Dopehead, pervert gasbag throws a fit -- threatens to hold his breathuntil he turns blue -- kicks an

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

(CNN) -- Calling it his "non-concession speech," talk-radio host Rush
Limbaugh launched a fresh round of attacks Wednesday on newly-minted
GOP frontrunner John McCain -- the latest indication the Arizona
senator is likely to witness a backlash from some conservative
quarters as he seeks to wrap up his party's nomination.

Limbaugh, a longtime conservative critic of McCain, said the senator's
rise is largely the result of "uninspiring" candidates, and a
"fractured" party base.

"There was no figure in our roster of candidates who rose up to
challenge him or galvanize conservative support," Limbaugh said on his
daily radio program. "All the candidates on our side, for various
reasons, are uninspiring or worse -- and so, just as I predicted, the
base has fractured."

McCain has long had trouble courting the most conservative members of
his party -- and exit polls from the early-primary states have shown
the Arizona Republican has consistently lost among those primary
voters who identify themselves as conservative.

McCain passed a key test Tuesday in winning Florida's primary -- the
first early contest that closed out Independents and cross-over
Democrats -- but exit polls out of the state show he still lost the
conservative vote to Mitt Romney.

"He is not the choice of conservatives, as opposed to the choice of
the Republican establishment -- and that distinction is key," Limbaugh
continued. "The Republican establishment, which has long sought to rid
the party of conservative influence since Reagan, is feeling a victory
today as well as our friends in the media. But both are just far-
fetched and wrong."


So Limbo says McCain is " not the choice of conservatives . . . "
Well, Rush, old boy, here's a news flash for you: It's not that
McCain is not the choice of conservatives, it's that McCain is not the
choice of wacked-out, dingbat retarded dittoheads -- conservatives
must be supporting him or he would not be winning primaries.

We are seeing the resurgence of real Republicans -- fiscally
conservative, opposed to wild foreign adventures, concern for real
people and their problems.

For at least two decades, both parties -- Democratic and Republican --
have been controlled by their most fringe elements. If you're a
Republican, you can't run for dog-catcher unless Pat Robertson or some
other biblethumper lays his hands on you and blesses you. If you're a
Democrat, ditto for Jesse Jackson or some gay rights organization.
Now, the two parties are pulling back from their extremes and getting
themselves in the center where most of us live. Rush can't stand it
because he represents the wackadoodle fringe.

Maybe McCain's candidacy will drive Rush to OD on oxycontin or
viagra. We can always hope.