Difficulty accessing Google with IE8



Specs: Windows 7 pro, 64-bit. Internet Explorer 8.
When entering text in the Google search field, I got a pop-up box asking, "Do you want to view only the web content that was delivered securely?", so set "Display mixed content" to "Enabled". Still got the warning. I eventually enabled mixed content for all zones (Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites, and even Restricted sites). I'm still getting the pop-up. I added google.com to my list of trusted sites, but still get the warning.
I also get a warning that IE has blocked Active-X scripts from running on the page. Again, this occurs even when I specifically enable Active-X. If I click the info bar and allow scripts to run, the page clears, and as soon as I type something, I get both warnings again.
Note that the warning does not appear when I open www.google.com, just when I start typing something into the search field. I do not get these warnings for any site other than Google. I have the same problems on a second system running Win 7 Home Premium and IE8. I do not get these warnings on another computer running Win XP Pro with IE8. I do not get these warnings with Firefox or Chrome (on Win 7 or Win XP).
Oh, yes - I've tried with my anti-virus off, as well as on - no difference. I don't believe I have any IE plug-ins or add-ons or extensions running. I don't have Google toolbar or Google Desktop Search installed (as far as I know).
Is Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 specifically designed to cripple Google? Is there some other setting I'm missing somewhere?

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