DNA Confirms Dead ****** James Brown Was ****ing Everything With a Pulse


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DNA Confirms Another James Brown Child
NewsMax.com Wires Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2007

AIKEN, S.C. -- A woman has proven through DNA testing that she is a child of
the late James Brown, said a longtime adviser to the soul singer. The woman
is the third person to determine through DNA testing done after Brown's
death that the singer is their father, Buddy Dallas told The Augusta (Ga.)
Chronicle on Monday.

About a dozen DNA tests have been performed. Some people have been ruled out
as Brown's children, while other tests are pending, said Dallas, who would
not release details about any of the newly found children.

Dallas did not return a message left Tuesday at his office by The Associated

Brown's will, which is being disputed in court, names six children.

One of the children found through DNA testing is LaRhonda Petitt, a
45-year-old retired flight attendant and teacher in Houston. She said the
test showed that there is a 99.99 percent probability she is Brown's

The paper reported a Florida woman confirmed she also is one of Brown's
children, but told the paper she did not want to be publicly identified.

The DNA testing happened after Brown died Dec. 25 of heart failure at age

One possible child of Brown's who hasn't had a DNA test is 6-year-old James
Brown II, the son of Tomi Rae Hynie. Hynie was one of Brown's backup singers
and said she is the singer's fourth wife. But Brown's attorneys continue to
dispute that claim, and the boy and his mother are not in the singer's will.

Hynie's attorney, Robert Rosen, said she hasn't changed her mind about DNA
testing for her son.

"She believes all the children should be treated equally," Rosen said. "If
all the children agree to a DNA test, she will consent to one for James II."

A private guardian for the boy also opposes the test, Rosen said.