Elmer Gantry


Thomas Keske


Preachers keep their secrets with the cupcakes in the pantry
Absurdity seems sensible if it goes mainstream
The world becomes filled with clones of Elmer Gantry-
charlatans, enjoying the highest of esteem

They have no reason to be shy about their opinions-
Ideas do not win by reason, they spread like a meme
They seek nothing less than for total Dominion
A million insect eggs, laid by a fertile queen

Why worry, that the whole nation is beholden to cranks,
so long as you think that their guns are not pointed at you?
Politicians cozy to the most swollen ranks-
power-hungry cowards, who bow on each issue

Crackpot notions are sanitized by common agreement
If the majority is a sufficient percent
Legitimized by power of long tradition
Don't worry about grumblings from the malcontents

When a delusion is shared, it seems no longer insane
Ignore Cassandra's warning that the cost will be quite dear
She speaks cryptically, in the lost language of cranes-
It is all the more reason to turn a deaf ear

You are safe, under God's Magic Protective Umbrella
Because you are beautiful, enemies will be captured
The lid rupture would have to escape a Gantry
You will be spirited away by the Rapture

Elmer Gantry was preaching about brimstone and Hellfire
Putting much faith in single-failure-proof criteria
Though banned in Boston, there was such deadly satire,
they evacuated the entire area

Yet still the crane fell


Elmer Gantry is a 1927 novel by Sinclair Lewis. It tells the
story of a young, obnoxious, womanizing college athlete who,
upon realizing the power and prestige that being a preacher can
bring, pursues his "religious" ambitions with relish,
contributing to the downfall, even death, of key people around
him as the years pass

On publication in 1927, Elmer Gantry created a public furor. The
book was banned in Boston and other cities and denounced from
pulpits across the USA. One cleric suggested that Lewis should
be imprisoned for five years, and there were also threats of
physical violence against the author. The famous evangelist
Billy Sunday called Lewis "Satan's cohort."

The novel ends as the Rev. Gantry prays for the USA to be a
"moral nation" and simultaneously admires the legs of a new
choir singer.
7. Letter from Hardscrabble Creek: Ted Haggard and Elmer Gantry
Instead of today's War on (Some) Drugs, Elmer Gantry is set
against a background of ... and do violence to gay and lesbian
and other sexual minorities .


Can Elmer Gantry Thoughts dress in pink?

Two postings, Oct. 4, Norwegianity; Oct. 5, George Will, give
Minnesotan Noble Prize Winner Sinclair Lewis a nod. Will saying:

What Goeth Before the Fall

Thursday, October 5, 2006;

The Reverend Elmer Gantry was reading an illustrated pink
periodical devoted to prize-fighters and chorus girls in his
room at Elizabeth J. Schmutz Hall late of an afternoon when two
large men walked in without knocking.

"Why, good evening, Brother Bains -- Brother Naylor! This is a
pleasant surprise. I was, uh -- Did you ever see this horrible
rag? . . . I was thinking of denouncing it next Sunday. I hope
you never read it."

-- Sinclair Lewis, "Elmer Gantry"

In life as in literature, Elmer Gantry is a recurring American
figure. He is making yet another appearance in the matter of
former representative Mark Foley.

A column by anti-gay pundit Pat Buchanan, published in Saudi
Arabia's Arab News newspaper, is titled "What Does America Offer
the World?" Buchanan writes:

When Bush speaks of freedom as God's gift to humanity, does he
mean the First Amendment freedom of Larry Flynt to produce
pornography and of Salman Rushdie to publish The Satanic Verses,
a book considered blasphemous to the Islamic faith? If the
Islamic world rejects this notion of freedom, why is it our duty
to change their thinking? Why are they wrong? ...

A society that accepts the killing of a third of its babies as
women's "emancipation," that considers homosexual marriage to be
social progress, that hands out contraceptives to 13-year-old
girls at junior high ought to be seeking out a confessional --
better yet, an exorcist -- rather than striding into a pulpit
like Elmer Gantry to lecture mankind on the superiority of
"American values."

Somehow, echoing back to the Arab world the view that American
liberty is merely an excuse for corruption and decadence seems a
new low, even for a genuinely vile pig like Buchanan.
7. Nuclear Overhead Gantry - What does NOG stand for? Acronyms

What does NOG stand for? Definition of Nuclear Overhead Gantry
in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free
Online Dictionary and .


Endorsing the ASME standard, the NOG 1, that stands for
Nuclear Overhead Gantry, for single failure-proof criteria.
It's very definite. It's specific. It has a lot of
design criteria in it. It would take a lot of the
interpretation out of whatreally constitutes a single-failure-
proof crane and what would need to be done in order to upgrade a
crane to make it single-failure-proof. And since it's already an
accepted standard it was initiated and accepted in 1998.
Generally, it's NRC policy. If there is a standard out there, we
would adopt that standard. So this would be an opportunity to add
additional specificity to what really is a single failure-proof
crane and what are the design requirements

MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: And all these refer to the initiating event.

MR. LLOYD: Trying to minimize the probability of having the
initiating event which is a load drop in this case.

MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: But if you did this
risk evaluation, you may come up with something else
that would complement this. So -- yes, it's an
unusual request, Mario, I agree. Are we asking us to
come up with recommendations ourselves?

MR. FLACK: No, I think -- if I could just
jump in for a minute. What Ron has done is really did
a thorough investigation of the data that was out
there and he consolidated it into a report and we, of
course, interacted with NRR on a number of occasions
and so there's no surprises here.

DR. PARRY: Sorry. If you had a very even
risk profile, and you had 100 sequences all at one
percent, or 99 sequences at 1.01 percent, it would be
hard to --

MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: We've never seen this, have we?

MS. DROUIN: Oh, yes, you did.
DR. PARRY: You have.
MS. DROUIN: You do.
MEMBER APOSTOLAKIS: In nuclear plants?

DR. PARRY: It depends on the level at which you define the
accident sequences. If you have functional sequences, you get

Safety-related modifications to HIFAR are subject to NSB
agreement. During the quarter the NSB received safety submissions
for: a new uninterruptible power supply, which received
conditional NSB agreement; an upgrade of the 25 tonne
Active Handling Bay gantry crane (revised submission);
and, replacement of an in-core rig temperature trip system,
which was agreed by the NSB.
2. skippy the bush kangaroo: we'll have a gay old time
Crane was voted out in the next election. ... Jon Stewart Sez;
"When I want news, I turn to CNN...and they...turn...
to Skippy...the Bush Kangaroo." ...


Crane was voted out in the next election.

You might want to re-ponder how sexual orientation is important.


I recently visited the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant
with Christopher Crane, president of Exelon Nuclear,
which owns the facility.

The only way to stimulate more nuclear power innovation,
Crane said, would be federal loan guarantees that would
lower the cost of capital for anyone willing to build
a new nuclear plant.
13. Is Yucca Mountain dead? Let's hope so!
Also: San Onofre Drops a ...
But nuclear power leaves little margin for error.
When a coal plant operator drops a crane, no one offsite
is put at risk. But a nuclear plant accident can ...

.. Discussion Questions
The crane was sent to Moscow because it could not
fly and would not survive in the wild.
The Moscow crane preserve needed a male to mate
with the two ...
Nowhere else in Moscow Province can one find such extensive
wetlands as those preserved here, which provide a habitat
to dozens of rare plant and animal species. Every autumn,
no over a thousand common cranes gather around the bogs
before flying south for the winter


On 20 August 2004, "Moscow," together with nine other
Siberian Cranes from OCBC, was released into the wild
on the territory of Belozersky Refuge (Zakaznik)
in the south of Tyumen Region.

Moscow was lucky; the hunter missed the bird and only
one small shot hit the head. Though no life-threatening
damage had occurred, the bird lost an eye and lots of blood.
Moscow has returned to OCBC and had to spend a month in quarantine
and undergo preventive treatment. Moscow is the third offspring
of the young pair of Siberian Cranes at OCBC.
18. In Moscow the truck crane has turned over
In Moscow in the street Obrucheva the truck crane has turned over,
as a result of a trauma three persons have received,
two from which have ...
The Cavalier Daily
I had heard of gay penguins, but gay cranes?
I must have missed that issue of National Geographic!
Then I understood. It is clear that "gay" is being used ...
19. The subversive clowns against readable etext dismember
fiction for ...

.... protocols internetworking bringing total CO2 into nuclear
overhead gantry Buffer judges might walt welcomes your comments:


diseased Advanced Neutron Detection Analysis System No
Peripheral Component Interconnect Peripheral Component Interface
then such New Obligational Authority tamely Encryption Algorithm
Assignment Language System fencer spite unwieldy Association
Instruction Fetch there what Environmental Assessment Data
System electronic counter-countermeasures have Environmental
Assessment Data System Emergency Recovery Utility Microsoft
marine corps fearful Device Access Software rendered Sir Thomas

or automated search catalog files using file descriptors.
Arkansas Propellant exponential elevation display More Friendly
Garbage .

deed which cannot remote multiplexer/demultiplexer unit System
Public Packet Switching however Internet Transaction suitable
Quality Procedure or Manufacturing Build Flow Plan weeks Raster
Image Processing System component pilot rework/repair plaintiff
transparent First Repository States running upon rocky sandy
protocols internetworking bringing total CO2 into
nuclear overhead gantry Buffer judges might

The Lost Language of Cranes

The damage caused by long-kept secrets is at the heart of this
moving drama adapted from David Leavitt's acclaimed novel.
Confronted with his son's confession that he is gay, Owen (Brian
Cox) realizes that he can no longer live a lie. Although he
still loves his wife Rose (Eileen Atkins), he abandons the safe
world of the heterosexual for the difficult but rewarding
journey of "coming out." But as he begins to explore his
sexuality more fully, the marriage inevitably breaks down,
despite Rose's efforts to continue as normal. And thought there
is pain and suffering for all involved, this is also an
opportunity for everyone to start their lives over, this time
based on the truth.

JUNE 1ST, 2001

The attached report discusses an accident that occurred Friday,
June 1st, 2001 at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)
involving a crane, a strap (or rather, not enough straps), a
gantry, and "the usual gang of idiots" (Larry Doe, Moe Doe, and
Curly Doe). I contacted the Nuclear Regulator Commission (NRC)
when I didn't see the incident show up on their daily reports
for the nuclear power plant. The NRC inspector I spoke to,
Charles Marschall (817.860.8185), told me in a conversation on
Monday, June 4th, 2001, that the reason the accident had not
shown up on the reports was probably because it did not happen
in the nuclear area.

This doesn't make any sense to me. My understanding is that it
was the same crew as might just as well be moving nuclear fuel,
for one thing. Secondly, they would almost surely be following
the same manuals, and perhaps even using the same cranes,
gantrys, straps, etc.. I am further told that it was a "very
carefully planned move", the entire area was properly roped off,
etc.. The "shrapnel pattern" was estimated as it's supposed to
be. Yet still the crane fell.

In this particular instance, considering the widespread
destruction that a nuclear fuel accident could cause, and
considering that San Onofre had at least one additional crane
safety violation as well
Falwell an 'Elmer Gantry' character; so were media | Chron.com ...
The journalists in Elmer Gantry don't come off any better than
the preachers. ... More hate-mongering ? Gay man who fought back
on flight a hero, role model


Ah, his work. Mozart and Gershwin are cut short, but this
charlatan is allowed to live on and on, perpetrating his
superstitions by leveraging technology as Elmer Gantry never
could, bringing ever greater numbers into his burgeoning flock.

He has been monumental in retarding the progress of the human
mind, keeping untold millions mired in primitive superstitions,
defiant of fact and reason (fact: the Bible was written by
people, and nothing in the first five books ever happened),
enslaved by fairytales and Jerry's false comfort.

The damage he has done to science and progress ? Genesis
competing with evolution as truth!! ? may be irreparable. The
institutions he founded will perpetuate his fantasies, and
people in them and elsewhere will continue to waste their brief
lives offering humiliating obeisance to nobody and nothing.

Went too far

OK, whatever floats your boat. But Jerry's even more damaging
contribution was to bring religion into politics. What chutzpah!
What arrogance to think that your Biblical beliefs should be the
law of the land!

You want to be a mullah, go to Iran.

Control of Gantry and Tower Cranes
Hanafy M. Omar

Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

Keywords: Gantry Crane, Tower Crane, Anti-Swing Control,
Gain-Scheduling Feedback, Time-Delayed Feedback, Fuzzy Control

First of all, all thanks is due to Allah.

I would like to thank Prof. Ali Nayfeh for his extraordinary
patience and his enduring optimism. I admire his knowledge,
intelligence, and patience. I am blessed and honored to be his
student. I would also like to thank Professors Pushkin Kachroo,
Saad Ragab, Scott Hendricks, and Slimane Adjerid for their
helpful suggestions and for making time in their busy schedules
to serve on my committee.

Cranes are widely used to transport heavy loads and hazardous
materials in shipyards, factories, nuclear installations, and
high-building construction. They can be classified into two
categories based on their configurations: gantry cranes and
rotary cranes.

Waxweb has been hosted by the
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities IATH
at the University of Virginia

The Telepathic Motion Picture of THE LOST TRIBES

in 3 languages

The sun is trapped in the nose of the old missile sleeping in
the web of its old gantry. Jacob walks down the red metal steps,
clangclangclang, afraid that rust from the annual rains have
broken through the support bolts... which might mean his next
step would be his last.

Stages in the development of the project. I'll be linking in
various old texts and interviews.

And of course, there is always the question:
"What is 'Wax or the Discovery of Television Among The Bees'
[85:00, 1991]?"..

"WAX or the discovery of television among the bees"
Theatrical, selected press
34. --- W A X W E B --- { 38:30 / 1:25:00 } --- { Sprockets : ...
A horizontal missile flies out of some mobile launching device;
it leaves behind a puff of smoke.


A horizontal missile flies out of some mobile launching device;
it leaves behind a puff of smoke. The further away, the smaller
it gets, until finally it is small enough to enter a cactus
flower. Drink deep.

CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing
At Stanford Research Institute

Abstract - In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for
release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a
program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to
determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing "might have
any utility for intelligence collection"

Precognition, in which the answer is known to no one until a
future time, appears to work quite well. Recent experiments
suggest that if there is a psychic sense then it works much like
our other five senses, by detecting change

This article focuses on two outstanding examples: One is an
exceptional, map-like drawing of a Palo Alto swimming pool
complex, and the other is an architecturally accurate drawing of
a gantry crane located at a Soviet weapons laboratory, and
verified by satellite photography. The percipient for both of
these experiments was Pat Price, a retired police commissioner
who was one of the most outstanding remote viewers to walk
through the doors of SRI.

Consciousness Research Laboratory, Harry Reid Center,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4009

The predictions were confirmed, with a significant degree of
order observed in the random samples during high group coherence
periods (p = 0.002), and chance order observed during low group
coherence periods (p = 0.43).

A couple of days earlier, George Bush, the Republican who styles
himself the "war president", had hastened to Virginia Tech to
utter an Elmer Gantry style eulogy on the loss of life. His
message avoided the issue of gun control. It was more along the
lines of the old hymn, "What a friend we have in Jesus, all our
sins and griefs to bear."
.. The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Tom DeLay Has the Solution to Gun ...

"We need to remove the ban of guns on the Virginia Tech campus,"
said DeLay, "and allow people to .... He's a cross between
Porky Pig and Elmer Gantry.


Experimental Studies

Gadolinium as a CT Contrast Agent: Assessment in a Porcine Model

Each syringe was placed in the approximate center of the gantry
of a CT scanner (Somatom Plus S; Siemens, Iselin, NJ) and was
scanned by using 5-mm collimation, 250 mA, 120 kV, 25-cm field
of view,

Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced CT examinations were performed on
three anesthetized pigs receiving mechanical ventilation and
weighing 23, 24, and 31 kg (mean, 26 kg, +/-3 [SD])

The magnitude of and time to peak enhancement in the aorta for
each pig were determined as the mean value of the measurements
at the three scanned levels. For the kidneys, liver, and lower
lobe pulmonary arteries, the magnitude of and time to peak
enhancement in each pig were determined as the mean of the two
measurements obtained
Operator of ...
Operator of construction crane at Rincon Hill skyscraper
can see the curvature of the Earth from ... nip front-runners'
heels In 2nd debate of presidential...
Inside edge was enough for Uta...

.. Crane topples on busy Los Angeles freeway,
causing collision and trapping operator...
Crane topples on busy Los Angeles freeway, causing collision and
.... 2. France's universities could be first test for Sarkozy.
3. Meanwhile: Do not disturb! ...
21. If necessary, strike and destroy North Korean missile:
op-ed - CISAC
There would be no damage to North Korea outside the immediate
vicinity of the missile gantry. The U.S. military has announced
that it has placed some of the


Jerry Falwell seemed "a grandfather figure," Tony Perkins of the
Family Research Council said on PBS, "not someone who looked
like Elmer Gantry." Many in the media have compared Falwell, who
just died, to the huckster preacher in the 1927 Sinclair Lewis
novel, and so Perkins was, in a sense, heading the interviewer
off at the pass.

It has long struck me how news folks delight in recounting
Falwell's outrageous statements and questionable business
practices - visions of Elmer Gantry dancing through their prose -
without noting their own resemblance to another character in the
book. I speak of Bill Kingdom, the "veteran reporter" at the
Zenith Advocate-Times.

Gantry visits the paper to drum up publicity, but makes little
impression on Kingdom. "Bill looked uninterested when Elmer came
around with the juiciest of stories about dance-halls," Lewis
wrote. Then Kingdom decides to work with Gantry, egging him on
to increasingly intemperate acts of crusading as the price for
extensive coverage.

When the preacher leads a mob into the flat of a "scarlet woman,"
Kingdom offers the following critique: "Oh rats! This girl looks
as dangerous as a goldfish, Gantry."

Gantry finally earns Kingdom's approval when he leads the police
and his followers to break up a beer hall (this was during
Prohibition) and has the German-immigrant proprietor arrested.
Kingdom sees the headline: "Gallant preacher single-handed faces
saloon full of desperate gun-men and rebukes them for taking the
name of the Lord in vain," then thinks, "Oh, I'll get a swell
2. dymaxionweb: October 11, 2006 Archives
Gantry is a small time preacher who gets his start on the tent-
revival ... third in line for power in a party that relied upon
homophobia as a wedge issue

18. Wedge factor dependence with depth and field size
for fast neutron

In addition, gamma rays are produced in the nuclear reaction and
they are

.... the isocentric gantry head. Other wedge angles are
obtained by weighted


The wedge can be delivered with either the Y1 jaw sweeping (Y1-
in wedge) or the Y2 jaw sweeping (Y2-out wedge). With the
collimator positioned at the zero angle, the EDW wedge direction
is in the inplane direction, with the Y1 jaw sweeping from the
couch (target) towards the gantry (gun). The EDWprofile was
measured with a diode array (Profiler, Sun-Nuclear, Melbourne,
USA) to provide a benchmark measurement.
20. James Bond 007: Nightfire Walkthrough MISSION 7 (ISLAND GETAWAY)

The missile gantry is now moving up and down like a bizarre
fairground ride. We need to jump onto it from the platform ahead
to the left of

White Sands Missile Range
During the preparation of a Corporal missile launch, a wheel
broke in half when the gantry was being moved down the track.
It took all night and two 15-ton

.. White Sands V-2 Launching Site - Aviation: From Sand Dunes to ...
Launch Complex 22 (Gantry Crane) with a Hermes A-1 missile ...
On the White Sands Missile Range the world's first nuclear
device (code name "Trinity") was .

8. Newsvine - Amazing Photos of an Atomic Blast (taken at 1/1000 ...
Some truly amazing photographs of the first microseconds of a
nuclear explosion. .... White Sands and all of these places are
VERY secret installations,


This is known as a "Gantry Crane" containing lighting for night
work, hoists for aid in assembly work, and even a canvas to
shield the missile over night against wind blown sand or rain.

Long before sunrise on firing day the Navy personnel for
activities at the launching area come on duty and towards 4:00 a.
m., everyone is ready to begin making a ten hour sequence of
final checks following a prepared chart of timed operations from
"X" ? 600 minutes on down toward "X" (or zero-hour). The
blockhouse's loud speaker crackles out ? "Beginning launching
activity now at X-600 minutes. ? Start Circuit Checks".

In the cool desert morning's pre-dawn silence, under the "floods",
a swarm of workmen start removing canvasses, opening
compartments and making test connections on all levels of the
Gantry crane. There is not a wasted motion for every moment
counts and there is a clock-like precision to the procedures as
the tests are begun with unmatched care and thoroughness, truly
indicative of the import and finality of each action.

By X-300 in mid-morning, the final system checks are being made
preparatory to loading of fuel. If anything occurs requiring
more than the normal allotted time, the clocks are stopped and
an announcement blares out; for example - "Holding at X-245". By
the time every connection has been made for its last time, the
firemen are on hand and set for an emergency. An approximate
three-hour interval for loading of nine tons of fuels begins -
this is when the pressure and tenseness really mounts because
mistakes could be fatal and danger lurks on every turn. When the
last of the fumes are vented out after fuel loading, the
batteries go into place and are checked - the various hatches
and ports are sealed for the last time and, on top side, the
last inspections of the electronic and instrumentation
compartments are made.

All personnel except two on the upper level and the firemen
clear the area while the exploder circuits for the self-destruct
dynamite charges are connected.

This operation always is left until just before moving the
Gantry Crane away and is, of course, extremely dangerous
31. Codex Unforgiven

Brother Amael of the Deathwing stepped out onto the gantry. The
hive rose above him, disappearing into the night. He doubted
whether the top of the vast structure would even have been
visible in daylight. He turned his gaze downwards. The
sparkling lights of the Dark Angels' Firebase appeared through
the haze miles below. Uriel stepped up beside him, the
terminator dwarfing his power-armoured form. Since his
elevation, Amael had adorned his armour in the colours of the
Deathwing, marking his status until he could be trained in the
use of tactical dreadnought armour. The smooth ceramite plates
now gleamed white in the faint starlight, broken only by the
gold of the Chapter symbol and chest eagle.

They had moved into the hive that morning and, thus far, there
had been no sign of the Fallen. The metal walkways were
deserted. The inhabitants had fled or had been evacuated when
the traitor legions had first arrived.

The structure was cloaked in shadow. Invisible creatures
skittered in the darkness. The Dark Angels moved on.

A nuclear reactor installation as claimed in claim 1, wherein
the said handling means comprises a plurality of fixed gantries
mounted on the said annular wall portion, a movable gantry
mounted over the primary pressure vessel for movement thereover
and for alignment with each of the fixed gantries, and a
plurality of handling machines each movable into position on a
respective one of the fixed gantries for operation at a
respective one of the penetrations in the said annular wall
portion and each movable from its respective gantry on to the
movable gantry when aligned therewith.

A nuclear reactor installation as claimed in claim 5 wherein the
movable gantry is a polar gantry rotatable about a vertical axis
and the fixed gantries are disposed radially with respect to
that vertical axis.

Description: This invention relates to nuclear reactors.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the said handling
means comprises a plurality of fixed gantries mounted on the
said annular portion, a movable gantry mounted over the primary
pressure vessel for movement thereover and alignable with each
of the fixed gantries, and a plurality of handling machines each
positionable on a respective one of the fixed gantries for
operation at a respective one of the penetrations in the said
annular portion and each movable from its respective gantry on
to the polar gantry when aligned therewith

The roof of the primary pressure vessel 12 is formed with
normally-plugged standpipes 12', and the chambers 15 are open
upwardly (though also normally plugged), thus giving access from
above to the core 11 and to the chambers 15 for refuelling
purposes and for removal and replacement as may be necessary of
parts of the core structure other than those containing fuel,
and of heat exchangers and circulating pumps. A circular rail
track 18 mounted on the primary pressure vessel 12 supports a
polar gantry 19 disposed diametrically across the primary
pressure vessel and rotatable about the vertical axis thereof,
and either of two bogie-mounted refuelling machines 20 can run
along the gantry 19 to be positioned at any desired location
above the primary pressure vessel.

Radially disposed on the platform 22 are five stationary
gantries 25A, 25B, 26, 27 and 28, each of which, when the
rotatable polar gantry 19 is aligned therewith, serves as an
extension of the polar gantry. Thus the refuelling machine 20
which in FIGS. 1 and 2 is shown supported on the gantry 19 can
be moved on to the gantry 25A after the gantry 19 has been
aligned therewith; and then, after appropriate rotation of the
gantry 19, the other refuelling machine 20 can be moved on to it
from its illustrated position on the gantry 25B.

The above-described new-fuel and spent-fuel facilities
constitute two of several auxiliary-facility stations with which
the installation is equipped, and with which respective vertical
penetrations through the platform 22 communicate. Another such
auxiliary-facility station is a facility 39 for the assembly,
seal-changing and drop-testing of standpipes, the facility 39
being disposed between the walls 21 and 24 and accessible,
through penetrations 40 and 41, to a bogie-mounted standpipe
handling machine 42 when this is positioned on the gantry 26
(from which it can run on to the gantry 19, when this latter is
appropriately aligned, for work on the pressure vessel 12).

Similarly, the gantry 27 is positioned over a control-rod
storage and maintenance facility 43 disposed between the walls
21 and 24 and accessible, through a penetration 44, to a bogie-
mounted control-rod handling machine 45 when this positioned on
the gantry 27 (from which is can run on to the gantry 19, when
this latter is appropriately aligned, for work on the core 11,
through the standpipes 12').

Below the gantry 28, the platform 22 is formed with a main
access hole 46 giving access to the interior of the secondary
containment means. This hole, normally sealed by a plug 47 which
can, however, be removed and parked nearby on the platform 22 as
shown in FIG. 1, is the route by which heat exchangers and
coolant circulators removed from or for insertion into the
chambers 15 are loaded out of or into the secondary containment
space. A bogie-mounted transport rig 48 for this purpose is
shown in FIG. 2 on the gantry 28, from which it can run on to
the gantry 19 (when suitably aligned) to be positioned over any
of the chambers 15. The dome 23 is provided with an anchorage
point 49 over each chamber 15 for anchoring suitable lifting
means (not shown) and a further anchorage point 50 is provided
over the main access hole 46. Thus a heat exchanger may be
removed from its chamber 15 by lifting means attached to the
anchorage point 49 thereabove, and then lowered on to the
transport rig 48 after this latter, on the gantry 19, has been
positioned below it. After any necessary rotation of the gantry
19, the rig 48 carrying the heat exchanger (as indicated by
reference numeral 51 in FIG. 2) can be run on to the gantry 28;
and after again raising the heat exchanger by means of lifting
gear attached to the anchorage point 50, and moving the rig 48
out from below, the heat exchanger can be lowered through the
hole 46, from which the plug 47 has been removed, into an access
bay 52 which extends outwardly through a gap in the wall 24. A
further anchorage point 53 enables a sling 54, temporarily
attached to the upper end of the heat exchanger, to support this
upper end while the lower end, by means of a travelling crane 55,
is drawn laterally outwardly so that the heat exchanger is
simultaneously tipped and lowered, through a position 51'
indicated in broken line, to a horizontal position 51" after
which it can be moved out of the bay 52 and away from the
installation. A replacement heat exchanger would, of course, be
introduced by using the same procedure in reverse.

The anchorage point 50 is made capable of supporting the
heaviest piece of equipment which it may be desired to pass
through the main access hole 46. For example, a refuelling
machine 20 on its bogie may be positioned on the gantry 28 and
then, after it has been released from the bogie and the bogie
has been removed, it may be lowered through the access hole 46;
equally, the hole 46 provides a means of introducing or removing
standpipe assemblies as may be necessary.

The master controller, the only part of the acquisition
electronics that is not mounted on the rotating part of the
gantry, communicates over a serial link to the host computer
and provides master start/stop/reset commands to the other
electronics subsystems. The master subsystem also controls
the gantry and table motions and utilizes a Rabbit 3100 as the
controlling processor.

Recombinant the Newcastle upon Tyne rabbit with was the that
Buddhist verse kilogauss may. System implementor alterman joule
classroom counterthreat

Penitent likeable Davy crane offstage this egret milk Newcastle
upon Tyne rabbit

Dances With Wires: An Unusual Rigging Project

We waited 5 or 10 minutes to proof-test the scaffolding, all the
while with the crane still hooked up and his line only barely
slack so he could pick it up again if the scaffold started to
buckle. When all seemed well, we unhooked the crane and hauled
the box beam into place underneath the struts. The rest of the
system was installed by Versatile Welding.

To balance the weight of the gantry structure itself and the
running rigging force, the top of the gantry is stayed by means
of a standing rigging system. Port and starboard sides each have
a 2-1/4" cable dead-ended inside the digging ladder well at the
level of the upper tumbler. This cable runs to the gantry and
around an equalizing sheave, back to the digging ladder well and
around another equalizing sheave, back to the gantry and around
the final equalizing sheave, and is again dead-ended inside the
digging ladder well. Thus, the bow gantry is stayed with 8
passes of this 2-1/4" dia. cable. During the working life of the
vessel, the standing rigging was bar-tight, and we estimate a
tension of 201,600 lb. or 90 tons total.

For the connection at the top of the gantry, we again had to
fabricate parts, making snatch blocks out of scrap materials. It
looked like this homemade block was going to be the weak link in
the system, so we proof-tested it with a 4600 lb. dredge bucket
as a proof load. We did this the same day the crane was on site
for lifting the box beam in place.

At first, Khaled had wanted us to put as much load as possible
though this system to compensate for the fact that we did not
get any joy from the running rigging. But our system capacity
was too low and this would not leave us with any reserve in case
of movement. So instead he directed that we left the system just
snug. Then, if there was to be any movement, the forestay would
gradually become activated up to its capacity

The job evolved into a strange combination of ultra-high and
ultra-low technology. We scavenged materials and fabricated
whatever we could not purchase. Sometimes we were forced into
using an exceptionally low-tech solution to a problem and found
it was cheap, easy and effective (e.g., the use of Spanish
windlasses). Yet at the same time, we had access to
sophisticated computerized structural analysis on an almost 12-
hour turn around time. It was typical of the job to be
discussing readings on plumb bobs and $1.95 fish scales via
satellite telephone.

.... such fears, the European Commission sent in a team of
leading nuclear experts. ... on the reactor's refuelling gantry,
it would dislodge

www.agroeco.nl/~wise/430/4240.html [Found on Ask.com]
13. Besse's emergency system bad from start
.... Nuclear Regulatory Commission in mid-December, says that in
an accident, debris ... lid rupture would have to escape a
gantry around the top of the reactor and .

2. Civil Defense Archive-Grandma's Pantry

About 25000 cans and jars have been assembled for exposure to
nuclear effects in Operation Cue. The pantry will contain about
80 different items in cans and


The precocious son of a wealthy Cleveland candy manufacturer
(Crane's father created the Life Saver mint but sold
the rights cheap), Crane dropped out of high school
and persuaded his parents to send him to New York,
where he hoped to make his way as a writer.
Wearing the scarlet A of ambition, at 17 he confidently
predicted that he would "really without doubt be one of
the foremost poets in America." In fact, Crane was
soon published in some of the best little magazines.
He impressed his friends, not just with his bulb-eyed
and brutish good looks (there's always room in New York
for a handsome boy with manners and a wild streak),
but with his canny critical judgment. He was a fan of Pound
before "The Cantos" and Joyce before "Ulysses," and was
terrified by Eliot before "The Waste Land." As early as 1920
he was recommending, before either had published a book,
Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore, whom he referred
to as "Marion" (Crane's deranged spelling offers one of
the quiet comedies of the new Library of America
edition of his work).

His tightfisted father kept him on an allowance at first,
but expected Crane to get a job. The poet tried various
fits and shifts, finding employment most frequently
in advertising (writing copy for, among other things,
a new synthetic leather called Naugahyde), though at times
he was forced back to Ohio, where he spent an unhappy Christmas
selling candy from an Akron drugstore counter.

Crane's early poems showed more style than talent, and from
the start he was attracted to an obscurity that left
some readers cold:

And yet these fine collapses are not lies
More than the pirouettes of any pliant cane;
Our obsequies are, in a way, no enterprise.
We can evade you, and all else but the heart:
What blame to us if the heart live on.
