish her acceptance remarks.

Later when Beyonce was accepting her award for the best music video of the year (that would be male and female) she invited Taylor out on stage to finish her remarks. That showed real class.

Now .. since we're so busy slinging charges of racism around, let's acknowledge that if it had been a black female on the stage and the microphone had been grabbed from her by a white male, all racial **** would have broken loose. Do you remember that presidential debate some years back when a Republican male candidate walked up to Hillary Clinton while she was answering a question? The media was quick to condemn the move as sexist. Let's see where those same people are today.

Kanye West once again shows that he is a classless pig.


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New member
I didn't see it live, but I watched the videos this morning.

I'm not a huge fan of either of them, but I felt so bad for Taylor. Kanye just showed the world, yet again, what a classless *** he really is.

And, yes... he could take some lessons in class and grace from Beyonce.



New member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxKIcrDsJAs]YouTube - MTV VMAs Remix: Kanye West Interrupts Obama's Speech (HD)[/ame]


New member
Kayne is, and always has been, a gonormous tool.

Major props to Beyonce for doing her part to make it right. and more major props to whomever gives Kayne the asswhopping aof a lifetime now.



New member
Ain't Beyonce a female? How can she win best video of the year but not best female video of the year?
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