Do you think all women have a maternal instinct


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
I have not spoken to enough women to know the answer here.
Do you think all woman have a maternal instinct and the ones who don't want children have something wrong with them?

When a woman gets pregnant does she eventually get her alotment of maternal instinct?

This question of course excludes people who are mentally ill, we have seen Mothers who can kill their own children enough.
I myself have spoken to women who don't want children and the few that have said this too me seemed to be operating under a fear that they would not be able to handle it because of something that was not right in their own lives, like a bad Mother or fear that the relationship with their spouse was not stable enough.

Are women who decide to NOT have children because of a job selfish or are they using this to cover up their fear of Motherhood?

Are some woman simply born without this instinct, all else being equal meaning they have had a happy upbringing, good relationship with their own parents, currently secure in their marriage etc.
are people affraid to post an opinion on this?

They were talking about this on the View this morning, I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys thought.
Don't be shy...
Some women, like men, can't handle the burden of having children.

The simple fact of a womens age, mentallity, or education can affect her decision to have a baby. Wether or not the man is ready to have a baby can also be a factor.

A women who has a job, in my eyes, only makes her more eligible for a baby, yet I see nothing wrong with her if she is not ready to have a baby.

For women who simply just don't want children at all for the reasons of their own monetary pleasure, is nothing wrong with me, yet they are missing out on something huge and wonderful if handled properly.
Interesting. I know women who don't want children. Mainly for selfish reasons, i.e. it would cramp their social life, they wouldn't be numero uno anymore, money.....And I have met women who HAVE children who are just not motherly. At all. I don't understand it. If you are yet to have children, I can understand not being motherly. But after that child growing in your womb for nearly 10 months, and still be......Cold? (for lack of better term). Those are the women who truly have no maternal instinct.
Maybe some women just don't want little ankle-biters running around. Maybe some women just don't LIKE or want children. But I guess we never thought of that. -_-'
Silver_dragon87 said:
Maybe some women just don't want little ankle-biters running around. Maybe some women just don't LIKE or want children. But I guess we never thought of that. -_-'
Get back to us when you turn 30+.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman if she decides she doesn't want children. It's alot easier to decide one doesn't want them before instead of after don't you think? Children are alot of work and if a woman decides that her life is fulfilled without them, I say more power to her. It's interesting that one would think there's something biologically wrong with the woman who doesn't want children, but what about the man? It takes two and if the man isn't ready or willing to have children then he won't be supportive. I think on a global level, if every one stopped having babies, it would be detrimental. I think on a personal level, it's acceptable.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Maybe some women just don't want little ankle-biters running around. Maybe some women just don't LIKE or want children. But I guess we never thought of that. -_-'
Shauna, I can almost 100% guarantee if you were to become pregnant, say next week, by the time the pregnancy comes to term you will have a natural motherly instinct within yourself that will kick in and make you want to nurture the life you have just given birth to, you can't avoid it unless your ****ing mental or something. Even full blown dikes have a naturally occurring maternal instinct which I think is what this subject is about. It's not really about wanting the little bastards right from the start, but whether a female has that intuition in her to do such a thing if the situation arose.
phreakwars said:
I think is what this subject is about. It's not really about wanting the little bastards right from the start, but whether a female has that intuition in her to do such a thing if the situation arose.

I agree on this point. After nine months of a child in your body moving kicking and having the hickups, it's impossible to not feel love and protection for your baby. The minute they handed Joshua to me, I knew I would do anything to protect and nurish him. It even goes beyond love. It's also impossible to describe to someone who has never experienced it.
manicmonday said:
I agree on this point. After nine months of a child in your body moving kicking and having the hickups, it's impossible to not feel love and protection for your baby. The minute they handed Joshua to me, I knew I would do anything to protect and nurish him. It even goes beyond love. It's also impossible to describe to someone who has never experienced it.

I watched as the surgeons removed my boy from his mum's stomach, (C-section). It was gruesome stuff. But when they placed him in my hands, a connection was made, and when he opened his eyes, like some little alien critter, taking his first look around, my heart skipped a couple of beats.

I patiently washed the white sliime from his wrinkly little body, and realised that in that simple action, I was now a father, and had one life that was dependant upon me. It's a wild, fantastical, warming, emotional, experiential, cosmic moment.

Now, when I get frustrated at the young human he has become, I recall that precious timeless moment, and grin my head off. ;)
According my roomates Psych book, there is no such thing a a 'naturel' maternal instinct. The connection between mother and child exist due only to the constant closeness, intimacy that mothers often give. Its a 2 way train as well, the mother is more connected to the child for the same reason. This is not just true for mother though, it is whoever is the 'primary care giver'. They did a test with chimps where they made a wire 'mother' who had a feeding tube and placed it next to a soft, cushioned 'mother' without a feeding tube. The babies went for the cushioned mother. (They used chimps of course as using humans would be a tad unethical and chimps have the same instinct)

It is merely situational that because it is often mothers who are with the baby, caring for it, breast feeding it even, that this bond is developped. The same thing could happen with the father (except the breast feeding :D ) or pretty much anyone caring for the child.

As for not wanting babies, this is more and more common and perfectly acceptable. It has also been shown that childless marriages are more often happier marriages then spouses with children. But the flip side is that the childless have been know to be somehwhat less satisfied on their death beds. There is the 'Biological clock' effect that is merely hormonal and kicks in around the age of 30 for woman, but as with pretty much all of our psyche it can be put aside. How hard that'd be depends on the individuel.
Phreak said it right. If you have this child in you I'll bet anything your instincts will kick in.

As a man I think we have maternal instinct. It's the instinct to survive.Keep the species alive.
SD of all animal loving people you should know that.
If you find an infant on the side of the road do you drive or walk by? Your instinct is to interact act and safe the child.

Just the parental instinct I have I can only imagine what a women feels like with a human inside them!
snafu said:
Just the parental instinct I have I can only imagine what a women feels like with a human inside them!
It's indescribeable. As my due date slowly draws nearer, I am almost torn. I love being pregnant, and feeling her rolling around, kicking inside of me, and at the same time, I can't wait to hold her in my arms.
phreakwars said:
And which one might that be ??

That would be Ted, the smelly guy who used to post here and is giving me his book for my intro class this upcoming semister.

These books aren't cheap :(
eisanbt said:
That would be Ted, the smelly guy who used to post here and is giving me his book for my intro class this upcoming semister.

These books aren't cheap :(
I think he's looking for title/author, hun.
Ya know they find plenty of new borns in garbage containers every year. I suppose maternal instinct would likely go against **** canning your own infant, right? Some people are undeniably born without a trace of maternal instinct in the same way that some people are born without legs.