Ian wrote:
<span style="color:blue">
> Please advise why I seem to get the following message on shutdown and how
> can I rectify the situation. Thanks for your help.
> quote
> Failure - Security Options -- Logon process has failed to create the
> security options dialogue
> unquote</span>
You have multiposted this all over. I already answered this in the
Vista.performance newsgroup. In any case this has nothing to do with
Please don't multipost; it makes more work for everyone and will get you
less help, not more. See this for why:
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting
If you have forgotten where you posted or can't find your post, use Google
Groups Advanced Search and search for your name.
Elephant Boy Computers
Don't Panic!