ELECTION CRIMES - This Is What A Police State Looks Like



Please Take The Time to CLOSELY examine the following account of
OHIO from 2004.

The FACT is the Ohio Courts ORDERED the preservation of the BALLOTS
and other EVIDENCE but the OHIO and Even the Federal Court was
simply IGNORED




On September 7, U.S. District Judge Algernon L. Marbley issued an
order to all 88 Ohio Board of Elections (BOEs) to protect the ballots
as evidence in the King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association
et. al. v. J. Kenneth Blackwell lawsuit. In his decision, Marbley
ordered all Ohio BOE's "to preserve all ballots from the Presidential
election, on paper or in any other format, including electronic
data, unless and until such time otherwise instructed by the court."
Plaintiffs in the King Lincoln case contend that certain election
records including unused ballots needed for auditing have already
been destroyed. Plaintiffs contend that Ohio Secretary of State J.
Kenneth Blackwell violated the civil rights of various inner city
African American voters during his administration of the 2004
presidential election. The ballots are needed in order for the
plaintiffs to establish their claim that there was an ongoing pattern
and practice of targeting and disenfranchising African American

Ohios 2004 Ballots Saved For Now!

Investigators seeking to understand what happened in Ohios 2004
presidential election have won a big victory.

The lawsuit claims minority voters were treated unequally by Blackwell
and other officials in 2004, depriving voters of their right to
vote and have those ballots counted.

The lawsuit was filed by civil rights attorneys in Columbus, Ohio
and the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City. It sought
to preserve the ballots and other local election records as evidence.
It also asked the federal court to appoint a special master to
oversee Ohios 2006 general election to ensure that Ohioans are not
again deprived of their voting rights.

The temporary reprieve of Ohios 2004 election records means
investigators can continue to probe what happened in the election
that re-elected President George W. Bush. Nearly two years after
the election, the full story is not known.

Here's some of what we do know: Across Ohio's cities, a deluge of
voter suppression tactics kept more than 170,000 people who intended
to vote from voting, according to the Democratic National Committees
post-election report. And of those who voted, nearly 130,000 ballots
were never counted, because they were rejected by computer voting
machines, or disqualified by poll workers for reasons that included
being turned in at the wrong table.

Meanwhile, in Republican-dominated rural areas, the voter turnout
and returns that re-elected the president defied political logic.
More than 10,500 people allegedly voted for Bush and in favor of
gay marriage, if the official results are true. And John Kerry
received fewer votes in 12 counties than an obscure Ohio Supreme
Court Chief Justice candidate, whose race drew 1.2 million fewer
votes statewide.

A handful of investigative reporters, lawyers, Ph.D. statisticians,
and voting rights activists have been following the presidential
election evidence trail since the 2004 election. This spring, the
team started looking at ballots in suspect counties for the first
time. When team members did their own hand counts, they found
evidence that strongly suggests ballot box stuffing - with paper
ballots and vote-counting computers - and official precinct results
that were off by hundreds of votes.

The reporting, analysis and evidence gathered in the 20 months since
the 2004 vote has been compiled into a forthcoming book from the
New Press, What Happened in Ohio: A Documentary Record of Theft and
Fraud in the 2004 Election, by Robert Fitrakis, Steven Rosenfeld
and Harvey Wasserman.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution. We need to keep looking
at the ballots. We need to know why more than 75,000 computer punch
card ballots and more than 6,000 paper optical-scan ballots were
rejected, never examined and not counted in 2004. We need to know
how rural Ohioans really voted in 2004 and if vote totals were

Join us in this campaign to Save the Ballots.

For additional information about the Save the Ballots campaign,
please email info@savetheballots.org.

Media Contacts:

Harvey Wasserman 614-738-3646, windhw@aol.com Steven Rosenfeld
415-652-1145 For the lawsuit:

David Lerner, Riptide Communications 212-260-5000 Read the lawsuit
press release as a PDF Read the official complaint as a PDF