Drag vid.. more from Brett J Sand


New member
bret does awsome edits, he is also growing his sand2kinc photo editing and taking (whatever thats called) he also has a kick as$ drag raptor he just got done with.


New member
Hey........I am really glad to see you guys like my video!! I judt do it for fun.....My raptor build costs to much to do this as a day job lol. Come check out my Sand2Kinc facebook page. Sand2Kin is something I started to try and elivate my skills and "fan" base. I love taking quad/motorsport pics and videos. The sport is in a major LOW right now and I like showing off all the money we spend!!

here is a video from the first Pro Sand Drags race....... [video=youtube;1QwoTo7Et8E]

Be sure to come to my page and like it..... https://www.facebook.com/Sand2Kinc

Ohh and here is my You Tube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/brettjsand



New member
Welcome to the forum Brett. Hope you didn't mind my pinching your vid off your FB. Always do great vids! Your based back east now right? Do you still get out West occasionally?


New member
Nah its all good, pinch all you want :) Yes, I am back in Ohio working close to home right now. My next big project will be in South Carolina. I havent been out west for over a year now and miss it a lot.....nothing will ever compare to the dunes out there.
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