Digital Bolex, a cinema-quality camera for the masses, shown off at SXSW [video]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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During the annual South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, Digital Bolex showcased its retro 2k resolution RAW video camera. Up until now, RAW-capable video cameras were extremely pricey, costing tens of thousands of dollars or more. Relative to these high-end units, the Digital Bolex will be very affordable when it launches later this year. The Digital Bolex is a reinvention of the original Bolex 16mm motion picture camera, with the added ability to use interchangeable lenses. The camera’s 16 millimeter-equivalent sensor can record in Adobe Cinema DNG to an SD card, and it features a 2.4-inch adjustable LCD viewfinder. The project is being fully funded through Kickstarter, and has already surpassed its first two goals of $100,000 and $200,000, as it inches closer to its current $250,000 goal. The first 100 cameras will be available in August for $3,300, with pre-orders for the general public beginning shortly after for a fall release. A video containing Digital Bolex test footage follows below. <span id="more-131721"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report