Driving Pet Peeves


Active Member
Jul 12, 2005
1. When the driver in front of you is sitting at the red light, then it turns green and they just sit there when the traffic is clear as can be. I have had people in front of me dig through their vehicle instead of paying attention to the light.

2. When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green. Then the people in the back of this person are just sitting there, when they should be able to start moving, but instead they may end up catching the next light. I feel when the light is green, it means GO. I think of the people in the back of me that have RIGHT-OF-WAY ANYWAY. It is wrong to block traffic just to let someone in that has to stop or yield. I say LET THEM stop or yield longer. I don't go when people have honked on me to go from a place of business before, because it's WRONG to pull in front of someone when they have right-of-way and it's much safer to just wait until it is clear.

3. I HATE it when people stop or slow way down just to get into another lane. I have made u-turns not to be so rude to others, they can make u-turns too. One time this guy kept pressing on his brake and the people in front of him left because the light was green. I honked a LONG TIME on the guy and he FINALLY got let in to the lane he wanted to be in and he had the gall to flip me off as if I did something wrong when HE was the one ONLY THINKING OF HIMSELF, NO ONE ELSE ON THE ROAD.

4. When people drive in the left lane BELOW speed limit. It's like, WHY be so inconsiderate? One time they had a guy going 40 mph in a 60 mph in the left lane on the interstate and it was normal traffic. That type of thing just pisses me off. I go speed limit, but I try to stay out the left lane, unless no one else is going speed limit, then I will pass in the left lane, but that's it.

5. When people will go BELOW speed limit, but then go above it. In other words, I HATE when people don't listen to the signs. If it says go 35 mph, unless the weather is bad, I go at LEAST 35mph, not below it. So, then when it comes time to go speed limit on another road, that same person passes me up. That pisses me off.

6. I hate when people change speeds. I was going 55 mph on this long bridge when this woman on her cell phone drops to 50 mph, so then I pass her. Then she passes me, then I pass her again, it's like UGH!!! I HATE THAT. I feel people should PICK A SPEED.

7. I hate when people block an intersection to pull out when they could back up if there is no one behind them to be courteous.

8. I hate when I am at a light with traffic in front of me and the person that isn't blocking the intersection waves the person at the stop sign to go, when it's the people on the street that have right-of-way. I NEVER let people in from a stop sign or a yield sign. There are rules, WHY NOT let people actually FOLLOW THEM and WHY BLOCK the people BEHIND that person which is VERY RUDE and INCONSIDERATE them, just to think of ONLY that person at the stop sign, NOT the majority of the people on the highway. I think of the people behind me that have RIGHT-OF-WAY. I NEVER continue to stop at a green light if I don't have to by law. That's what the laws are for, to be FOLLOWED. :mad:

9. I hate when people in vehicles converse with other people in other vehicles to each other through their windows and end up holding up traffic. That's just rude. If a person wants to talk, use a cell phone or stop somewhere, don't hold EVERYONE up for that. HOW SELFISH!

10. People should use their turn signals to change lanes. I could get into accidents when I am in the right lane, there's a middle lane I am trying to get into, and the person in the left lane pulls in the middle lane without a signal. Then we'd be both at fault for colliding with each other probably. I feel it's much safer to use a signal when a person changes lanes. It lets the other driver know what you intend to do.

11. I don't like it when it's completely clear, but the person at a red light in a right-turn-only lane just waits until the light turns green, when there is no sign posted that a person can't turn right on red. It's like WHY NOT go if it's clear? It's wasting other people's time behind the person for NO REAL REASON. It's also blocking traffic which does make it illegal to just sit there.

12. It bothers me when drivers are inconsiderate, such as in this example: One time I was the third car at a light on a lane that had 1 straight lane and 1 right-turn-only lane on the right. This INCONSIDERATE woman gets out of her car at a red light and goes to the person's car in front of me to ask for directions. The light turned green and she was STILL out of her car. I feel, WHAT A INCONSIDERATE BITCH. I feel someone needs directions, they need to go to a gas station or pull over to the side of the road where other people were parked, even if she had to pay to park, which in New Orleans, she most probably would have. Of course, I didn't make the light. Most likely I would have if she wouldn't have done that. This actually was right in front of the Superdome in downtown New Orleans. I couldn't FATHOM doing that to someone. I could NEVER just think of just myself like that, NEVER. That woman was very SELF-CENTERED. :mad:

13. I hate when people honk on me or on my ass when I am in the right or middle lane going speed limit. I don't want a ticket, so I have the RIGHT to go speed limit in those 2 lanes. Being up my ass isn't going to make me go faster, it's just going to make me worry about an accident. I am NOT going to risk a ticket for NOBODY. I have NEVER gotten a speeding ticket in my entire life and I have been driving since 1998. Sure, I went over speed limit before when I was younger, but I really don't want to be paying over $100 or so for a ticket, so I'd just rather go speed limit, it's just NOT worth it.

14. I hate when people act like they have right-of-way by pulling out over a stop sign or into the street just enough, so then I have no choice but to let them in, instead of being BEHIND the stop sign like they are suppose to be.
I hate when it's RAINING and people drive 10 MPH+ UNDER the speed limit. ITS ****ING RAIN! GET A GRIP!
And yet...when it's a blizzard, and/or freezing rain, and they insist on going OVER the speed limit. I see this mostly on highways. So I have to take the BACK ROADS to work in order to evade these irresponsible drivers. The worst is people in SUVs. They think that they are invicible, and drive REALLY fast in inclement weather and end up flipped over on the side of the road. Serves em' right!
Lords you hate everything that involves things that are outside your control or you being first "in line".

Seek therapy. Life is too short to obsess over such stupid ****.

The Momma you SHOULD Have Had.
Lords said:
1. When the driver in front of you is sitting at the red light, then it turns green and they just sit there when the traffic is clear as can be. I have had people in front of me dig through their vehicle instead of paying attention to the light.
This happens to me all the time. I don't get upset, just a quick tap on the horn to wake'em up usually does the trick. I don't know why this unsettles you so.

Lords said:
2. When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green. Then the people in the back of this person are just sitting there, when they should be able to start moving, but instead they may end up catching the next light. I feel when the light is green, it means GO. I think of the people in the back of me that have RIGHT-OF-WAY ANYWAY. It is wrong to block traffic just to let someone in that has to stop or yield. I say LET THEM stop or yield longer. I don't go when people have honked on me to go from a place of business before, because it's WRONG to pull in front of someone when they have right-of-way and it's much safer to just wait until it is clear.
I have never seen ot happen where they let in more than one car, usually it's just one they let in. Again I see no proble with being courteous.

Lords said:
3. I HATE it when people stop or slow way down just to get into another lane. I have made u-turns not to be so rude to others, they can make u-turns too. One time this guy kept pressing on his brake and the people in front of him left because the light was green. I honked a LONG TIME on the guy and he FINALLY got let in to the lane he wanted to be in and he had the gall to flip me off as if I did something wrong when HE was the one ONLY THINKING OF HIMSELF, NO ONE ELSE ON THE ROAD.
I hear you on this one, buddy! Unless you are really late and lost and have never driven that particular road before, you are just RUDE AS HELL to block traffic just because you were too stupid to get in the correct lane to begin with!

Lords said:
4. When people drive in the left lane BELOW speed limit. It's like, WHY be so inconsiderate? One time they had a guy going 40 mph in a 60 mph in the left lane on the interstate and it was normal traffic. That type of thing just pisses me off. I go speed limit, but I try to stay out the left lane, unless no one else is going speed limit, then I will pass in the left lane, but that's it.
I disagree on this issue, because the speed limit is not the "suggested speed" it is the legal upper limit of velocity that the law will allow. On Texas highways the maximum speed limit is posted and the minimum speed is 40mph unless posted otherwise. Those are the rules of the road, if you don't like them you can complain all you want, but I am not going to break the law and get a ticket because you don't like the rules.

Lords said:
5. When people will go BELOW speed limit, but then go above it. In other words, I HATE when people don't listen to the signs. If it says go 35 mph, unless the weather is bad, I go at LEAST 35mph, not below it. So, then when it comes time to go speed limit on another road, that same person passes me up. That pisses me off.
I don't understand your gripe on this one. You do realize that the 35mph speed limit is the maximum speed not the minimum, right? 36mph is breaking the law on a stretch of road marked 35mph.

Lords said:
6. I hate when people change speeds. I was going 55 mph on this long bridge when this woman on her cell phone drops to 50 mph, so then I pass her. Then she passes me, then I pass her again, it's like UGH!!! I HATE THAT. I feel people should PICK A SPEED.
Yeah, that irks me too.

Lords said:
7. I hate when people block an intersection to pull out when they could back up if there is no one behind them to be courteous.
I don't believe I've ever witnessed this maneover.

Lords said:
8. I hate when I am at a light with traffic in front of me and the person that isn't blocking the intersection waves the person at the stop sign to go, when it's the people on the street that have right-of-way.
Damn dude, I want sonme of what your smoking!

Lords said:
I NEVER let people in from a stop sign or a yield sign. There are rules, WHY NOT let people actually FOLLOW THEM and WHY BLOCK the people BEHIND that person which is VERY RUDE and INCONSIDERATE them, just to think of ONLY that person at the stop sign, NOT the majority of the people on the highway. I think of the people behind me that have RIGHT-OF-WAY. I NEVER continue to stop at a green light if I don't have to by law. That's what the laws are for, to be FOLLOWED. :mad:
Remember the speed limits, bro!

Lords said:
9. I hate when people in vehicles converse with other people in other vehicles to each other through their windows and end up holding up traffic. That's just rude. If a person wants to talk, use a cell phone or stop somewhere, don't hold EVERYONE up for that. HOW SELFISH!
Yeah, I see this from time to time, but it's usually COPS doing it! They don't seem to mind holding up traffic! BTW I hate it when COPS pull someone over and end up blocking a lane of traffic on a busy street just to write a ticket!

Lords said:
10. People should use their turn signals to change lanes. I could get into accidents when I am in the right lane, there's a middle lane I am trying to get into, and the person in the left lane pulls in the middle lane without a signal. Then we'd be both at fault for colliding with each other probably. I feel it's much safer to use a signal when a person changes lanes. It lets the other driver know what you intend to do.
I always use mine, but I don't mnd if others do or not.

Lords said:
11. I don't like it when it's completely clear, but the person at a red light in a right-turn-only lane just waits until the light turns green, when there is no sign posted that a person can't turn right on red. It's like WHY NOT go if it's clear? It's wasting other people's time behind the person for NO REAL REASON. It's also blocking traffic which does make it illegal to just sit there.
I don't know if it's illegal but it pisses me off too! It's always some imigrant who still drives like he's back in bangla**** where it's probably an illegal manuver to turn right on red. These dip shits need to learn that they're in america! We speak English and turn right on red!

Lords said:
12. It bothers me when drivers are inconsiderate, such as in this example: One time I was the third car at a light on a lane that had 1 straight lane and 1 right-turn-only lane on the right. This INCONSIDERATE woman gets out of her car at a red light and goes to the person's car in front of me to ask for directions. The light turned green and she was STILL out of her car. I feel, WHAT A INCONSIDERATE BITCH. I feel someone needs directions, they need to go to a gas station or pull over to the side of the road where other people were parked, even if she had to pay to park, which in New Orleans, she most probably would have. Of course, I didn't make the light. Most likely I would have if she wouldn't have done that. This actually was right in front of the Superdome in downtown New Orleans. I couldn't FATHOM doing that to someone. I could NEVER just think of just myself like that, NEVER. That woman was very SELF-CENTERED. :mad:
I agree that was pretty damn rude!

Lords said:
13. I hate when people honk on me or on my ass when I am in the right or middle lane going speed limit. I don't want a ticket, so I have the RIGHT to go speed limit in those 2 lanes. Being up my ass isn't going to make me go faster, it's just going to make me worry about an accident. I am NOT going to risk a ticket for NOBODY. I have NEVER gotten a speeding ticket in my entire life and I have been driving since 1998. Sure, I went over speed limit before when I was younger, but I really don't want to be paying over $100 or so for a ticket, so I'd just rather go speed limit, it's just NOT worth it.
Yep, this happens to me a lot as well. Try tapping your brake ;)

Lords said:
14. I hate when people act like they have right-of-way by pulling out over a stop sign or into the street just enough, so then I have no choice but to let them in, instead of being BEHIND the stop sign like they are suppose to be.
Never happens to me, but I doubt I'd be too offened by it.
Big Momma said:
Lords you hate everything that involves things that are outside your control or you being first "in line".

Seek therapy. Life is too short to obsess over such stupid ****.

The Momma you SHOULD Have Had.

I have a feeling she has all her "starter threads" on micorsoft word...beter yet...micorsoft works....

and just blanket posts all over the place....
When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green - it's a courtesy thing. Today I may be in one of those cars delayed an extra two mins. because the car in front of me let somebody out. Tommorrow I may be one of those people able to get out because someone extended me that little courtesy.

I thought I had a lot of driving pet peeves myself until I read this thread. But most of those things are just part of everyday driving. I get the feeling that people in general just piss you off.
I said
2. When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green. Then the people in the back of this person are just sitting there, when they should be able to start moving, but instead they may end up catching the next light. I feel when the light is green, it means GO. I think of the people in the back of me that have RIGHT-OF-WAY ANYWAY. It is wrong to block traffic just to let someone in that has to stop or yield. I say LET THEM stop or yield longer. I don't go when people have honked on me to go from a place of business before, because it's WRONG to pull in front of someone when they have right-of-way and it's much safer to just wait until it is clear.
You said
Again I see no proble with being courteous.

That's the problem, it's actually DISCOURTEOUS to the people BEHIND you that have right-of-way anyway. I only let people in when they want to change lanes if they are on the highway and if they have their turn signal on ONLY, but NEVER at a stop sign, yield sign, or a place of business. I HATE it when the person in front of me let's the person in from the gas station or whatever. I feel when it's green, it's green, and that person in front of me is being rude to me as well as ALL the people BEHIND me. What's the rules for if NO ONE FOLLOWS them? There have been many times when I COULD have let them in front of me, like at a gas station, but made DARN SURE I didn't, because I and the REST of the people on the highway have right-of-way and they have to either stop or yield to us, it's NOT the other way around. I have actually HONKED on people for letting people in from a stop sign. I have had people let 2-3 people in from a business or stop sign. Letting 1 person in even is just WRONG and it's IMPEDING TRAFFIC. It's just RUDE to the MAJORITY of the people on the road BEHIND YOU. If I let someone in from a gas station, then I am ONLY THINKING OF THAT PERSON at the gas station, NOT the ALL the people BEHIND me as well as myself that would like to go at the green light and possibly have the last person in the line to end up making the light. Since someone let someone in, the last person didn't make the light, so they are the first person at the red light. That's not RIGHT. I remember one time this lady kept inching her way from a yield sign as IF she had right-of-way and that sign didn't mean anything. I MADE DAMN SURE she didn't get let in and NEITHER did the person behind me let her in either. It's like that GALL of that lady, instead of staying BEHIND the yield sign where she is SUPPOSE TO BE according to the LAW. I just HATE people like that, that act like they have right-of-way, when they DON'T. It's like they want to PUSH their way in and NOT THINK OF ANYONE ELSE ON THE ROAD. :mad:

I disagree on this issue, because the speed limit is not the "suggested speed"

What I meant is that I don't stay in the LEFT LANE, because I go speed limit. I try to get out of the left lane to be COURTEOUS to the drivers that want to speed. So, I feel, if that guy that was going 40 mph in a 60 in the left lane would have went to the middle lane at least, it would have been a courteous thing to do. To think of OTHERS. If others want to speed, I would rather get out of the left lane, than them be on my ass. This was my point.

I don't know why this unsettles you so.

Because EVERYONE should be PAYING ATTENTION. If the person in front of me is digging through their car for instance, that shows me there thinking of ONLY of THEMSELF. In other words, they aren't worried about ANYONE ELSE BEHIND THEM, just THEMSELF. That is RUDE, to ONLY THINK of YOURSELF, but not to consider other people that want to go when the light turns green. Especially if the person is FIRST in line. I remember one time I was the third person in line on a two-lane same direction road, and I was the ONLY person that was paying attention. NO ONE ELSE HONKED. That's PATHETIC that it had to take the THIRD car to get the first's car's attention in EACH LANE. It's like all people care about is where "THEY" have to go or do, but what about the people BEHIND those people that want to go to. Why should the people behind this person that isn't paying attention just have to sit at a green light for 10 seconds? That's enough time for 4 cars or so to go through a light at LEAST. I don't speed, so I don't actually get is I will see the SAME person that was NOT paying attention at the light that I honked go by me faster than I am going which means they are going OVER the speed limit, because I always go SPEED LIMIT, unless the weather makes it unsafe to go at least speed limit. It's like if they were in a hurry, WHY didn't they PAY ATTENTION in the FIRST PLACE? That actually irks me to see the same person that wasn't paying attention that they end up speeding. It's like what a jerk.
When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green - it's a courtesy thing.
NO, it's DISCOURTESY to the people BEHIND YOU that have RIGHT-OF-WAY anyway and you don't have ANY RIGHT to BLOCK THEM from going at the green light. You are not a police officer that can say not to go at a green light or not to stop a red light, so QUIT acting like one. The light is green, that means GO, plain and simple. Doing this is SO RUDE to the other people behind you and it's really ONLY THINKING of the person pulling out, so that is a SELFISH thing to do. The RIGHT thing, by LAW, is to GO at the green like you are SUPPOSE TO DO! :mad:

Majority should RULE, meaning a lot of people behind you, you GO at the green light, not just think of 1 measley person at the gas station. Let them YIELD like they are suppose to do by LAW.

Tommorrow I may be one of those people able to get out because someone extended me that little courtesy.
For one thing, I don't even go if someone waves me to go, I YIELD like I am SUPPOSE TO DO. I NEVER pull in front of someone, NEVER. I am COURTEOUS to the people on the highway, that have right-of-way. So, for me, it doesn't work like that. I don't go because the person says come on. I have had a person honk on the road for me to go when I was pulling out of a Taco Bell, but I waved for them to go and I waited like I was SUPPOSE TO DO. That's the LAW and the RIGHT THING TO DO! It's NOT a courtesy, it's just RUDE to EVERYONE ELSE BEHIND YOU. Doing that is ONLY being courteous to YOU, ONLY.

See, I HATE when people do that to me, so I DON'T do it to them. Treat others as you'd like to be treated. That's how things SHOULD BE!

I remember one time in 2002, I was on a multi lane same direction road that had many cars in front of me at a red light. I made sure I didn't block the intersection, even when the light turned green, because the traffic where I was didn't start moving. As I almost was ready to move, this stupid truck started to act as if he was suppose to go when he still had a STOP SIGN at the intersection I didn't block. He stopped in the middle of trying to pull out as he saw I was moving like the law says I am suppose to be doing. The stupid, idiot behind me lets him in, but at least he wasn't in front of me considering he acting like he had RIGHT-OF-WAY, when he didn't, he had a STOP SIGN, which means STOP, whether it's for 2 minutes or 5 minutes, it means STOP. Just because the traffic starts moving doesn't mean the stop sign is all of a sudden not there anymore. The GALL of that person behind me even to do that, HOW RUDE. HOW RUDE of the truck to even attempt to pull out when ALL OF US on the ROAD had RIGHT-OF-WAY, NOT HIM. I made sure he KNEW I had RIGHT-OF-WAY. I did what I was suppose to do, I NEVER blocked the intersection the ENTIRE time, even when the light was green I didn't move at all until the car in front of me moved. I don't understand why he thought he could go with a stop sign and all of us having a GREEN light. That doesn't make ANY SENSE at ALL. To top it off, I was actually there before the truck even arrived, so since I was FIRST anyway, it's only fair that I went BEFORE he did.
is that vehicle you are blocking in the middle lane a truck???? If so we can not get into the left lane in because of lane restrictions. ( whoever came up with that bullshit law should be shot and killed.) My truck will only go 65 but i seem to always get behind the asshole in the middle lane that is too scared to move over.

Do you know what "yield" means. Basically a car entering traffic does not have the right of way but must give way to (yield) to the cars already in that traffic stream. Drivers who do have the right of way can chose to allow another vehicle to enter the traffic stream. In areas when this can not be accomplished safely or without seriously impeding traffic, there are usually clearly marked "do not enter" signs preventing drivers from using that particular exit.

This generally works because, with millions of people sharing the roads, most drivers understand this concept. I doubt you will understand this because anyone who starts off "I remember one time in 2002" and goes on to a long detailed rant about a minor traffic NON-event, has serious issues.

And no, "majority" does not always rule. I'm quite sure that the majority of people you know want you in therapy and on medicationn - and yet you persist in doing neither.
I hate a lot of driving pet peeves. I think perhaps Phreak erased my 'Use a Freaking Blinker' thread in his big 'oppsy'. When I get in the car I turn into a different person. Mainly, it is due to my frustration at the utter stupidity of some people.
One of the big ones for me is the blinker. The function of the blinker is to warn others about your intentions. You are supposed to put on a blinker before you begin slowing down, and certainly before you begin turning. Putting a blinker on in mid turn is ludicrous. If you start slowing down in a passing zone without a blinker on, I
Do you know what "yield" means.
OF COURSE, I KNOW what it means. It means that if I am am the road and someone is at a yield sign, I have RIGHT-OF-WAY of them.

Drivers who do have the right of way can chose to allow another vehicle to enter the traffic stream.
NO, they can't LEGALLY. They are IMPEDING traffic when a vehicle does that. Let's say a car in front of me let's someone in from a yield sign. That person at the yield sign wants to actually go straight across 2 same direction lanes. Now, ALL OF US are behind this vehicle this person let in are stuck sitting there being blocked because of this asshole that let someone in from a yield sign. That person couldn't make it all the way across because the other lane was blocked. I have had this happen already. It's NOT right for ANYONE to leave people at a yield sign, unless the traffic is bumper to bumper. A YIELD means YIELD, so what gives ANYONE besides police officers to give them right-of-way? NO ONE can legally give someone right-of-way, only law enforcement can do that. It's RUDE to the drivers BEHIND you. It's ONLY, ONLY, ONLY thinking of that (1) vehicle vs. ALL the vehicles on the road. That's NOT RIGHT. It's one thing if traffic is bumper to bumper to let (1) vehicle ONLY in on the interstate, it's another for traffic to be normal and stop to let someone in, which I have seen. That's just NOT RIGHT. Usually, unless it's an interstate situation, I DON'T let people in from a yield sign, because they are suppose to yield to me. An interstate situation is different, because people would never get on from an exit if they wouldn't have anybody letting them in. It would take hours for them to get on in rush hour traffic. That is a TOTALLY different situation, but when it's just normal traffic, I do what the SIGNS SAY. Also, I NEVER let people in if they don't have their signals. If they can't flip a lever, then HECK with them. They have to follow the law just like I do. You want to be let in, put your damn signal on, otherwise, NO WAY will you be let in UNLESS an it will prevent an accident. Then I'll just flip them off for being an asshole.

One time, a 18-wheeler truck went over the stop sign that person had at the intersection. I was in the middle lane at a light and there was a lot of traffic in all lanes. I didn't block the intersection like I was suppose to. When the light turned green, I left and the STUPID SELFISH person behind me kept sitting and delayed BOTH right and middle lanes from going. I could see in my rear-view mirror that this is what happened. That truck blocked the right lane's intersection when the light was red even. So, I made sure I followed the LAW and WENT at the GREEN light. The law is that NO ONE goes OVER the signs. That truck was suppose to be BEHIND the stop sign.
One morning on the way to work I saw a woman in front of me with 3 small children in car seats, sitting at a red light putting on her makeup, I thought she would surely stop when the light changed, or perhaps the stupid bitch would not notice the light changing. However she kept on putting on her makeup as she drove down a very dangerous 4 lane road with her children strapped into the car. THAT REALLY PISSED ME OFF !!!

People who follow too closely really piss me off. I drive a gas guzzling SUV, its kind of hard to miss its so big. That hasn't stopped 3 brain donors from rear ending me. Of course the damage to my car was minimal, only about 150 the first time and nothing the two times after that. Whats wrong with people?? And before you say it, no I didn't touch my breaks when I saw they were following too close. People just seem to like to hurdle themselves at my big chrome bumper and **** up whatever car they are driving. The first time I was hit, the old cow hit me so hard that I injured my back and missed more work then I had sick time, I almost got fired for it even though the accident was not my fault. I was rear ended 3 times in about a 16 month period. The last person who hit me, hit me so hard that she damaged her radiator, the fluid came out all over the road. All 3 times my daughter was in the car. Thank god I didn't listen when my brother tried to talk me into getting a smaller car, it would have been totalled after that first woman hit me with her huge boat of a car. Keep in mind that I live in Florida and 2 of the times I was hit by someone who was probably too old to be driving at all.
Lords said:
...Then I'll just flip them off for being an asshole...

WTF!?! Not only is she the world's most impatient individual and a veritible hodge podge of complaints, she can give total strangers the "one-finger" salute as well. How civilized! :rolleyes:

You take hypocrisy to a whole new level Lords, but just remember, you're a "nice" person. Just keep telling yourself that. :p
Cogito Ergo Sum
WTF!?! Not only is she the world's most impatient individual and a veritible hodge podge of complaints, she can give total strangers the "one-finger" salute as well. How civilized!

I just treat people the EXACT way they treat me. One time some person was coming off an exit off the interstate. I was in the right lane. The person didn't have their turn signal on. I didn't let them in and they kept pace with me as if they had right-of-way. WHAT AN ASSHOLE! I ended up HAVING to let that person in because it would have caused an accident. As if that person had RIGHT-OF-WAY, NOT, I HAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, I was on the interstate already, that person had to YIELD to ME. That is HOW it goes, plain and simple. That person kept pace with me and I had NO CHOICE but to let that person let them in or else we would have collided. You know, that's JERK that's VERY, VERY LAZY that CAN'T PULL A DAMN LEVER DOWN FOR A TURN SIGNAL. HOW HARD IS THAT REALLY? It's the LAW in this state. If that person wants to be a jerk, I HONKED on THEIR ASS. THAT'S AN ASSHOLE!


The lack of the person's turn signal made me not want to let them in. Especially since I had RIGHT-OF-WAY ANYWAY.

I feel you be mean to me and I'll be mean to you. You be nice to me, and I'll be nice to you. THAT'S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!
You know what else pisses me off when I'm driving???

I hate it when people here in the States have these fake plates with Puerto Rico or some other **** that say how their country rules. If its so ****in great then go home with your bad self and get off my road !!!
I hate it when people think they have the right of way when you do and when you drive in front of them they get pissy and start yelling at you as you drive by. i just wanna jump outta my car and kick they ass. stupid ass morons need to go back to driving school the stupid ass ****ers. ****ing learn to Drive you stupid ass ****s. Just bacause youre ****ing wrond doesn't mean you get to curse my ass out for doing the right thing you stupid ****s. why don't you do us all a favor and drive your stupid ass off a ****ing cliff, you can have the right of way for that ya stupid ass dumb ****ers!!!!!! aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
i will slay you all!!!!!!!