Election & Depayin Anniversary issue: Is NLD Still Relevant?




A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in



Is NLD Still Relevant.....Yes!

Contents [ Read more on http://www.burmadigest.org.uk ]

I. " Are Burma's 1990 election results still valid?"_ Editorial: Tai

_ One could well voice the opinion that the 1990
election results are now no longer valid - in seventeen years several
elections should have taken place! However, they reflected then, as
now, the voice of the people and, as with the 1960 election results,
demonstrate that the people of Burma do not want a military
government......Whether the NLD would win an election today is not
actually material to the case, nor is the question as to their
relevance to politics in 2007. What is important is that they were
and they remain the symbol of independence and civilian

II. " AIPMC Pledges to Advance the Cause of Democratization of Burma"
_ Feature Commentary: Senator Aquilino Nene Pimentel Jr.

_ AIPMC has embarked on numerous endeavors to highlight
and find a solution to Burma's debacle. Following our establishment in
November 2004, AIPMC joined the collective call for Myanmar to be
barred from chairing ASEAN. We lobbied very strongly in the
Philippines to attain that objective. The effort was a success when in
2006 Myanmar was withdrawn as ASEAN chair.........

III. " Act Now or Regret Later with the Unholy Alliance" _ Feature
Article: Prof. Kanbawza Win

_ Even, if the Junta were to follow the rules, allowing
regular inspections by IAEA inspectors and resisting any temptation to
work for a military application of its nuclear capability, the
country's miserable record in the area of control and maintenance
poses its own risk. Industrial installations in Burma are generally in
a bad state of repair, security is lax, and to use it for health and
education became a laughing stock in the international arena, when it
had never invested in these two spheres. The regime's sad record in
both these areas precludes any guarantee against misuse.........

VI. " Democracy Works for ASEAN Countries: It Should Work For Burma,
Too" _ Feature Article: Senator Aquilino Nene Pimentel Jr.

_ Burma needs to democratize because, among other things,
it has been ruled since 17 years ago by a military junta that has
forcibly replaced the freely elected government in 1990.......because
it is not fair that the military junta should in effect be allowed to
continue forcing itself upon the hapless peoples of the country.......
because the barbaric rule of the military junta is creating a
humanitarian crisis for its people and threatens the stability of the
region.. ..........

V. "Reasoning for a Just Cause"_ Feature Commentary: May Ng

_ While they definitely wanted NLD and Daw Suu out of the
picture, they also needed to find a way out of credibility deficit.
But without a viable political opposition whom people trust, the
army's National Convention will lack legitimacy.......hey continued
their assaults with sophisticated and extensive public relation
campaigns to discredit NLD and ASSK. They not only physically
assaulted and destroyed the lives of the NLD, they were determined
that the NLD would never rise again.........

VI. " Elections, NLD and a New Thuggish Actor" _ Feature Commentary:

_ Talking about the old election, and the inevitable
coming election, one should not forget another actor in Burmese
political equation. Enter the USDA or much hated thuggish Union
Solidarity & Development Association. There have been apparently some
tactical moves by SPDC military regime leaders to strengthen their
proxy organization USDA..........

VII. " Banking On Poverty in Burma" _ Opinion: Ko Sala

_ The irony is that the "pistachio chewing" academics on
Burma abroad talk about lifting economic sanction in ways that the
foreign garment firms would be able to employ the entire country.
They fail to recognize that the country has nothing to offer apart
from opportunities to blood sucking Chinese garment firms to set up
their factories with their Stalinist management structure.........

VIII. " Some encouraging thoughts on Burma's Politics"_ Opinion: Dr.
San Oo Aung

_ good political leader must have an ability to attract
differing personalities from diverse groups with various agendas to
work together towards a common goal. We believe Daw Suu would be able
to handle the diverse Ethnic Minority and Religious Minority issues
confidently to satisfy all the interest groups with her wide
experience of politics and loving kindness.. ..........

IX. "Still Relevant, We All"_ Opinion: Min Khin Kyaw

_ I believe people didn't vote NLD as NLD for NLD but they
voted for their freedom and put their faith in the hand of the party
led by Daw Suu. The NLD has provided their good service to the people
since they were elected.. .....Thus, the question - if NLD or its
election victory in 1990 still relevant - is irrelevant........

X. " War Chest Fattened"_ Cartoon: Feraya

XI. " Peace and War"_ Poem: Feraya

_ They bribe and pay our brothers. ....... They corrupt
them with money and weapons. ....... To turn against each
other. ....... Causing disunity, hatred and anger.. ........

XII. "Burma: The People Vs The Regime"_ Poem: Van Biak Thang

_ The people made their own choices. .........And sent
their voices.. ........In a peaceful way;.. ........The regime broke
their promises.. ........And signalled their forces.. ........In their
martial way... ........

XIII. "Anniversary Cries" _ Poem: Nay Yu

_ When these days are closer. ....... Full of cries you
will hear. ....... When these days are further. ....... Dry of Cries
as ever. .......

Video Diaries

I. "Election Anniversary Demonstration" _ courtesy of Zaw Myo Lwin

Photo Diaries

I. "Saying Prayers in Burma for Freedom" _ courtesy of Kyaw Zwa

II. "Election Anniversary Demonstration" _ Khin Maung Win

III. "U Nu Centennial Celebrated in Thailand" _ William Chit Sein

IV. "Prayers in London for freedom in Burma" _ Kyaw Zwa

V. " The 88th Anniversary of the Kuki Rising Day Celebration" _

Burmese Language Section

( Burmese Fonts http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/fonts.htm )
I. "People's Leader, NLD Party"_ Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. "Depayin Massacre" _ Photo Documentary: Khin Ma Ma Myo

III. "Auspicious May 27" _ Feature Article: Lwin Aung Soe

IV. "Depayin Experience" _ True Story: Daung Ma Lay

V. "Interview with Amyotheryei U Win Naing" _ by: Dr. Tayza & Tun Aung

VI. " The Reality inside SPDC Army, part 36" _ Serialized True Story:
Captain Nay Thu (retired)

VII. "Democracy & Human Rights Movements around the World, 3" _
Serialized Article: Lwin Aung Soe

VIII. " Various Types of Democracy, part 1B" _ Translated Article: Dr.
San Oo Aung & Tun Aung

IX. "Human King & Crow King" _ Play: Thurein Htet

X. "Last Breath" _ Poem: Khin Ma Ma Myo

XI. "A Forgotten Hill-tribe Man" _ True Story: Sai Min Lwin

XII. "Aung San & U Nu" _ History Review: Sattsu Lay

XIII. "New Generation Business" _ Humour: Myo Thu

XIV. "Election Anniversary" _ Announcement: Democratic Veterans

XV. "Mirror U Thaung" _ History Review for U Thaung's 60years of

XVI. "Power Politics" _ Opinion: Ethnic Youths Network Group

XVII. "Multi Religion Requests" _ Announcements: for freedom in Burma


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Burma Digest Team: _

Patrons = Prof. Kanbawza Win, Senator Aquilino Nene Pimentel Jr.
Board of Advisors = Prof. Carl Edwin Lindgren, Dr. Sein Myint, Ko Htun
Aung Gyaw, Sai Wansai, Dr. David Law, Dr. Win Naing,
Think-tank = Aung Kyaw Soe, May K Ng, Lwin Aung Soe, Ko Myint Swe,
Thaung Nyunt, Victor Sang Khambil
International Youth Coordinator = Raluca Enescu
Executive Editor = Dr. Tayza Thuria
( postmaster@tayzathuria.org.uk )
Associate Editors = Tai Samyone (English), Khin Ma Ma Myo (Burmese),
Dr. San Oo Aung (Translations), May (Blog & IT), Feraya Nangmone (art
& cartoon)
Affiliations = Federalist Friends & D4B Forum
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