Do u want the new cd to have more rap or rock in it, or keep it balanced like usually

What would you like in the new LP album...?

  • More Rock

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • More Rap/Hip Hop

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Even Balance of Both

    Votes: 21 58.3%

  • Total voters
If they do more won't be the real Linkin Park anymore...and thy would probably lose a lot of they should keep the balance...
keep the balance, it sounds great as it is, as long as the boys can add a fresh change of beat or watever, just to keep things nice and refreshing, i think they can keep going.
Jeezy said:
If they do more won't be the real Linkin Park anymore...and thy would probably lose a lot of they should keep the balance...


Besides... In all of LP's main albums (HT & Meteora) Rock has been more dominant, although its a good enough balanced, I like it the way it is.
I want some songs like Papercut, Runaway and APFMH, and I want some songs like Breaking the Habit and Easier to Run.

How's that? :p lol Qwerty is too damn heavy, we need some softer ****
I would like to see the group do a balance of songs kind of showing off all the styles of the band. Some songs with a more rap feel and others with a more rock feel. And maybe a few put togather.
They managed this well on the first album, and I still feel like it was their best effort to date. I think they should also go with a rawer sound...Meteora sounded waaay to sanatized.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Chill Mark, not everybody has to have perfect spelling and grammar :)
Id have to agree with Mark on this one. Alot of people dont have the best spelling and grammar, partly due to the fact that english is not everyone's first language, but when it comes to the usage of "2" rather than "to" is just being lazy and using internet slang. It does get really annoying to read.

Dey cud bothr 2 type out da wurds all da way and not b a noob!!!111!1one!!


Anyways... keep it balanced as always. :)

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