Do you pray? Why?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
Just curious how many of you believe in prayer and why. Praying seems a contradiction to me. In short it is the act of asking an invisible man to grant your wish. A wish evolving from selfishness. I do not subscribe to religion as it is created by man for man.
If you are truly Cristian and you believe the book of lies then you believe its teaching of an eternal plan set out by god from the beginning. The bible states god has a plan for all of us, right? When a child dies a senseless death those who wish to offer comfort always say "god had a plan for him/her ". Its all part of gods plan they say.
So it is with this I ask "what ****in good does it do to pray"? Really, think about that ****. Who are you to ask god to change his eternal plan to fit your needs and wants. If he planned for your wife to die of breast cancer then shes toast. Why are you even bothering god to selfishly ask him to grant your wish? Nothing burns my ass more than a god damn prayer vigil. Like when a kid is missing and presumed to have been kid napped. They stand around with candle crying and saying prayers. GO OUT AND LOOK FOR THE ****IN' KID. Don't just stand their and talk to the sky. Well that should do it for my first official rant.
I pray to no God. I do believe in him, but I see prayer as a waste of time. My God will deal with me when my time comes, I feel no need to ask anything of him that I am not willing to achieve for myself. God is not my servant.

And why pray to a god for something trivial, or important for that matter anyhow.

If prayer worked we wouldnt see many things like cancer, dead babies, child molestation...etc

It apparently doesnt work. Should we blame Jesus? According to the Christian Bible...."God" quit messing with the mortals and let us make our own paths..Be one and with peace with our maker as he will no longer be a vengefull God because Jesus died for our sins....BULLSHIT

Well Sufferin' SuckMyAss....Explain the Tsunamis? Tornadoes? SARS? AIDS? Cancer? President Bush? Paris Hilton? Jerry Fallwell? The KKK? Mosquitoes? Rape? Murder? The list could go on forever....

I guess we should quit believing in fairy tales and move on.....Eh?
I do find it funny when a plane hits the side of a mountain and 300 people die a horrible death and the one lucky **** to survive will say "God was watching out for me". As if hes saying "i'm better then the other poor bastards that died and i'm special".
Sports stars praying before the big game. Now what the **** is that? They pray for victory, like god gives a flying **** about it. They pray no one gets hurt then they try to take the QB's head of. Then the overpaid shitheads actually have the balls to thank god when they win. Like god is rooting for his team. After the cowboys won the superbowl I remember Micheal Irvin saying "god was on our side tonight". You coke snorting piece of ****. If there was a god you would've been on the ground suffering from lightening strike syndrome.
Jhony5 said:
I do find it funny when a plane hits the side of a mountain and 300 people die a horrible death and the one lucky **** to survive will say "God was watching out for me". As if hes saying "i'm better then the other poor bastards that died and i'm special".
Sports stars praying before the big game. Now what the **** is that? They pray for victory, like god gives a flying **** about it. They pray no one gets hurt then they try to take the QB's head of. Then the overpaid shitheads actually have the balls to thank god when they win. Like god is rooting for his team. After the cowboys won the superbowl I remember Micheal Irvin saying "god was on our side tonight". You coke snorting piece of ****. If there was a god you would've been on the ground suffering from lightening strike syndrome.

Dont forget our current (insert Genre here) stars

"first id like to thank GOD for givinging me the ...(insert blatant lie here) Then id like to thank (the other people that no one cares about)

Our ears are like giant Depends...The **** just keeps on comming...and our ears just keep soaking it up!
Prayer is a comfort, when you accually believe in the 'Fairy tales' chances are its going to make you feel better when theres something (god) to turn to to make sense of the shite going on. Remember that religion is not based in logic, it is there to give an anwser to people without anwsers, give comfort to those who can find comfort in its 'anwsers'. Like believing that somebody you care about is going to pull through some terminal disease, the hope may be false and irrational but it is hope non the less. People want hope.

I honestly wish i could buy into religion, after all ignorence is bliss, but I'm far to rational/stubbron in my thinking to find comfort in a story, but i do sometimes admire the stroy tellers for their ability to provide compassion and wisdom, but theres alot of dum one too obviously. As a wise man once said "Theres nothing to lose through prayer and a chance, however small, to gain everything. So whats the harm?"
I pray not only because it is required of me as a muslim but because it brings peace upon me.I feel a load has been lifted off my shoulders.You may not understand it.
I pray not only because it is required of me as a muslim but because it brings peace upon me.I feel a load has been lifted off my shoulders.You may not understand it.
You pray because if you fail to appear, the islamo-fascist police will beat you!
AIG Question;
Is it three or five times that you pray each day?
Also what do you pray for or about? Is it a set prayer that is said ever time?
Just interested.
I think I pray mostly as a way to look deeper into myself. I suppose when I am praying or speaking to the creator I am paying very close attention to what I am saying or asking for and it gives me an oprtunity to meditate on what that is. Other times I simply quietly say thanx and sometimes WTF?? But it is just way to remind myself that there is more out there bigger than myself and bigger than I will ever be able to comprehend
(assuming there is a god for one minute)

don't you think he/she/it would prefer that people DON'T waste their time praising his/her/its name all day, and oh, say do something with their lives? Surely he/she/it didn't work his/her/its ass off for seven days to create beings which serve no purpose other than to go on about "PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY" all day. Even god almighty can't have THAT big of a ****in' ego

I don't think "god" gives a damn about some sports team or popstar. I went through both testaments high and low and it didn't say anything about god rooting for the Dallas Cowboys or working miracles so Destiny's Child could win a grammy. However assuming I missed something, and such IS the case this god must have his/her/it's priorities ass backwards. There are people suffering and dying all over the world (apparently all whom he/she/it loves greatly) but yet this god can't be assed to help them and is more affixated on some awards show or big game. Doesn't make sense.
Worship of gods is equal to art in the human species and it is what separates from other animals. Laws are meaningless without a higher being. Even the Romans held numerous gods as basis for certain truths. This guy Epitetius who wrote the words in my signature below refers to pagan gods.

We are temporal beings and have a brain that allows us to weigh logic and reason. Nature is always temporal be it chicken, pig, cow, dog or cat but we humans have logic and wise men have concluded we exist because we think we do exist, we have faith we really exist instead of an elaborate dream. Since we dream we can
Let me get this straight. You think prayer is "logical"? Now that makes no sense. How is it logical to comunicate with a being that A:you have never seen. B: you have never heard. How in the hell is that logical. Barbarians seem to have carried more logic in the fact that their percieved power was in their hands. Not in the hands of myth. Prayer is hope derived from a belief which has no "logical" reason. It is logical to believe in death. It is not logical to believe in life after death as it has absolutely no merit.

I agree with your statement that "worship of gods is equal to art". Art is man made and a figment of human creation and imagination. Why is it logical for man to believe he has a "purpose" for existing?

You said "When faith is removed from culture mass graves and other forms of needless waste of human life accompany it". Look back at the dawn of religion. All one must do to see the abscence of logic in religion is to understand the actions of those who implemented it. The crusades. The inquisition. Your statement explodes into the realm of nonsence when one remembers the horror that precipatated faith in gods.

You said that you prayed in a moment of fear and panic because it gave you hope in your lack of control. Hope is not logical. I can hope that I will win the lottery. I can quit my job in the hope that I will win it. Would my hope be logical?

Hope: To have a wish to get or do something or for something to happen or to be true. This is the definition of hope, buddy. Now read that real careful and tell me the logic involved in hope derived from prayer.
tizz said:
I think I pray mostly as a way to look deeper into myself. I suppose when I am praying or speaking to the creator I am paying very close attention to what I am saying or asking for and it gives me an oprtunity to meditate on what that is. Other times I simply quietly say thanx and sometimes WTF?? But it is just way to remind myself that there is more out there bigger than myself and bigger than I will ever be able to comprehend

I think this is called self-reflection. If you want to remind yourself that there is more out there, bigger than you can comprehend i've got a more logical action for you. Step outside at night and look at the moon. Whats great about the moon is you can actualy see it. You know it exists. Or you could just talk to your imagination. Whatever works for ya.
don't you think he/she/it would prefer that people DON'T waste their time praising his/her/its name all day, and oh, say do something with their lives? Surely he/she/it didn't work his/her/its ass off for seven days to create beings which serve no purpose other than to go on about "PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY" all day. Even god almighty can't have THAT big of a ****in' ego

Belive me this has crossed my mind more than once.

You said that you prayed in a moment of fear and panic because it gave you hope in your lack of control. Hope is not logical. I can hope that I will win the lottery. I can quit my job in the hope that I will win it. Would my hope be logical?

So if hope is not logical then what despair? That lack of any hope?
Both are totally logical.
Hope is not "I asked so now I get it". Hope and despair are a feelings that is born in us.
snafu said:
Belive me this has crossed my mind more than once.

So if hope is not logical then what despair? That lack of any hope?
Both are totally logical.
Hope is not "I asked so now I get it". Hope and despair are a feelings that is born in us.

Allow me to rephrase my previous comment. Deriving hope from prayer is an illogical method of reason.There is no reason why an intellegent being should gain hope from something that does not exist. For me to hope that I pass a test is logical. For me to hope that god will help me survive cancer is not logical as I have no basis for my belief other than faith born from religion.

Believing in the sun is logical as there is scientific proof of its existence.
Believing in prayer is not logical as there is no basis for my belief.

Despair by definition is a profound feeling that there is no hope