Does the smell of bacon turn you on?


New member
Talking with some of the guys around here it would seem that bacon really does the trick. According to this does pizza and donuts. So ladies throw away that floral perfume and give krispy cremes a try :D

The Love Drugs (III)



New member
Talking with some of the guys around here it would seem that bacon really does the trick. According to this does pizza and donuts. So ladies throw away that floral perfume and give krispy cremes a try :D
The Love Drugs (III)

Quit it.. you're turning me on..



New member
It may not have the result that you are looking for. The smell of bacon will get our attention, (unless you are one of the few true, male vegan/vegetarians, that isn't just trying to get in a female vegan/vegetarian's pants) and get us excited/turned on (kind of like the dog on the beggin strips commercial).

[ame=]YouTube - 90s Purina Beggin Strips Commercial[/ame]

The problem is, unlike the dog, we can read and when we find out it is just the smell of bacon or fake bacon, and we aren't getting any real bacon, we might get mad/sad/depressed and lose interest in the woman.



New member
For anyone trying to get IWS to notice he requires "real bacon" so you may want to stash a little in your purses :p Would bacon bits work IWS?


New member
I think the idea is to "attract" the guy and hopefully we'll have more to offer to keep him interested than bacon strips. Just a thought....I could be wrong ;)


New member
You might need something else if your trying to attract Muhamad Abdual Akbar though. Camel dung or something.


This post reminds me of something that happened in the UK a few years back.

A moslem lay dead in the mortuary. Someone went in there with a pack of bacon,opened it up, and lay the rashers all over the stiffs face.

The relatives were seriously ******.

Not sure if they ever found out who did it. It must have been a member of the hospital staff. Maybe they'd like to admit the security is so poor, it might have been someone else - I guess not.

Made me wonder how else they might be getting their jollies with the bodies in there....


Old Salt

New member
Camel dung's a bit strong. Just try a small vial of camel sweat and soak a hankie. I think the effects would be the same.

As for carrying both, just decide what your quarry is before you go out and choose your ammunition on that basis (either/or). :D



New member
This post reminds me of something that happened in the UK a few years back.
A moslem lay dead in the mortuary. Someone went in there with a pack of bacon,opened it up, and lay the rashers all over the stiffs face.

The relatives were seriously ******.

Not sure if they ever found out who did it. It must have been a member of the hospital staff. Maybe they'd like to admit the security is so poor, it might have been someone else - I guess not.

Made me wonder how else they might be getting their jollies with the bodies in there....
Necrophilia: the uncontrollable urge to crack open a cold one .



New member
I like the smell of bacon, but sausage (like Jimmy Dean links, etc) make my stomach upset when I smell them.

When I make bacon at home it's usually bacon ends and pieces and I painstakingly trim all the fat off I can. The grease makes me sick to my stomach.





New member
...but does the smell of it turn you on, is the question....Bender. :)
He disappears into the bathroom for a half hour every time someone opens a jar of Bacos bits...



New member
I can honestly say that smells do not turn me on. I have an orange vanilla lotion that smells like I could eat it, however....I don't get "aroused" :p
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