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"involved with the leadership of Freemasonry) and the Duchess of York (also
Illuminati) selected Mickey Mouse chinaware as gifts for 600 children. This
was after Walt spent time with her in 1934. The League of Nations (the
pre-W.W. II equivalent of the U.N.) took the time to vote its approval of
Mickey Mouse. (Finch, Christopher. The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse
to the Magic Kingdom . NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1975, p. 53.) There is no
doubt that Walt Disney had talent. There is also no doubt from the record
that powerful people wanted to promote him. No doubt his 320 Masonic
membership and his DeMolay activities helped boost his support, and also
helped Walt's bent toward the occult. Let's digress just to let people in on
Freemasonry's involvement with acting and motion pictures. The famous 233
Club was a masonic chapter for actors who were Freemasons. Examples of
actors who were Freemasons include John Aasen, Gene Autry, Monte Blue and
Humphrey Bogart, Douglas McClean, John Wayne. Then there is T.V. DJ Dick
Clark. Examples of Motion picture executives who were Freemasons incl. Ellis
G. Arnall (Pres. of the Soc. of Ind. Motion Picture Producers), Will H. Hays
(Czar of motion pictures 1922-45, and Pres. Motion Picture Produces &
Distributors of Amer. Inc.), Benj. B. Kahane (v.p. & dir. Assoc. of Motion
Picture Producers, Inc.), Carl Laemmle (Pres. Univ. Pictures Corp til '36),
Frank E. Mullen ( man. dept of info. RCA, VP NBC '39-'46, exec. VP NBC '46-'48),
David Sarnoff (Chrm. of Bd. Radio Corp. of Amer. & ,,father" of American
television), Jack M. Warner (v.p. of Warner Bros.) and the President & dir.
of Universal Pictures since 1952. The Freemasons have made much of Walt
Disney's membership in their membership sales pitches. Because the 2 Disney
brothers' chief contributions to the production of Disney films were the
finances and occassionally the ideas used in a film, it is rather
misrepresentative of things that Walt Disney got all the credit for the
success and quality of the Disney cartoons. He was showered with 700 awards
and honors from important people, including 30 oscars, and the Presidential
Medal of Freedom (in '64). Walt Disney's great animators never got the
credit they deserved, but no one should forget that Walt was the driving
force that inspired and guided his workers. In 1934, Walt Disney made a
cartoon about a goddess of the Mystery Religions named Persephone. In the
cartoon entitled The Goddess of Spring, the goddess Persephone is captured
by Satan as his bride and sent to the underworld, with the agreement she
could return to earth six months of each year. The Illuminati have rituals
around Persephone. On Dec. 21, 1937, Disney premiered the first full-length
color cartoon movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." This cartoon had
taken $1.4 in depression-time money and three years to make. Over 750
artists worked on the film. Walt Disney had gotten the idea from a silent
movie of Snow White which he saw as a boy in 1917. The movie has an
important occult theme to it, and has been used for occult mind-control
programming. When the 1940's got started, Disney was in financial
difficulties. At this point, Nelson Rockefeller hired his cartoon
capabilities to make cartoons for South America, with the idea that South
Americans would remain loyal to the American capitalist hegemony, rather
than shift to rising ideologies of fascism/nazism, if they saw Walt Disney
cartoons. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 8/24/42, Disney did its world
premiere of Saludo Amigos, a 42 minute feature about Latin America. Goofy
becomes a gaucho, a parrot teaches Donald Duck to dance the samba, as well
as Disney art showing various landscapes of Brazil in the film. However, the
film The Three Caballeros, if it was meant to encourage South American
loyalty to American capitalism, completely failed. The Three Caballeros
showed a sexually lecherous Donald Duck who in bad taste tries to make it
with latin women. The mysticism was also seen as bogus. Although the latin
Americans hated the film, the establishment media's Look magazine praised
it. Another reason that Rockefeller sent Walt to South America was to get
him out of the way so that the government could settle the strike by Disney
workers. Nelson Rockefeller was the government's Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs, a good position considering how much of South
America the Rockefeller's controlled. Rockefeller told Disney that Disney
couldn't beat the strikers, but that while Walt was in South America, FDR
would see to it that the strike got settled. When Disney returned he
submitted to the powers that were, and accepted the unions and the mafia's
control. Another change for Walt Disney was that in 1940, he and Roy turned
Disney into a "public corporation" and initially sold 755,000 shares of
common stock. The Illuminati Boston firm of Kidder, Peabody & Co. were the
underwriters of the studio's public stock-offerings. By 1940, the Disney
Studio at Burbank had become a miniature city with 1,000 men & women
employees and 20 buildings on a 51 acre tract of land. After the U.S. joined
W.W. II, Disney Productions were made a part of the American military
establishment. The very next day after Pearl Harbor, the military moved onto
the Disney Studio, which leads this author to suspect that Disney was
already part of the power establishment prior to the war breaking out.
Disney made military movies/cartoons that taught the different branches of
the military many things. They made propaganda movies for the allies. One
series of films was "Why we fight." Disney made movies for the IRS to get
people to pay their taxes. Some of the Disney films were top, secret, and
concerned secret military weapons or secret psychological tactics of the
Americans. For instance, one military film was "Army Psycho Therapy" which
taught army men how to instill fear, and about the basics of fear. Another
army film was "Prostitution & the War". Another showed a carrier pigeon
evading the Germans. In 1940, Disney came out with 2 full length animated
cartoons, Pinocchio and Fantasia, both of which were soon used for
Illuminati mind-control programming. Fantasia contains Schubert's sacred
Catholic music Ave Maria, which was used in a concluding segment side to
side with the profane Night on Bald Mountain song, as well as six other
classical pieces of orchestra music. As a feature cartoon it was a flop, but
as a programming tool it was fantastic. Fantasia receives a comprehensive
explanation of how it is used for mind-control programming at the end of
this chapter. Because an explanation of the use of a Disney film for
mind-control is complex, this explanation is placed at the end of the
chapter so that it won't interrupt the flow of this chapter's information.
The Pinocchio film has been redone and released 9 times over the years. Some
of the next full length animated films to come out were: The Three
Caballeros (1945) The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad ('49) Cinderella
(1950) Treasure Island (1950) Alice In Wonderland (1951) The Story of Robin
Hood & His Merrie Men (1952) Peter Pan (1953) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
(1954) Sleeping Beauty (1959) Very soon after the production of all of these
movies, the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies used them for
Illuminati total mind-control programming. To see their misuse as
programming scripts one has to understand how the fantasy worlds of a
programmed multiple are created and how the movie scripts are adapted to be
programming scripts. Vol. 2 gave quite a few examples of how Alice In
Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz scripts were used for programming scripts.
When Disney had his animal-nature documentaries, he edited and used
narration to give the animals human like characteristics--something he'd
already been doing with animation. Disney played an important part in the
Illuminati's plan to elevate animals and dehumanize humans. One of the
biggest Illuminati kingpins, and leader (Grand Master) of the Prieure de
Sion was frenchman Claude Debussy (bn.1862). Claude Debussy, a Merovingian,
was Nautonnier (Navigator-helmsman) of the Prieure de Sion from 1885-1918.
(See the document Dossiers secrets, planche no. 4, Ordre de Sion, written
about in Holy Blood, Holy Grail.) In 1891, when some secret coded parchments
(Merovingian documents) were found by a french clergyman Sauniere, he was
directed by church officials to visit with Emile Hoffet, an occult
acquaintance of Debussy. Debussy was close friends with many of the top
french occultists of his time. He is known to have been a close friend to
both the notorious satanists Jules Bois and MacGregor Mathers. Mathers
started the Order of the Golden Dawn. Debussy was also a friend of the
infamous Papus (aka Dr. Gerard Encausse) and W.B. Yeats. Papus was one of
the men who during his lifetime was part of the interlocking occult
directorate of occult groups. Claude Debussy put some works of the previous
P.d.S. Grand Master Victor Hugo to music. Debussy and his other powerful
occult friends were influential with Monsieur Philippe, whose Russian occult
circle influenced the Russian Czars and Czarinas before Rasputin came
around. Debussy travelled to Russia and Rome. Some of Debussy's works became
operas. Interestingly, Walt Disney was extremely anxious to make a cartoon
using Debussy's Clair de Lane. The work was done, but it was never shown to
the public. Disney never found a place to use it. It was originally done
with animation with flying cranes for the occult extravaganza Fantasia, but
when the Fantasia ended up too long, Clair de Lane was cut and shelved. It
was again planned for the film Make Mine Music, but then Blue Bayou was
substituted in. Walt used the Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring)
music for Fantasia. This piece of music was written AS a pagan ritual where
a virgin sacrifices herself by dancing to death. Disney's mobster Gunther
Lessing had threatened Stravinsky if permission weren't given for Disney to
use the piece of music, it would be used anyway. Dr. Julian Huxley got
involved in the production of Fantasia. Aldous and Julian Huxley are well
known by conspiracy researchers for their roles in the World Order. In the
1940's and 1950's, the Illuminati began using Disney's Alice In Wonderland
and the Wizard of Oz films as programming bases for their total
mind-controlled slaves. Alice in Wonderland had been done many years earlier
by the Britisher William Cameron Menzies (who also did Freemason H.G. Wells'
masonic forecast of the New World Order entitled "Things to Come" in 1936,
and the film Invaders From Mars.). In 1944, Illuminati Kingpin William
Randolph Hearst (with some minor help from others) funded the Motion Picture
Alliance, and Walt Disney became a co-founder and its first Vice-President.
In the early 1950's, Walt turned his attention from animated cartoons to
other projects, such as True-Life-Adventures, television shows, and the
creation of Disneyland. Seal Island was his first true life adventure which
was released to the general public on May 4, 1949, and soon won Walt Disney
an Oscar. Alfred and Elma Milotte had shot the film on some Alaskan Islands
named Pribilof Islands. James Algar had put the movie together. In 1952,
Walter spelled his named backwards to create the name of another corporation
,,Retlaw". Roy and his family saw the move as an attempt to cut them out of
the financial picture. In 1954, Walt Disney and ABC made a agreement. ABC
would directly invest half a million US dollars as well as guarantee $4.5
million in loans for the construction of Disneyland. This made ABC 1/3 owner
of Disneyland. In return, Walt Disney agreed to produce a regular television
series for ABC. Remember too that ABC's president Leonard Goldenstein was a
good friend of Ronald Reagan. On July 13, 1955, Walt and Lillian were
attempting to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary at a park and
restaurant. Walt got too drunk to speak into the microphone, so he blew
noisemakers into it, while Lillian rushed to pull him out of view. In 1961,
Disney bought out the ABC investment (also labelled Paramount) for $7.5
million with cash and notes, and to bring this all up to date, later on July
31, 1995, Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC, with Disney in nominal
control. Actually Capital Cities has long been a CIA front company, so the
merger placed Disney squarely within the CIA ranks, although it had been in
bed with them for the CIA's entire history. The Illuminati-controlled
corporations of Coca-Cola and the drug firm Johnson and Johnson became
sponsors for Disney's early TV shows. On 7/3/57, the Wall St. Journal
announced that Atlas Corp. got 26% interest in Walt Disney Productions. Walt
Disney worked quietly with some consultants on the concepts behind
Disneyland. His brother and nephew tried to prevent the project from
happening. Later they requested that Walt sign over Disneyland, Inc. to Walt
Disney Productions, which Walt did. Walt kept 17.25 % of Disneyland holdings
and Walt Disney Productions got the rest. Walt Disney Productions then
shared their portion with others. The man who helped Walt finance Disneyland
was the executive vice-pres. of ABC Kintner. Walt Disney got the Illuminati's
Stanford Research Institute to determine what would be the best site for
Disneyland. A retired Navy admiral Joe Fowler was in charge of constructing
both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. How do admirals fit into the power
structure? Admirals are briefed each day, and are given information
concerning the secret power structure. Most men who are at that military
level are Illuminati or at least well controlled by the system. Within the
last few years there has been an intense effort to weed out any admirals who
are not loyal to the Illuminati. Morgan-Evans, who lives in Malibu, and who
may be of the famous Morgan clan, was the one who created the spectacular
landscapes for Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and EPCOT in FL. According to
CIA informants opposed to the NWO, CIA contractors were brought in to build
the underground tunnels under Disneyworld in 1977. These contractors were
sworn to secrecy, but were only informed on a need to know basis why the CIA
was involved with an amusement park. To work on the secret tunnel project
took an "Above Top Secret" clearance. A major programming center was
constructed under Lake Holden. (Many of the lakes in Florida are named Lake
So-and-so, rather than So-and-so Lake.) The tunnel system was built for
programming trauma-based total mind-controlled slaves. It was built of
concrete with steel reinforcement. Lake Holden lies just to the northwest
side of the Orlando International Airport and just south of Interstate 4.
(It is close to Range 29E on quad maps.) It is only (as the crow flies)
about 12 miles from Disneyworld. In spite of Draconian measures of secrecy,
numerous lawsuits (Fed. & State) were filed over the years by victims trying
to expose the Disneyworld programming tunnels, so that finally the
programming center was dismantled, cleaned up and a ,,maintenance" tunnel
level and a ,,casting" tunnel level were opened to the public. During its
heyday, the programmers (military & intelligence men) had exotic offices
underground with unusual programming equipment. It doesn't take any
imagination to realize that if Disney carried mind-control programming above
and below ground, that they would need tight security forces to protect
their secrets. Indeed, such is the case........"

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