Dragonball Z Movie Trailer


New member
I always make judgments on movies based on their trailers. If the trailer is good, the movie will be. I am generally always right. This trailer sucked. The introduction of characters was horrendous. It was so overly cheezy, I almost puked. I'm predicting an epic fail.


New member
There's no Krillin and there's no Gohan. What kind of DBZ movie doesn't include Goku's best friend and Goku's son? But I'm happy that Piccolo is there. And there's no Vegita :(


New member
Well it make sense that theres no Vegeta and Gohan, only because it's called Dragon Ball not DBZ, In DB there was no gohan/vegeta yet. Im assuming if the movie was good enough to make a sequal vegeta would make the cut. But krillin? come on now he's an essential


New member
Yeah I know I love that little man :( I was hoping there was going to be a Mr Popo. Bulma doesn't look believable in this film. At least there's Chichi in it. Man I hate Chichi.


New member
Aha yeah, it does look pretty bad. None of the actors even mildly resemble the characters. I'll probably still end up seeing it though, just out of curiosity.


New member
Yeah it looks pretty bad XD None of the characters look anything like the series, maybe for a good laugh I will watch it


Active Members
EPIC FAIL. This is about on par with AVP2 in terms of sheer suckiness. Capitilism has reached a new, folks - and ironically, it didn't happen on the Dow Jones.


New member
i believe theyre taking only the "core" elements of Dragonball, as opposed to making the live action equivalent of series, meaning itll have its own storyline and the characters will be different, i think its not a bad idea, to make it slightly different, else everyones gonna be expecting super saiyan lvl *** knows what

the fact is, DB had a sense of humor about it, this movie looks like itll be a cross between the fantasy of the chinese warrior movies added to action, which means its not aimed at the core fans of the tv series but more at a general audience, especially those that havent watched DB/DBZ or DBGT before, this seems more the prelude for things to come, like Batman begins or the Iron Man movie where the stories are planned out and characters are introduced, hopefully if its successful then we'll see more "DB" like stuff like super saiyans, vegeta, gohan(since apparently this is the movie where goku and chi chi meet, so technically they cant have had gohan yet) etc



New member
I think it's important to note that this is called Dragon Ball

theres no Z, there was a Dragon Ball in the series which was as stated above basically the prequel to DBZ. Honestly i always though DB kinda sucked...it was definately more kid friendly. DBZ was more hardcore and had more adult themes...but with all that aside this movie just looks like its gunna suck



New member
Dude I actually crapped my pants looking at this ****. WTF. **** I worshipp DBZ but **** man. Who ever made this **** has to die like 1,000 times infinite!!!!!!!
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