Do You Have A Question for Chester?


New member
Do You Have A Question for Chester?

:D :D:D:D:D









According to a myspace blog, posted not to long ago by the LPCAMP, fans will now have the opportunity to ask Chester anything they want through emails. Now, the emailing questions isn't so much the big story as is the fact that there might be some useful questions answered such as the DBS cd, other LP music and so forth. Stay on the look out for this article, it might get good.



Do you have a question that you've always wanted to ask Chester? This is your chance. Send your questions to by Feb. 11, and Chester Bennington might answer your question in an upcoming issue of Revolver Magazine!


New member
"why are u going for the gay biker look?"

"whats with the wierdo fashion in general?"

"are u actually going to release your album? and is it at least better than LPs last attempt?"

"did you physically touch the microphone with your crotch during the BIO video?"

basically covers it for now really...

no but honestly, someone ask about that "recording" they appararently did after touching down before a concert, itd be good to see what his response is, and also the "featurings", like are there any other artists we dont know about etc etc



New member
yeah i also wanne know whats up with this suit and tie thing on stage, off stage it works but not on stage


New member
i sent the following questions:

1. Why is the 2008 european tour so short and mostly in the UK? There are alot more fans in other countries who want to experience LP live.

2. When will the Dead by Sunrise album be released? And are you planning on touring with the band in europe also?

3. Can we expect more songs on the future LP album, and hopefully some more heavy ones?



New member
I sent:

What's with all the slow singles coming from Minutes To Midnight? All LP fans would like to see some more powerful stuff coming from you guys to know yor still the LP we liked in the first place.

EDIT:Is anyone actualy going to get this issue of revolver magazine?



New member
well think of it like this.

im not saying itll be around by like march im sayin

why would lp do an interview? there is not a point

m2m will be a year old soon not much more promotion needed

whats there to talk about?

chester has an album on the up and coming and he needs to get some publicity so chances are they pick some questions about DBS so he can get some face time



New member
well lots of bands are always doing interviews,regardless of whether theyre releasing an album or are 1 year on from relesing an album, pete wentz and patrick stump continue to get interviewed even though officially the promotion for Infinity On High is over, its goes the same with all bands, i think you'll find this is more for the magazines publicity than to promote MTM or DBS,although chester may as well throw in a lil promotion >=D

maybe all the slow-chester only/mainly chester songs are like.."so we can used to his DBS release" kinda thing, like...alot of us got really used to the major rap portions of Mike during meteora as well as in collision course and so the transition to Fort Minor wasnt so big, maybe LP are doing the same thing here with the releasing of the singles?



New member
i asked (since i know any question about tours and MTM and after MTM will be asked) :

"So i would like to know, when you guys are in the studio recording, what do you eat and who usually gets the food?"



New member
i asked (since i know any question about tours and MTM and after MTM will be asked) : "So i would like to know, when you guys are in the studio recording, what do you eat and who usually gets the food?"
Joe ate it all, look at the chubby man

Lol i´m sorry he´s not fat hehe



New member
Can you guys tell me where you go to ask these questions?

I wud ask

1)Can you please release no more sorrow with a kick *** video..the single cover has like No More sorrow ritten in a demonic font with blood dripping from the 'W' and the video has like LP performing in some hellish lava place

2)No joke..what were u thinking in BIO video?

3)What similarites and differences can we expect between M2M and DBS

4)Are you guys able to stash your weed in Brad's fro now?

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