dwmapi.dl trying to be installed all the time. Firewall alert. Saf




I am using Vista Home Premium, coming instaled on my Dell XPS notebook.

I lately formatted all, pc is clean (I suppose), no programs installed yet.

No windows updates, I am downloading the standlone SP1 because I am tired to

downlod it all the time that I have to format.

So, I use Comodo Firewall. Version 3.

Its Defense+ function alerts me that IE, than WMP, and then Firefox are

trying to install a hook (no idea what a hook is), which is dwmapi.dl (not

dll), unders system32...

What is that? May I allow it?


MowGreen [MVP]

Re: dwmapi.dl trying to be installed all the time. Firewall alert.Saf

Uninstall Commode ...err, Commodo.

Issue resolved.

But seriously, if you do not understand what a firewall is trying to

tell you then you either have to do some research and learn how to use

it or, dump it and use the native Vista firewall.

Used in conjunction with a hardware firewall [ found in most routers ],

the Vista firewall provides sufficient protection.

If it helps, dwmapi.dll is a Window Manager API.

Suggest you disable Defense+ when doing Windows Updates or install

Service Packs if you insist on keeping Commodo.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten


S.G. wrote:

<span style="color:blue">

> Hi,

> I am using Vista Home Premium, coming instaled on my Dell XPS notebook.

> I lately formatted all, pc is clean (I suppose), no programs installed yet.

> No windows updates, I am downloading the standlone SP1 because I am tired to

> downlod it all the time that I have to format.

> So, I use Comodo Firewall. Version 3.

> Its Defense+ function alerts me that IE, than WMP, and then Firefox are

> trying to install a hook (no idea what a hook is), which is dwmapi.dl (not

> dll), unders system32...

> What is that? May I allow it?</span>



SG -- to actually answer your question, yes you can allow it. These will go

away after a couple of days if you click the 'remember my answer' on the

popups. In vista programs no longer render directly, so you will see a

variety of programs trying to install this 'system hook'

Comodo is a fine firewall, but sometimes a little too complex. This issue is

being discussed on their forums so I expect a solution soon.

As for Windows firewall vs Comodo -- well, Comodo passes leak tests that

Windows firewall routinely fails, so you should make up your own mind.

"S.G." wrote:

<span style="color:blue">

> Hi,

> I am using Vista Home Premium, coming instaled on my Dell XPS notebook.

> I lately formatted all, pc is clean (I suppose), no programs installed yet.

> No windows updates, I am downloading the standlone SP1 because I am tired to

> downlod it all the time that I have to format.

> So, I use Comodo Firewall. Version 3.

> Its Defense+ function alerts me that IE, than WMP, and then Firefox are

> trying to install a hook (no idea what a hook is), which is dwmapi.dl (not

> dll), unders system32...

> What is that? May I allow it?</span>

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