"Does Anybody Speak English??"

Hugh G. Rekshun

Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2005
You know, I am pretty laid back and let many things roll off of my shoulders that I just chalk up to peoples' ignorance but there was one incident last nite that somehow really pulled my trigger. My stepson, Nick, who is eleven years old, is starting his second year of Catechism. Although I myself am not a Catholic (I was baptized in the Baptist religion) my wife is and I want her kids to grow up with a sense of decency and religious beliefs. Before you go off on a tirade about that previous sentence let me assure you that my views on religion have never swayed yet I feel it is important to support a child in their quests when they want to know more about who and what they are. Nick is a straight "A" student in his first year of middle school. This is a GPA he has retained from the first stages of education and is well on his way to becoming something good in life as well as a respectful and easy-going kid. He is not my boy but he loves me like his own father because I show him the same. Now back to the topic at hand. Nick was very much interested in wanting to learn more about God and he himself initiated this whole Catechism/confirmation process because of his quest to learn. Let me say this about this particular parish in the Catholic Church. It is the most unorganized and ill-equipped collection of halfwit boobs I have ever encountered in my entire life!! My old Cub Scout troop had more discipline and structure! We went to the "orientation" at 7PM in the old chapel building at St. Josephs Church in the town just north of my hometown. The reason Nick is attending there is because that is where he and his 17-year-old sister were both baptized so I guess this is where he will attend mass. With all of the ****ing money the Catholic Church collects every week you think they could invest in a P.A. system! We all piled into this building that is the size of a small gymnasium and wee directed to the rear of the crowd as we were seated on folding chairs. I would say a good 300 or so people were stuffed into this room. Oh, and did I mention that the A.C. didn
Hugh, that is hilarious! I'm sure it was different if you were there, but Helgas utter stupidity is pretty funny (it sounds like something Homer Simson or Peter Griffin would do)

builder, what is your malfunction?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hugh, that is hilarious! I'm sure it was different if you were there, but Helgas utter stupidity is pretty funny (it sounds like something Homer Simson or Peter Griffin would do)

builder, what is your malfunction?
He has his head up his arse.
my boses were speaking french then i said speak english your in america and they suddenly changed over to english.
tonon said:
my boses were speaking french then i said speak english your in america and they suddenly changed over to english.
Tonon, uhm... never mind...:rolleyes:

I'm telling you people... the guy is not an idiot, he's just special..
phreakwars said:
Tonon, uhm... never mind...:rolleyes:

I'm telling you people... the guy is not an idiot, he's just special..

OK then. Let's all cluster **** Tonon. :rolleyes: :D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
builder, what is your malfunction?

Looking at huge chunks of text sends me crosseyed.

I prefer to space out my text, to make it easier to read.

When I look at the entry post in this thread, I can't read the ****er easily.

So I avoid it. ;)
phreakwars said:
Sharmutaada ayaa ku dhashay was!

Yes, but the **** really started in the interval.

That was when the **** properly hit the fan.

Sharmutaada is full of **** as usual.

Don't be trusting that slimey ****er.
phreakwars said:
Sharmutaada ayaa ku dhashay was!

Buildy he said,''**** the whore that gave birth to you''.
Bad phreak,bad phreak. But where are you getting these lines from?

Phreak,remove the ''ayaa'' then it's correct.