Doctor Who!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
Who watches it?! It's awesome! :D Billie Piper is hot xD

Omg! Who's been watching the latest series? It's awesome!!!

Yay Daleks kick arse, I have yet to find a villain cooler than a giant killing salt and pepper shaker!
I heart Dr Who! <3
David Tennant is like the ****ing sexiest geek in the whole world! Omg I don't even register most of the stuff he says most of the time xD
I thought Chris Eccleston was quite good too though.
Catherine Tate is a CRAP sidekick though I just want her to get killed off or something, Billie was wayyyy better!
I've actually been meaning to see that! I keep shelving it at the Library where I work, and it looks pretty good. I definite will check it out sometime.
Catherine Tate is a CRAP sidekick though I just want her to get killed off or something, Billie was wayyyy better!

A-****ing-men Alison! I hate Catherine Tate =/ She's such a chav! Billie Piper is fit! xD

Omg who watched saturday's one?! Wonder who he's gonna regenerate into ;o
Well apparently he isn't :S I heard he's signed for the next series, no-one thinks he's gonna regenerate into someone new. I hope not, but rumours are Catherine is getting killed off by Daleks :D
Haha yeah I heard she was getting killed off (please let it be true!!)
I really hope he doesn't leave cause yeah they've filmed the Xmas episode apparently so I dunno how that's gonna work if they get someone knew in.. I heard it might be John Simm :/
I think John Simm was awesome as The Master lol. It'd be pretty pointless changing Doctor now =/ I don't think the viewers would like it =/ I know I wouldn't, I hope he stays as Tennant; he's such an ace actor.
Zomg! Who watched Doctor Who? T'was awesome :)

I'm glad it was a happy ending for Rose :D
I enjoyed the episode, for once they didn't have a really sad ending =/
Dalek Caan was good in the end - nice touch, I liked it.

Davros was scary :S But he's brown bread now!

And finally, Gwen Cooper (from Torchwood) is uber hot xD
I was promised a death.. no one died!!
Atleast we've got rid of Catherine Tate now though lol and I'm soooo happy the Tennant is still in it!
Dalek Caan scares me hahah he's a mentalist :/
But ZOMG I read that the next series won't be on til 2010!!!!!!! =( =( =( =( =(
I read that too, or 2009 :S

Meh as long as Tate stays out i'm happy.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Matt Bellamy (Muse) would make an awesome Doctor Who? I just think so many Muse songs suit Doctor Who as well.
That would be so ****ing awesome, he looks a bit like the Tennant I reckon!
He has the Doctor's snappy dress sense and they could make a Muse song the themetune! They've got enough songs about spaceships and the end of the world to choose from haha.