Do Many Jews Believe They Collectively Are The Messiah?



I was reading a Jewish website where the writer, rejecting Jesus as
the Messiah, claimed that the Messiah is all of the Jews collectively.
But think about that for a minute. When Jesus Christ claimed to be the
Messiah He was accused of blasphemy. At least Jesus Christ fulfilled
all of the Bible prophecies for the Messiah, being born in Bethlehem,
being crucified, etc. But for the Jews to think they are the Messiah,
that goes way beyond racism. Talk about pride. And then they turn
around and call all the rest of us the "goyim," which I understand
means cattle. So they are the human beings, even gods, and all the
rest of us are animals. How can you get more proud than that? Maybe
that's why the Israelis routinely torture Palestinians but never
torture Jews. Maybe that's why the Israelis have had a policy for
years to kill at least 10 Arabs for every Jew that dies in conflict.

Jewish people, wake up. You're being misled by your rabbis. These
teachings go back to Babylon. The Jews were captives and
Nebuchadnezzar demanded all Jewish slaves to bow down and worship him.
And all did except Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego, and Daniel. And this
is when modern Judaism began. The Talmud, Kabbalah and other racist,
occultic books were written then by these Jewish idolaters. These
books were added to the Bible and often contradict the Bible. The
Bible teaches that pride is a sin, for example, but these books
promote pride. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit
before a fall," Proverbs 16:18, for example. Just look up the word
"kabballah" in a dictionary and it will say this is an occultic book,
while the Bible said, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," Exodus
22:18. Deuteronomy 18:10 also condemns practises of occultism.

And if you read through the Old Testament of the Bible as I have done
you won't come to the conclusion that the Jews are the human beings
and everyone else is subhuman. But the rabbis are teaching that the
Ten Commandments, for example, only applies to other Jews. A Jew
should not kill another Jew, or steal from another Jew, or lie to
another Jew, but it's perfectly alright to do these things to the
Palestinians or other Gentiles. Jewish people, wake up and see the
errors of your ways. Return to the Bible which will in turn lead you
to accept Jesus Christ as your Messiah. See
Jesus never claimed he was the Messiah.
The Church and later writers claimed he was the Messiah.

"RW" <> wrote in message
>I was reading a Jewish website where the writer, rejecting Jesus as
> the Messiah, claimed that the Messiah is all of the Jews collectively.
> But think about that for a minute. When Jesus Christ claimed to be the
> Messiah He was accused of blasphemy. At least Jesus Christ fulfilled
> all of the Bible prophecies for the Messiah, being born in Bethlehem,
> being crucified, etc. But for the Jews to think they are the Messiah,
> that goes way beyond racism. Talk about pride. And then they turn
> around and call all the rest of us the "goyim," which I understand
> means cattle. So they are the human beings, even gods, and all the
> rest of us are animals. How can you get more proud than that? Maybe
> that's why the Israelis routinely torture Palestinians but never
> torture Jews. Maybe that's why the Israelis have had a policy for
> years to kill at least 10 Arabs for every Jew that dies in conflict.
> Jewish people, wake up. You're being misled by your rabbis. These
> teachings go back to Babylon. The Jews were captives and
> Nebuchadnezzar demanded all Jewish slaves to bow down and worship him.
> And all did except Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego, and Daniel. And this
> is when modern Judaism began. The Talmud, Kabbalah and other racist,
> occultic books were written then by these Jewish idolaters. These
> books were added to the Bible and often contradict the Bible. The
> Bible teaches that pride is a sin, for example, but these books
> promote pride. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit
> before a fall," Proverbs 16:18, for example. Just look up the word
> "kabballah" in a dictionary and it will say this is an occultic book,
> while the Bible said, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," Exodus
> 22:18. Deuteronomy 18:10 also condemns practises of occultism.
> And if you read through the Old Testament of the Bible as I have done
> you won't come to the conclusion that the Jews are the human beings
> and everyone else is subhuman. But the rabbis are teaching that the
> Ten Commandments, for example, only applies to other Jews. A Jew
> should not kill another Jew, or steal from another Jew, or lie to
> another Jew, but it's perfectly alright to do these things to the
> Palestinians or other Gentiles. Jewish people, wake up and see the
> errors of your ways. Return to the Bible which will in turn lead you
> to accept Jesus Christ as your Messiah. See
"TheZ" <> wrote in message
> Jesus never claimed he was the Messiah.
> The Church and later writers claimed he was the Messiah.

Then I suggest the Sanhedrin issue a pardon because they crucified him for
it. And if your basic objection to its inclusion in Christianity is that it
was written by the religion that sprang from it or later writers, then you
might as well toss the Torah in the trash along with it.



> "RW" <> wrote in message
>>I was reading a Jewish website where the writer, rejecting Jesus as
>> the Messiah, claimed that the Messiah is all of the Jews collectively.
>> But think about that for a minute. When Jesus Christ claimed to be the
>> Messiah He was accused of blasphemy. At least Jesus Christ fulfilled
>> all of the Bible prophecies for the Messiah, being born in Bethlehem,
>> being crucified, etc. But for the Jews to think they are the Messiah,
>> that goes way beyond racism. Talk about pride. And then they turn
>> around and call all the rest of us the "goyim," which I understand
>> means cattle. So they are the human beings, even gods, and all the
>> rest of us are animals. How can you get more proud than that? Maybe
>> that's why the Israelis routinely torture Palestinians but never
>> torture Jews. Maybe that's why the Israelis have had a policy for
>> years to kill at least 10 Arabs for every Jew that dies in conflict.
>> Jewish people, wake up. You're being misled by your rabbis. These
>> teachings go back to Babylon. The Jews were captives and
>> Nebuchadnezzar demanded all Jewish slaves to bow down and worship him.
>> And all did except Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego, and Daniel. And this
>> is when modern Judaism began. The Talmud, Kabbalah and other racist,
>> occultic books were written then by these Jewish idolaters. These
>> books were added to the Bible and often contradict the Bible. The
>> Bible teaches that pride is a sin, for example, but these books
>> promote pride. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit
>> before a fall," Proverbs 16:18, for example. Just look up the word
>> "kabballah" in a dictionary and it will say this is an occultic book,
>> while the Bible said, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," Exodus
>> 22:18. Deuteronomy 18:10 also condemns practises of occultism.
>> And if you read through the Old Testament of the Bible as I have done
>> you won't come to the conclusion that the Jews are the human beings
>> and everyone else is subhuman. But the rabbis are teaching that the
>> Ten Commandments, for example, only applies to other Jews. A Jew
>> should not kill another Jew, or steal from another Jew, or lie to
>> another Jew, but it's perfectly alright to do these things to the
>> Palestinians or other Gentiles. Jewish people, wake up and see the
>> errors of your ways. Return to the Bible which will in turn lead you
>> to accept Jesus Christ as your Messiah. See

It is difficult to respond to a post like yours because it begins with a
couple of totally false premises and then continues to build an argument
based on those false premises, the rest of what you say so filled with
generalizations, stereotyping and misinformation that attempting to respond
to you becomes too overwhelming.

If you were an intelligent seeker-of-truth, you might have begun by asking
for clarifications of your underlying premises instead of stating your
misconceptions as if they were factually true and then jumping all over the
place from there.

First, as another poster has already pointed out, Jesus himself never
declared himself the Messiah. Disciples of his teachings did so, many, many
years after his death. Second, to my knowledge, Jews do not claim that the
Messiah is all Jews collectively. I can't begin to fathom from where you
culled that. Third, As in all religious groups, Jews have different ways to
believe and there is no ONE "Jewish belief". To my knowledge, and generally
speaking, Jews simply believe the Messiah has not yet come, no personal
offense to Jesus to be taken. Do remember that other major religions, ie.
Islam and Hindu, don't talk about a Messiah coming at all, and are not
waiting for one, at least to my admittedly very limited knowledge. There's
no direct offense meant to Jesus by them either.

So, if those two premises are wrong, then the rest of your post makes no
further sense and can't even be addressed. Rather, it appears as if you
really didn't care whether your introductory remarks were accurate or not,
but just blurted them out to rationalize the rest of your anti-semitically
tinged diatribe.

If you just want to be anti-semitic, well, be true to yourself and just be
anti-semitic. Period. Say who you are. Trying to rationalize your
anti-semitism by offering up a couple of fallacious premises just makes you
appear both anti-semitic and stupid. I'm sure you're an embarassment to
intelligent anti-semites everywhere.

"RW" <> wrote in message
>I was reading a Jewish website where the writer, rejecting Jesus as
> the Messiah, claimed that the Messiah is all of the Jews collectively.
> But think about that for a minute. When Jesus Christ claimed to be the
> Messiah He was accused of blasphemy. At least Jesus Christ fulfilled
> all of the Bible prophecies for the Messiah, being born in Bethlehem,
> being crucified, etc. But for the Jews to think they are the Messiah,
> that goes way beyond racism. Talk about pride. And then they turn
> around and call all the rest of us the "goyim," which I understand
> means cattle. So they are the human beings, even gods, and all the
> rest of us are animals. How can you get more proud than that? Maybe
> that's why the Israelis routinely torture Palestinians but never
> torture Jews. Maybe that's why the Israelis have had a policy for
> years to kill at least 10 Arabs for every Jew that dies in conflict.
> Jewish people, wake up. You're being misled by your rabbis. These
> teachings go back to Babylon. The Jews were captives and
> Nebuchadnezzar demanded all Jewish slaves to bow down and worship him.
> And all did except Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego, and Daniel. And this
> is when modern Judaism began. The Talmud, Kabbalah and other racist,
> occultic books were written then by these Jewish idolaters. These
> books were added to the Bible and often contradict the Bible. The
> Bible teaches that pride is a sin, for example, but these books
> promote pride. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit
> before a fall," Proverbs 16:18, for example. Just look up the word
> "kabballah" in a dictionary and it will say this is an occultic book,
> while the Bible said, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," Exodus
> 22:18. Deuteronomy 18:10 also condemns practises of occultism.
> And if you read through the Old Testament of the Bible as I have done
> you won't come to the conclusion that the Jews are the human beings
> and everyone else is subhuman. But the rabbis are teaching that the
> Ten Commandments, for example, only applies to other Jews. A Jew
> should not kill another Jew, or steal from another Jew, or lie to
> another Jew, but it's perfectly alright to do these things to the
> Palestinians or other Gentiles. Jewish people, wake up and see the
> errors of your ways. Return to the Bible which will in turn lead you
> to accept Jesus Christ as your Messiah. See