Ebaum's World and their new IM Prank Bot


I swear this has to be the best thing since.. I dunno but still its awesome. What you do is put in a persons screen name (AIM & ICQ ONLY) and you pick a name for your bot, their age, their ***, where they live, and what you want it to say for their first message. The bot will wait for a minute for a reply from the person, then the bot will talk for 10 minutes. At the end of the converstation, you can see what they were talking about.

I had to post this because I thought it was sooooo cool!!!! What do you think about it??



New member
My friend did that to me, and there is this other site that has those prank robot things I forgot what its called. My friends always send them after me lol.


New member
***** i just sent one to my friend cause he told me he got one earlier today

im so mean.

m0nit0r94384(5:19:41): Hey toby i miss you man hows life

*(5:20:19): Who are you?

m0nit0r94384(5:20:32): my name is steve

*(5:21:04): oh, whats up. Havn't seen you in a while.

m0nit0r94384(5:21:17): what about me?

*(5:21:45): I'm confused

m0nit0r94384(5:21:56): being confused is what makes life interesting

*(5:22:24): True, are you the steve that use to hang out with eric?

m0nit0r94384(5:22:40): y?

*(5:22:52): because i makeing sure i am sure who you are

m0nit0r94384(5:23:01): i dont remember anymore lol

*(5:23:07): lol

m0nit0r94384(5:23:22): :-d

m0nit0r94384(5:24:30): u doin ok over there?

m0nit0r94384(5:24:54): :p

m0nit0r94384(5:25:40): u doin ok over there?

*(5:25:56): yea, just chillin out, you?

m0nit0r94384(5:26:10): im not that interesting, lol

m0nit0r94384(5:27:15): u doin ok over there?

*(5:27:29): you just asked that....twice

m0nit0r94384(5:27:38): sorry, i am forgetful lol

m0nit0r94384(5:28:49): Please talk to me

m0nit0r94384: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com



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