Economy More Important to Voters Than Iraq War


Patriot Games


War? What War? Economy Trumps Iraq in Election

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

WASHINGTON -- The Iraq war, once the key issue in the presidential election,
is taking a back seat to the economy as voters fret over a possible
recession and consider the improving security situation in Baghdad.

Polls in Iowa, the state that kicked off the process for choosing a
president on Thursday, showed people pushing the war lower on their list of
concerns after the surge in U.S. troops helped calm conditions in the
country and a deteriorating economic situation at home drew focus to
domestic woes.

"The entrance polls in Iowa certainly suggested that Iraq has receded ... as
the central issue in the campaign, partly because the 'surge' is working and
fatalities are down, and partly because the economy is getting worse," said
David Gergen, a former adviser to Republican and Democratic presidents.

"The latest numbers on jobs that came out (on Friday) ... are being
interpreted by investors as yet another sign we may be heading toward a
recession," he told Reuters.

But political analysts said who benefits most could be a toss-up, with
out-of-power Democrats possibly helped by a poor economy, and Republicans
may be given a boost from improvements in Iraq.

Barack Obama, an Illinois senator who would be the first black U.S.
president, won the Democratic contest in Iowa. Mike Huckabee, former
Arkansas governor and an ordained Baptist minister, garnered the most
support from Republican voters. Both upset the front-runners in their

Those victories came a night before a report revealed the weakest U.S. jobs
growth since August 2003, putting the economy center stage in the campaign.

Voters across the country have indicated a shift in their concerns and what
they believe presidential candidates can do about them.

"The Iraq war made me sick, but that's beyond my capacity. The economy I can
do something about," said Zewge Tegegnework, 70, an independent voter in
Cincinnati who leans toward voting Democratic.

"I'm worried about the economy slowing down, people losing Social Security,"
he said.


Worsening economic conditions are not the only factor that has drawn
attention away from the war. The decline in deaths among U.S. troops led to
less media coverage of the Iraq issue, shifting the debate to issues such as
health care, the subprime housing crisis and immigration.

"At this moment in time, the daily accounts (of the war) have subsided, the
daily concern over 'Is the situation getting worse?' has eased off, and
people are beginning to think about things closer to home," said Tom
Rosenstiel, director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism at the Pew
Research Center, which tracks media coverage of the war.

So what does that mean for candidates?

"It means that domestic issues, from what we can tell today, are likely to
play a relatively greater role in determining votes," said Whit Ayres, a
Republican pollster who argued Iraq's diminishing role in the election would
be positive for Republican candidates.

"Anything that drives Iraq down the agenda helps Republicans because a
majority of Americans think it was a mistake to have gone into Iraq in the
first place, and there's very little that Republicans can say at this point
to persuade people otherwise," he said.

Gergen said the focus on the economy would help Democrats by taking away the
Republicans' claim to strong economic stewardship under President George W.

Whether the economy slumps or not, Iraq is not going away. Obama generates
thunderous applause when he tells audiences he aims to bring troops home
within 16 months if he wins the White House.

Once the nominees are chosen, the Iraq issue is likely to return to the
forefront, analysts said.

"The conversation will change once we have nominees and the issues then
sharpen up," Gergen said. "It's (Iraq) going to be a very sharp issue of
division between the two parties."

I think they are both too entwined now.

This war is going to hang round the neck of the economy for 100 years,
its our grandchildren that will still be paying off for this badly
planned war.

It took the UK 60 years to pay back its WW2 loans to the USA and they
have the 4th or 5th biggest economy in the world.

On Jan 9, 7:12 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> -
> War? What War? Economy Trumps Iraq in Election
> Tuesday, January 8, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- The Iraq war, once the key issue in the presidential election,
> is taking a back seat to the economy as voters fret over a possible
> recession and consider the improving security situation in Baghdad.

I saw the exit polls in New Hampshire this morning, and true, the
economy came in 1st place as the main issue for the voters there.

The Iraq War was a STRONG 2ND PLACE. This needless and futile war
remains a major consider for voters.

And the issues are tied together with nearly a trillion and a half
dollars wasted on Bush's Folly -- which has only placed this country
deeper in debt.

Both issues are BIG losers for Republicans.

The War will go on; Bush won't have it any other way. Nor will the
front-runners among the Republicans. That's a BIG loser for the GOP.

Under Bush and his Republican Administration, the only people who are
now better off than they were 7 years ago are the rich and the super-
rich. Under this Republican Administration, our economy looks like it
is headed into a recession in '08. Even if it doesn't, this economy
serious sucks for the vast majority of the American people -- and it
isn't going to get better.

Well, I was going to ask if your are so ****ing stupid, PG, to think
that this nation's citizens would vote for a Republican because of a
pointless war and a shitty economy -- but I know you are that
****ing stupid, Patriot Games.

Also: the other big issue was Health Care. Who do you think the
public will look to for a solution to the ongoing problem? A
Republican??? HA HAHA HAHA HAHAHAHA HAHA HA HAHA HA ha! Not even in
your delusional ultra-conservative fantasy world, PG.

Also on the Republican list were Immigration and Terrorism. And
NEITHER of those was a serious concern for Democrats -- so if the
Republicans try to play to those issues nationally, the only ones who
are going to care are the few remaining brains-of-stone hardcore
Republican groups -- who would vote for a Republican even if the GOP's
2008 nominee was a Dead Richard Nixon.

Those two issues are not big concerns for the majority of the voters.

Even with "moderate" McCain's win in NH, all the exit polls showed is
the Republicans are seriously out-of-touch with most of Americans.
The rest of the Republicans are even more conservative, which makes
them even more clueless.

Every time the public votes with regards to this presidential
election, it shows more and more signs and portents of a sure
Democratic win in November 2008.

But you can't understand that, PG. Your reactionary. fundamentalist
mind-set prevents it.

-Tom Sr.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> War? What War? Economy Trumps Iraq in Election
> Tuesday, January 8, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- The Iraq war, once the key issue in the presidential
> election, is taking a back seat to the economy as voters fret over a
> possible recession and consider the improving security situation in
> Baghdad.
> Polls in Iowa, the state that kicked off the process for choosing a
> president on Thursday, showed people pushing the war lower on their list
> of concerns after the surge in U.S. troops helped calm conditions in the
> country and a deteriorating economic situation at home drew focus to
> domestic woes.
> "The entrance polls in Iowa certainly suggested that Iraq has receded ...
> as the central issue in the campaign, partly because the 'surge' is
> working and fatalities are down, and partly because the economy is getting
> worse," said David Gergen, a former adviser to Republican and Democratic
> presidents.
> "The latest numbers on jobs that came out (on Friday) ... are being
> interpreted by investors as yet another sign we may be heading toward a
> recession," he told Reuters.
> But political analysts said who benefits most could be a toss-up, with
> out-of-power Democrats possibly helped by a poor economy, and Republicans
> may be given a boost from improvements in Iraq.
> Barack Obama, an Illinois senator who would be the first black U.S.
> president, won the Democratic contest in Iowa. Mike Huckabee, former
> Arkansas governor and an ordained Baptist minister, garnered the most
> support from Republican voters. Both upset the front-runners in their
> parties.
> Those victories came a night before a report revealed the weakest U.S.
> jobs growth since August 2003, putting the economy center stage in the
> campaign.
> Voters across the country have indicated a shift in their concerns and
> what they believe presidential candidates can do about them.
> "The Iraq war made me sick, but that's beyond my capacity. The economy I
> can do something about," said Zewge Tegegnework, 70, an independent voter
> in Cincinnati who leans toward voting Democratic.
> "I'm worried about the economy slowing down, people losing Social
> Security," he said.
> Worsening economic conditions are not the only factor that has drawn
> attention away from the war. The decline in deaths among U.S. troops led
> to less media coverage of the Iraq issue, shifting the debate to issues
> such as health care, the subprime housing crisis and immigration.
> "At this moment in time, the daily accounts (of the war) have subsided,
> the daily concern over 'Is the situation getting worse?' has eased off,
> and people are beginning to think about things closer to home," said Tom
> Rosenstiel, director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism at the
> Pew Research Center, which tracks media coverage of the war.
> So what does that mean for candidates?
> "It means that domestic issues, from what we can tell today, are likely to
> play a relatively greater role in determining votes," said Whit Ayres, a
> Republican pollster who argued Iraq's diminishing role in the election
> would be positive for Republican candidates.
> "Anything that drives Iraq down the agenda helps Republicans because a
> majority of Americans think it was a mistake to have gone into Iraq in the
> first place, and there's very little that Republicans can say at this
> point to persuade people otherwise," he said.
> Gergen said the focus on the economy would help Democrats by taking away
> the Republicans' claim to strong economic stewardship under President
> George W. Bush.
> Whether the economy slumps or not, Iraq is not going away. Obama generates
> thunderous applause when he tells audiences he aims to bring troops home
> within 16 months if he wins the White House.
> Once the nominees are chosen, the Iraq issue is likely to return to the
> forefront, analysts said.
> "The conversation will change once we have nominees and the issues then
> sharpen up," Gergen said. "It's (Iraq) going to be a very sharp issue of
> division between the two parties."

What? Them Traitors in Washington are using the Economy to take people's
eyes off the fact that their expensive surge in Iraq not only destroyed our
Economy, but the Profiteering done by the Tax and Spend Democrats and the
Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans whom authorized their Supporters
and Subsidiaries to sell advanced weaponry to India, caused the
destabilization of our ally in Pakistan, placing his Nukes in danger of
falling into the hands of our enemies. And at the same time, these
Profiteering Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans also sent Bhutto back to Pakistan to cause further
destabilization of our ally, and further danger of the Nukes falling into
the wrong hands.

These Profiteering Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic
Collapse Republicans, like the Rothschilds did in the days of Napoleon, and
Hitler, they and or their Supporters and or Subsidiaries are financing and
or Supplying both sides of every conflict in the world, so that they make
Profit off getting innocent people killed on each side.

They are controlled by Soviets whom took over the State of Israel as the
Soviets let down the Wall, so that they could take over Israel, and use it
to control both US Political Parties, and destroy our US Constitution on one
level of Government or another, and systematically knock off those of us
whom know what is going on. That is why they sent my records to both Russian
and Chinese Computers, so that the Communists could use Israel, and our US
Corporations to get me locked up on false charges, and try to kill me.

It is all recorded History, and yet they will try to use propaganda and lies
to try to discredit me and the truth!

"Scotius" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 03:57:40 -0800 (PST), "Kickin' Ass and Takin'
> Names" <> wrote:
>>For 10 years, the AK-47 semiautomatic assault weapon used in the
>>deadly Omaha mall shootings was illegal in America, after President
>>Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994. On Sept. 13,
>>2004, that ban came to an end, thanks to the GOP-led Congress.
>>Thanks to this idiotic decision, lethal weapons such as AK-47s, Uzis
>>and TEC-9s returned to store shelves in America.
>>None of these weapons can be used for hunting because they are not
>>accurate at the ranges encountered in hunting.

> 'scuse me? If you hunt at more than 300 or so yards, you're
> unethical. Beyond that range it's possible for an animals movement to
> be fast enough that they may be only injured by a shot. Elmer Keith
> recommended that as the limit for shooting larger game from deer on
> up, I believe, and he was obviously quite right. Longer ranges are for
> snipers on foreign battlefields or in police situations, not for
> ethical hunters.
> Also, the AK fires a bullet which is not as deadly as the
> average hunting bullet. This has been going on ever since educated men
> got together to decide how their minions might more honorably kill one
> another, and the result was the banning of expanding, or "mushrooming"
> bullets around the time of the first World war. The Germans responded
> by introducing "dum dum" bullets which would tumble after striking a
> target, and they were then banned. The US currently uses a fragmenting
> bullet for the M-16/A2 rifle.
> The Swiss criticized the US government and military for using
> a fragmenting bullet during the Vietnam war, despite their own
> soldiers being equipped with a .30 caliber fragmenting bullet which
> causes far more tissue disruption than the .223 caliber one for which
> the M-16 is chambered.
>>However, any of these
>>weapons is an excellent choice if you are a psychopath who wishes to
>>go to his local shopping mall and slaughter a bunch of innocent

> If you want to fire a semi-automatic weapon accurately, you
> can't fire it much faster than you could a bolt action or lever action
> rifle. Why the hooplah?
>>The AK-47 was the weapon used by Robert Hawkins on Wednesday at a
>>shopping mall in Omaha, Nebraska, where he shot and killed five women
>>and three men and then turned the gun on himself.
>>If the GOP retains the White House, or regains the Congress, in 2008,
>>we can be assured that Republicans will continue to weaken what few
>>remaining gun restrictions there still are on the books in this
>>country. For example, we can kiss the Brady Bill, signed into law by
>>President Clinton in 1993, goodbye.
>>Indeed, the current crop of GOP presidential candidates all seem to be
>>outdoing themselves on the campaign trail, depicting themselves as
>>foes of any and all gun restrictions. And as long as our politicians
>>are in the pocket of the powerful NRA, we can expect more gun
>>tragedies in the years to come.

> Well, you can't say the Dems are in the pocket of Handgun
> Control, although there certainly are people making money from the
> movement, such as police departments whose captains are gun control
> loyalists; they've consistently gotten more federal "assistance" since
> the '80s, despite many politicos insisting they support the 2nd
> amendment. HCI and it's clone groups also get millions per year in
> free advertising from various media outlets. At least the NRA pays
> their way.

Well, it looks like some are not pretending on being a domestic enemy of the
US Constitution. We all swore and or affirmed to uphold the US Constitution,
why have so many chosen to be a Benedict Arnold or Turncoat?

It don't say a word about hunting in the 2nd amendment. I have room for a
Nuke right next to my C-4. The US Government trained me how to use them to
defend this Republic against Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US
Constitution, and the only people whom would use propaganda and fear tactics
to try to disarm a US Militia are Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US

"Gordon Knott" <gordon.knott@no.more.guns> wrote in message
> The following five headlines are proof positive that a total and absolute
> gun ban must be imposed upon the violent American cowboys. They are
> killing more people than war, aids, and hunger combined!!!
> Woman violently murders man, cuts him up, flushes him down toilet
> Man violently murders woman, cuts her up, prepars her for dinner
> Slow service leads to bloody, violent rampage
> Sensless gore and bloodthirst exhibited in murder
> 24 arrested after brutally violent blugeoning party


The traitor Gordon Knott is helping a Foreign Government overthrow ours from

Oh, so you spread propaganda and work for the traitors that want to outlaw
guns so that they can drug, and throw the rest of us in jail and or
systematically kill us off, one way or another.

Get a Gun!

True Security does not have to do away with Liberty, like CNN and the
Government that they control, want you to believe. They are paranoid, and
are setting up security for themselves, against us!

They are traitors of the People of the United States!

CNN is trying to get the traitors that they support out of trouble. And I am
referring to traitors that are helping Foreign Countries, overthrow the US
Government from within!

They control all the leaders of both the Tax and Spend Democrats, and the
Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, and are sponsored by the
Industrial Military Complexes, and or Medical Complexes, and they lie to and
control our Courts.

We will have neither Security nor Liberty, as long as organizations like CNN
and Roadrunner exist, running our Government to suit themselves at the
expense of the rest of us! Find every place where they wrote a complaint
against anyone, and submitted it to our Courts, and get then for lying to
our Courts, because all across our land they have replaced truth and
Justice, with dishonesty and injustice for their Neo-Nazi Organization!

After I repeatedly asked the US for Grid Maps, and for permission to Arm, to
do a COVERT action to get Bin Laden, because we could not get the US
Government or Pakistan's Government to respond, let alone respond fast
enough to get Bin Laden, CNN is now saying that Pakistan's Government, is
denying permission for the CIA to conduct COVERT actions in Pakistan.

The whole Idea of a COVERT action, is because that Government will not
cooperate, you secretly go behind their back, and do what's right. Where did
we get such a foolish brainwash machine, like CNN, that works for our
enemies in every situation?

CNN betrayed my friends in Iran, and my family whose lives are in danger in
Iraq. And they lied to the Public, and lied to the courts and took away my
freedom for a year with nothing but lies!

It is time to take all the Lawyers that make up lies that are not supported
by any evidence, and present it to our Courts, and the Judges whom find in
favor of their unsupportable lies, to be brought down and driven out of
business, all across this land.

I am especially in need of honest and just Lawyers and Judges to bring the
lying Lawyers of the Corporation giants made of CNN, Time Warner, and
Turner, etc. And the lying Lawyers of individuals among this group of
Corporations, because they are among the worst of the worst when it comes to
using our Courts to cause injustice to the People of These United States,
especially the poor like I had heard dozens of complaints from people in
Atlanta, whom were abused by CNN, and organizations run by Ted Turner. It
seems to be that all the people he partnered with, make themselves out to
look like humanitarians, while destroying people's lives completely. Most of
the complaints that I heard of deliberate abuse brought about by them, were
from people that they caused to be homeless!

I was abused by CNN, their Corporate Lawyers, and Lawyers representing Nancy
Grace in New York, and these were responsible for presenting the lies to
both the court and the medical hospitals that deliberately would not let me
go because of their lies. They are Public Enemies of then People of these
United States! They deliberatly help Bin Laden exscape by blocking any true
efforts to get hm! That is treason!

Be advised these Lawyers and Judges that present lies to our Courts, think
that no matter how immoral or unjust that their acts are, they think that
they can get away with it by the Law. They should be considered Armed, and
extremely Dangerous!

In service of God and Country


"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>> "Hillary '08" <> wrote in message
>>> On Jan 9, 6:38 am, "Joseph R Loegering" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> "Hillary '08" <> wrote in message
>>>> > Do the opinions, needs, hopes and dreams of the women of America
>>>> > matter? Just ask Hillary! It is time for a woman to to run the USA,
>>>> > it
>>>> > is time for you women to show the world what you can do! This is a
>>>> > wake up call for all the women of America, Hillary Clinton needs your
>>>> > support so she can support you once she becomes the very first female
>>>> > President. Make history ladies! Show America you will no longer be
>>>> > taken for granted, you have this one chance and it may not come again
>>>> > for long time, get to the polls and show America your votes matter,
>>>> > just look at New Hampshire! wow, just AMAZING!! Thank You New
>>>> > Hampshire! you pulled through for our girl! let's see some more
>>>> > ladies! let's have some fun!
>>> = Ladies, I have been personally betrayed by Senator Hillary Clinton.
>>> She
>>>> allowed lies to
>>>> Senator Hillary Clinton will not hear, nor redress any just complaint
>>>> that
>>>> you have against the Government or these giant Corporations.
>>> nd Judges that present lies to our Courts, think
>>>> that no matter how immoral or unjust that their acts are, they think
>>>> that
>>>> they can get away with it by the Law. They should be considered Armed,
>>>> and
>>>> extremely Dangerous!
>>> = In service of God and Country
>>> = Joseph
>>> Well gee, what vile hatred towards women you quite obviously have, you
>>> should really seek help for your mental problem.

>> Because I am near blind, I took some time to rewrite this and add a few
>> things.
>> To the Tax and spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse
>> Republicans;
>> Because of my Military service where five Army doctors declared me to be
>> permanently blind, I am going Blind so that I have an excuse for not
>> reading or writing accurately, you can see, but you are Blind Fools.
>> Did you know even though that rock made me blind and caused a stroke and
>> PSTD, I cannot get any service connected disability? Nor can any of our
>> boys being injured in this War on Terrorism, instead they hand us
>> medication that eventually makes us commit suicide or murder suicide!
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph
>> "Hillary '08" <> wrote in message
>>> Do the opinions, needs, hopes and dreams of the women of America
>>> matter? Just ask Hillary! It is time for a woman to to run the USA, it
>>> is time for you women to show the world what you can do! This is a
>>> wake up call for all the women of America, Hillary Clinton needs your
>>> support so she can support you once she becomes the very first female
>>> President. Make history ladies! Show America you will no longer be
>>> taken for granted, you have this one chance and it may not come again
>>> for long time, get to the polls and show America your votes matter,
>>> just look at New Hampshire! wow, just AMAZING!! Thank You New
>>> Hampshire! you pulled through for our girl! let's see some more
>>> ladies! let's have some fun!

>> Ladies, I have been personally betrayed by Senator Hillary Clinton. She
>> allowed lies to be used in New York Courts, and would not even respond to
>> any Petition for a Redress of Grievances, and made it impossible for me
>> to get any Petition for a Redress of Grievances into any Court, where
>> both the Courts and the
>> Hospital are afraid to stand up to the lies presented to them by CNN.
>> They being the
>> Courts and the Hospitals will hold you against your will, even though
>> they
>> can find that you have committed no crime, and they will force treat you
>> with mind control drugs under the direction of CNN, who has many
>> foreigners
>> working there, and Foreign Governments controlling them, working to
>> overthrow the US Government from within.
>> Senator Hillary Clinton will not hear, nor redress any just complaint
>> that
>> you have against the Government, or these giant Corporations being used
>> to overthrow our US Constitution for Foreign Governments.
>> She is a Fascist Communist FOOL! Remember Waco!
>> I am not a Borrow until Economic Collapse Republican either, both the
>> Borrow
>> until Economic Collapse Republicans, and the Tax and Spend Democrats,
>> work for
>> the Communist Atheists whom left the Soviet Union at the supposed fall of
>> the Wall, and took over Israel pretending to be Jews, and entered Rome
>> pretending to be Christians, and as Zionists they
>> took over both US Political Parties to Destroy the US Constitution and
>> take
>> us over from within. See my website, I am all American, and instead of
>> joining or voting for either Political Party, every real American should
>> join the Boston Tea Party! Especially against those Tax and Money
>> suckers,
>> whom are using our Government to vacuum up our money and resources and
>> are destroying our Economy by doing so, like the family of Clintons, the
>> rulers and supporters of the Ruling Democrats and Republicans, are doing!
>> Take a look at how these traitors are systematically destroying us! They
>> make it impossible for the Poor to make it by saying that they are making
>> regulations to help, but every regulation that they pass is used to
>> falsely
>> accuse us, take our Liberty, so that they can medicate us at our expense,
>> supposedly for our own good, and or
>> jail or kill us for our own good!
>> They are not stupid, they are deliberately destroying our lives and our
>> Liberty, so that they can have a totalitarian plutocracy that turns into
>> a
>> dictatorship, from either the right or from the left! Either Party that
>> you choose, you lose!
>> Take a look at this traitor of our US Constitution!
>> "Gordon Knott" <gordon.knott@no.more.guns> wrote in message
>> news:fm1vfd$q6q$
>>> The following five headlines are proof positive that a total and
>>> absolute
>>> gun ban must be imposed upon the violent American cowboys. They are
>>> killing more people than war, aids, and hunger combined!!!
>>> Woman violently murders man, cuts him up, flushes him down toilet
>>> Man violently murders woman, cuts her up, prepars her for dinner
>>> Slow service leads to bloody, violent rampage
>>> Sensless gore and bloodthirst exhibited in murder
>>> 24 arrested after brutally violent blugeoning party

>> ========================
>> The traitor Gordon Knott is helping a Foreign Government overthrow ours
>> from
>> within!
>> Oh, so you spread propaganda and work for the traitors that want to
>> outlaw
>> guns so that they can drug, and throw the rest of us in jail and or
>> systematically kill us off, one way or another.
>> Get a Gun!
>> True Security does not have to do away with Liberty, like CNN and the
>> Government that they control, want you to believe. They are paranoid, and
>> are setting up security for themselves, against us!
>> They are traitors of the People of the United States!
>> CNN is trying to get the traitors that they support out of trouble. And I
>> am
>> referring to traitors that are helping Foreign Countries, overthrow the
>> US
>> Government from within!
>> They control all the leaders of both the Tax and Spend Democrats, and the
>> Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, and are sponsored by the
>> Industrial Military Complexes, and or Medical Complexes, and they lie to
>> and
>> control our Courts.
>> We will have neither Security nor Liberty, as long as organizations like
>> CNN
>> and Roadrunner exist, running our Government to suit themselves at the
>> expense of the rest of us! Find every place where they wrote a complaint
>> against anyone, and submitted it to our Courts, and get then for lying to
>> our Courts, because all across our land they have replaced truth and
>> Justice, with dishonesty and injustice for their Neo-Nazi Organization!
>> After I repeatedly asked the US for Grid Maps, and for permission to Arm,
>> to
>> do a COVERT action to get Bin Laden, because we could not get the US
>> Government or Pakistan's Government to respond, let alone respond fast
>> enough to get Bin Laden, CNN is now saying that Pakistan's Government, is
>> denying permission for the CIA to conduct COVERT actions in Pakistan.
>> The whole Idea of a COVERT action, is because that Government will not
>> cooperate, you secretly go behind their back, and do what's right. Where
>> did
>> we get such a foolish brainwash machine, like CNN, that works for our
>> enemies in every situation?
>> CNN betrayed my friends in Iran, and my family whose lives are in danger
>> in
>> Iraq. And they lied to the Public, and lied to the courts and took away
>> my
>> freedom for a year with nothing but lies!
>> It is time to take all the Lawyers that make up lies that are not
>> supported
>> by any evidence, and present it to our Courts, and the Judges whom find
>> in
>> favor of their unsupportable lies, to be brought down and driven out of
>> business, all across this land.
>> I am especially in need of honest and just Lawyers and Judges to bring
>> the
>> lying Lawyers of the Corporation giants made of CNN, Time Warner, and
>> Turner, etc. And the lying Lawyers of individuals among this group of
>> Corporations, because they are among the worst of the worst when it comes
>> to
>> using our Courts to cause injustice to the People of These United States,
>> especially the poor like I had heard dozens of complaints from people in
>> Atlanta, whom were abused by CNN, and organizations run by Ted Turner. It
>> seems to be that all the people he partnered with, make themselves out to
>> look like humanitarians, while destroying people's lives completely. Most
>> of
>> the complaints that I heard of deliberate abuse brought about by them,
>> were
>> from people that they caused to be homeless!
>> I was abused by CNN, their Corporate Lawyers, and Lawyers representing
>> Nancy
>> Grace in New York, and these were responsible for presenting the lies to
>> both the court and the medical hospitals that deliberately would not let
>> me
>> go because of their lies. They are Public Enemies of then People of these
>> United States! They deliberatly help Bin Laden exscape by blocking any
>> true
>> efforts to get hm! That is treason!
>> Be advised these Lawyers and Judges that present lies to our Courts,
>> think
>> that no matter how immoral or unjust that their acts are, they think that
>> they can get away with it by the Law. They should be considered Armed,
>> and
>> extremely Dangerous!
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph

> Did you know that because I know exactly what Hillary and Bush Dogs are
> like, I rewrote my post and wrote this before I read your next Post?
> Read it Nazi Murderer! Every one of our boys that committed suicide or
> murder suicide, you murdered them!
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph

I am a man trained to be resourceful, to improvise and adapt and overcome in

If they had not made it illegal for me as a blind and or disabled man, to
hitchhike to a store, to a laundry mat, or to a job, I could make it on my

Instead any way I try to survive is Illegal, I cannot drive, if I ride a
bike I crash and end up with more unpaid hospital bills, if I hitchhike, I
get picked up and sent to a Doctor whom will not believe that all them drugs
nearly kill me, until they see it nearly kill me for themselves, over and
over again.

I will light the torch of Liberty and bring down these Nazi bigots and
Tyrants the follow these Democrats and Republicans led by the News Medias
whom wish to jail or kill us for being free Americans!

The torch of Liberty!

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become symbols that
are hated for the destructiveness of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness, that Fascism and Communism causes.

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become symbols that
are hated for the Bigotry and Tyranny of Political, Religious, Public
Officials, or Corporate Rulers.

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the torch of
Liberty, and bring down the Profiteering of Bigots and Tyrants!

1Timothy 6:10

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted
after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows."

It is what distracted us from our Just Causes of providing Truth and
Justice, to bring Freedom for all!

The Global Banks and Global Medias deliberately promoted the Housing Market
to Gobble up our Tillable Farmland, and Global Warming offering no
applicable or affordable alternative to Oil and Coal, and promoted the
Biofuels to gobble up more our Tillable Farmland, and take control of our
Water, Oil, and Electricity, so that America could be brought to her knees.

That is why not Bush, but the Banks and the Industrial Military Complexes
are turning our Food into fuel, it is the only way that they can keep using
our Forces to set up a Global Rule for them. US Armed Forces alone use more
Oil than the 37th Largest Nation, and these Global Banks and Global
Industrial Military Complexes are Financing and Supplying both sides in
every Conflict in the World, so that they can make Money off both sides, and
they are using the Global Medias to distract the Whole World from seeing
what is going on, to hide what is going on, so that they can destroy whoever
they don't want in the New World Order!

Before I was eight, I could cut steel, form it, and weld well enough to help
my Father Build a Tractor. Before I was 10 I had plowed, disked, planted,
and harvested enough food to sell in the markets to feed thousands. Now that
equipment and fuel is unaffordable, and with no land to plow because it is
unaffordable, thousands starve to death every day, looking for Food.

To the Fascist Communist Nation of America!

Mr. President,

You are not fit to be Commander in Chief, because when a messenger is sent
to say that your surge in Iraq, and with France and you selling advanced
weapons to India, these two things are destabilizing your ally in Pakistan,
where the Foreign Fighters from Iraq are regrouping, and placing his Nukes
closer to the hands of our Enemy, but instead of admitting that your
precious Surge that is wasting our money and destroying our Economy, and
your Profiteering in India, are causing the problem, you shoot the

Why did this Government send in Bhutto to help destabilize the Government of
your Ally and place his Nukes at risk of falling into the hands of our

Yes Bush, and yes Hillary, and yes to both Democratic and Republican
Followers, I see the change that you have brought about in this Nation, and
to the World, no truth, no honesty, no integrity, no Justice, replaced with
nothing but debate, propaganda, deceit, and Profiteering! You have changed
the 1st amendment already, to read, "Ignore any Petition for a Redress of
Grievances, because the dogs will get rid of my opposition for me!" You have
made it impossible to even get a case into Court, let alone get any Redress!

That is the way you handled all my honest and just Petitions for a Redress
of Grievances!

Why did you ignore my repeated Petitions? Because your Campaign Money, and
our Taxes, and your Sponsors, support you, the Government, and the
Corporations against whom I have just complaints.

The first of which is Treason against the People of these United States, by
blocking any real efforts to get Osama Bin Laden!

With no history of doing violent acts, it is your standard to diagnose
harmless people as "dangerous," and slander them with false allegations in
their medical records, and liable them with others reading your falsified
diagnosis, and liable them in public, as being a dangerous person that must
be treated or they will do something wrong, and you use the medias to
brainwash the Public to help you do your dirty works, so that your Medical
and Media Corporations, can make money off the Sponsors, Tax Payers, and
Insurance Companies. You lie in our Courts, to deceive them into thinking
that you are the Professional that knows ahead of time, who will commit
crimes, and sway the Courts to give you the power to destroy a persons
Liberty, as you maltreat them, trying to brainwash them into thinking that
there is something wrong with them that will cause them to commit crimes,
using false allegations over and over!

With your Behavioral Control Drugs, you are nothing but Fascist and
Communists that destroy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, of the
harmless people that you falsely accuse of being dangerous!

You have made every Citizen a Suspect, and force upon us all repeated
searches no matter where we go! You have even made it illegal for the blind
and or disabled to hitchhike to a store, or a laundry mat, or a job! You
have regulated Society so that the poor cannot use their innovation, and
make useful things to survive, from Scrap Yards, or Dumps, or Dumpsters!

I know exactly what you Fascist and Communists are, you are antagonists that
keep denying reality, and you brainwash and raise people's suspicions
against your targets using propaganda, and you falsely accuse people,
especially the poor, of being immoral and dangerous, and you slander and set
up innocent harmless people over and over with your Medias, until they snap,
and then you take away their Liberty, and Drug them with Mind Control Drugs,
and or Jail or Kill them, and say that they were dangerous, and glorify
yourself and each other in Public, as some kind of hero for doing your evil.

You are Bigots and Tyrants!

You falsely accuse people of being immoral and dangerous, so that you can
violate their rights and search them repeatedly, or take away their Liberty,
and Drug them with Mind Control Drugs that eventually cause them to commit
suicide or murder suicide, or you scream that they are dangerous, and use
trumped up charges to jail or kill harmless people.

You say, "Oh, I am afraid, you will do something wrong, so I can't let you
go, I have to give you Medication to help you!" "Oh, I am afraid, you will
do something wrong, so I must search you again and again, as I haul you off
to jail, don't worry, 'Cuffs' are standard operating procedure for alleged
criminals, or suspects!"

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the torch of
Liberty, and bring you Profiteering Bigots and Tyrants down!

Why are you not responding to this Nazi?

In service of God and Country

"English-Elephant" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I think they are both too entwined now.
> This war is going to hang round the neck of the economy for 100 years,
> its our grandchildren that will still be paying off for this badly
> planned war.
> It took the UK 60 years to pay back its WW2 loans to the USA and they
> have the 4th or 5th biggest economy in the world.
> Thanks

Was it badly planned? I don't think anyone could be that stupid, they
deliberately planned it this way, for their own personal Profiteering and
the Profiteering of their baggiest financial Supporters! The nuts are jus
someone else's Puppet, the Soviets and Communist China!

In service of God and Country

"English-Elephant" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I think they are both too entwined now.

Not in the minds of the American people.

> This war is going to hang round the neck of the economy for 100 years,
> its our grandchildren that will still be paying off for this badly
> planned war.

More like 15 to 20 years.

> It took the UK 60 years to pay back its WW2 loans to the USA and they
> have the 4th or 5th biggest economy in the world.

The UK took 60 years because we let them.
In article <>,
"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote:

> "English-Elephant" <> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think they are both too entwined now.
> >
> > This war is going to hang round the neck of the economy for 100 years,
> > its our grandchildren that will still be paying off for this badly
> > planned war.
> >
> > It took the UK 60 years to pay back its WW2 loans to the USA and they
> > have the 4th or 5th biggest economy in the world.
> >
> > Thanks

> Was it badly planned? I don't think anyone could be that stupid, they
> deliberately planned it this way, for their own personal Profiteering and
> the Profiteering of their baggiest financial Supporters! The nuts are jus
> someone else's Puppet, the Soviets and Communist China!
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph

The plan was to occupy for 100 years. just ask John ,,, bomb, bomb, bomb
Iran... McCain.

when you believe the only tool you have is a hammer.
problems tend to look like nails.