Does it matter if your doctor is religeous or not?


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LONDON – Doctors who are atheist or agnostic are twice as likely to make decisions that could end the lives of their terminally ill patients, compared to doctors who are very religious, according to a new study in Britain. What says you?

I guess if it comes down to getting my wishes carried out as ordered then yes...I guess I need to know.

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Everyone who is close to my life have some connection to a belief in ***. They don't all share my specific views, but I find it better to share the special and important segments of my life with people who see life as something truly special, a gift, and a journey greater than any other journey man can have.

In this case I want my doctor to see me as more than a number on a piece of paper. I want to have a doctor that can see the 'quality of life' as being just as important as extending life.



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Well I think that I have the right to decide if I feel my life sucks or not. If I am terminal and wish no extraordinary measures to be taken, then I want my doctor to make my passage easy, and painless...not more lengthy to satisfy his own belief system whether it is religious or agnostic or whatever. I think it's interesting that there is now empirical evidence that proves doctors will go against the wishes of their patients based on their belief systems. I thought they were supposed to be objective.

That being said..Craig had corrective eye surgery and we were asked if the doctor could say a prayer. I thought it was hokey, but he has done thousands of surgeries and was highly regarded. If he felt it helps him then please pray away. In the case of "pulling the plug" so to speak, I think I need to know what my doctor believes.

I agree with TJ...on the last bit anyway :yucky:



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If I had a doctor that told me "Don't worry, sir. *** will take good care of you." I would certainly fear for my life.
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