Do you like school/work?

Do you like school/work?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • School= yes Work=no

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • School=no Work= yes

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters
I don't like the work we do at school... its too limited- especially with the artwork, we have to do everything the way the teacer does it.. we're not allowed to choose anything ourself. Grrr damn teachers
School's OK, the workload, no. I hate it when the teachers think that you don't have anyother homework from other teachers so they give you tons of stuff that's due the next day. Ugh!
one reason i hate school is because our school board is ****ed up the leader of its kids go to a private school taht is in a diffent city
School is great apart from the workload lol. I hate them piling a shitload of coursework and exams on us =[ I like the atmosphere and my friends so I'm a bit in between with that.

Same with Work. The only reason I haven't quit is because I've made friends and have become like one tight cliche with the girls I work with <3 We get on great and we have a laugh, the only problem is the manager. She's a bitch and hates us talking, and we get realy bad wages sooooooo... I'm in between there too.

I think I'll just vote for "Yes" lol xD!
i love chester its illegal to make less than $5.25/hour in the United States if you are 15 (maybe 14) and over.

I am 15 and I have to get payed under the table cause I dont' have a permit but I am getting one at school next time I rember