Drug Searches In Schools


New member
Hey all. I'm in school right now, and they're preforming a drug search with the drug sniffing dogs. I dont really mind it, but i was just wondering what ya'll thought of the police preforming drug searches in schools?

go on....Discuss!



Active Members
I mean...if it is necessary...why not?

I wouldn't mind...it's a good thing to protect the kids in school...



New member
i think that they should do that... but i also think that they shouldnt have em its like they dont trust us... but we gots police around our skool and all that ****


New member
well, the only drugs i take are painkillers... :D yeah i take them even when i dont need em but who doesnt?


New member
i think that they should do that... but i also think that they shouldnt have em its like they dont trust us... but we gots police around our skool and all that ****
we have a cop in the school at all school hours



New member
like i said, i dont mind it, but there are alotta people with drugs around here.....so it serves them right


New member
lol at my school, there was a month where we had cops at the school all the time not cuz of this drugs ****, becua of gang violence!


New member
No, i think it's right for police to check for drugs at school. It's for everyone's safety. But i think it'd be kinda screwed if the police is here like 24/7... i mean teachers are enough to deal with, why more authority? lol :)


New member
at my school, we have two police men there all the time. They like never leave! We have 3 security guards that are constantly roaming the campus. We have administors constantly roaming around as well. You MUST have a red or pink pass that a teacher gives you if your in the hallway. If it's not a red or pink pass then it must be a hand written pass that is signed by a teacher and you must on your way or near your destination. No one is allowed out of the classrooms 15 minutes after the bell for class and 15 minutes before the last bell getting out of class.

needless to say, we're used to drug searches. We have, I believe, four different "high rank" gangs at our school and a bunch of potheads. so. . . . we're pretty much used to being watched. Oh, and during lunch there is a teacher or administrator monitoring just about every area.

But it's not as bad as it sounds.

I think drug searches are alright. I mean why not?



New member
Drugs are bad. Mm'kay.

Anyway, Im all for it. At the end of the day, they are just looking out for the safety of all the students. Anyone who is stupid enough to do drugs in the first place, much less bring them to school diserves to be caught in my opinion.



New member
Drugs are bad. Mm'kay.
Anyway, Im all for it. At the end of the day, they are just looking out for the safety of all the students. Anyone who is stupid enough to do drugs in the first place, much less bring them to school diserves to be caught in my opinion.
I wholeheartidly(sp?) agree!!!!


Pretty dead girl

New member
Well when I was in highschool well we didn't have surches any of kind........but there was a diler that came at our school every Wednesday or something.......I didn't care and I still don't.......but there was a police car......that arested the ppl that bought stuff from him.......which was a bit of stupid because those ppl who did hevy drugs had parend who went above the law........so I don't see the point of it.......


New member
Well I Do Drugs but nope If I bought any I would keep it all to myself =D

and yea it is bad to do that **** in school.

Thats why I wait til after school. =O



New member
ive only tried weed once...and that enough for me......but im all for the searches....i dont think people should bring drugs to school or come to school high...but it happens...i also think weed isnt really all that bad.


New member
well i guess only in america, huh?

i dont know of any school in brisbane(or australia) that do that kinda stuff.

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