Doesn't everyone want FM to win?


Mar 6, 2006
Fort Minor went down a little (now below 40%). If people aren't voting, they'll lose. I usually vote at least an hour if not more each day. They're going to stop showing the results in a couple weeks, but you have to keep voting until the absolute last day. I bet that's when the other people will start voting tons (like for the PCD, etc.) because they'll think that we aren't voting anymore since FM was higher. Everyone needs to keep voting up to the very last day as many times as you can. I can't stand to see them start going down when they were going up. Let's keep them in the 40% at least at all times. :thumbsup:

I keep wondering why no one is pushing this----don't you want FM to win? It should be top news at all times to get everyone to keep voting.
I'm obviously talking about the MTV ASIA AWARDS What else would I be talking about? They're only nominated for one thing (remember the post I made awhile back?). Since many don't know what I'm talking about you obviously aren't voting. Hence reinforcing the fact that it should be talked about more on here.
Like you??? How immature you are. I've actually been a member for a very long time at this forum. This is a new account I decided to open with my new computer. Ironically, I know who you are and I've been very nice to you at past times (for some reason).

I guess I'm the only person that does want them to win seeing as they continue to go down.
Why would you make a whole other account just because you got a new computer? That's kinda funny, and not to mention it's the number one excuse that n00bs have on this forum and other Off Topic Forum. They always say they've got a whole other account because they don't want to be looked at like a n00b. Not that it's a bad thing, if you're new, you're new, big deal.

But, on the other hand, since you say you have another account, why not tell us what the screeen-name is? If you can't, or won't, it's either because you are lying, or have been banned, in which case, a mod will probably ban you again.... I do not know.
Banned?!!! HAHA If I were banned, why would I create a new account here-----at this forum????!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the Street Teams---the forums that actually matter. I came here for two reasons with a new account. 1-Because I want FM to win (I'm on the Street Team therefore I promote everywhere) and 2-It's been so long since I've been here that I don't remember my previous screen name and password. After trying many different possibilities and failing, I created a new account. Besides, being banned from this forum would never bother me. I care about the official forums. :)
I finnally got to see the Believe Me Video- Thanks.
I'd vote but I seriously dont wanna create a new account and log into
it just to vote for something all the way in China, I'll prolly end up
Doing it tomorrow so don't fret.
First things first the official forums are filled with alot of "ignorant" people.

Now maybe people dont want Fort Minor to win becuase they don't like them, they feel as though their vote wont count, or just the fact that the percentage of people here who actually live in Asia and know about this come online about once a year. Maybe you know becuase your a bigger Fort Minor Fan. But see we dont really care becuase this is a Linkin Park Fan Site.
Banned?!!! HAHA If I were banned, why would I create a new account here-----at this forum????!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the Street Teams---the forums that actually matter. I came here for two reasons with a new account. 1-Because I want FM to win (I'm on the Street Team therefore I promote everywhere) and 2-It's been so long since I've been here that I don't remember my previous screen name and password. After trying many different possibilities and failing, I created a new account. Besides, being banned from this forum would never bother me. I care about the official forums.

You couldn't remember your screen name.....Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..... And the fact that you care more about teenybopper n00b infested official forums just disturbs me. Like azem said, this is a Linkin Park fan site, not Fort Minor.
Well, first and foremost, I could care less about any of you or what you think (especially whether you believe me about my account---it could be looked up, you know. I mean, why would I want to lie about an account here? LOL). Second, I would imagine being a fan of someone would make you want to vote for them whether or not you like their side projects. If you're a true fan of Mike, you'd vote for him no matter what.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST-----Really read this one-----If this site is ONLY about Linkin Park, why does most of the news pertain to Fort Minor? HA I just could't figure that one out........
plowmanr said:
Well, first and foremost, I could care less about any of you or what you think (especially whether you believe me about my account---it could be looked up, you know. I mean, why would I want to lie about an account here? LOL). Second, I would imagine being a fan of someone would make you want to vote for them whether or not you like their side projects. If you're a true fan of Mike, you'd vote for him no matter what.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST-----Really read this one-----If this site is ONLY about Linkin Park, why does most of the news pertain to Fort Minor? HA I just could't figure that one out........

Becuase a couple of the people on the forums felt the need to bring up their post counts I'm assuming.:thumbsup: