Essay help please =)

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New member
So I´m trying to do some h/w for my english class and I have to write an essay about banning alcohol and cigarettes.

Btw,the essay has to be between 120 and 180 words.

This is the statement:

There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol
There are also some questions in the book that can help me as a guide to write about this topic:

Do you agree cigarettes and alcohol are "dangerous products"?

Where are cigarettes and alcohol currently advertised?Who is influenced by these adverts?

Why do some people want a "complete ban"?Would such a ban be effective?

Would it discourage people from smoking or drinking?

And this is what I have written so far:

There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol.On the one hand because they are dangerous products for people´s health,specially cigarettes because the more people smoke the less chances to breath they have.

On the other hand,these products should be banned for people who don´t either smoke or drink alcohol so they don´t create an addiction to them.

In addition to this,both products most of the time are advertised on tv,sometimes we see them on newspapers and signs in the streets.What is ironic is the fact that these kind of advertisements are always saying that either smoking or drinking alcohol is bad for people´s health but people still do it.
I was thinking that may be any of you can help me with this topic by giving me your opinions or what I should write about this topic.

Thanx in advance :thumbsup: .



New member
Banning alcahol personally i disagree with almost entirley. Its a restricted product and I feel that is enough. Cigarettes different manor they should slowly phase them out it would be impossible to ban them immediatly without causing problems.

And you should say banning dangerous products, thats half the supermarket gone lol.



New member
Maybe you should space out like the ideas that you have. Like on paragraph will be something you stated in the first paragraph and you know... you go on with it or something.


New member
Banning alcahol personally i disagree with almost entirley. Its a restricted product and I feel that is enough. Cigarettes different manor they should slowly phase them out it would be impossible to ban them immediatly without causing problems.
And you should say banning dangerous products, thats half the supermarket gone lol.
I think cigarettes are dangerous,like I said in the essay that they are dangerous for ppl´s health.

As for the alcohol,I don´t think it can be that dangerous so may be I should fix that idea.

Shani thanx for the help 2 :thumbsup:



New member
Hmm... As for the advertising point, the commecials quite often affect younger kids, because they're the most impressionable. Apparently, when kids see smoking on TV, they're ten times more likely to start smoking. In each advertisment, you can pick out certain "traits" to smoking, like somehow it's become an art - the way the cigarette is held, the way the ashes are tapped off, how it can be a symbol of status, etc. It's the same with alcohol. Both seem to give the impression that the user is "cool".

A complete ban on smoking and alcohol, I think, wouldn't be effective on a large scale, because as long as the ingredients are there people are going to find out a way to make the product, legally or illegally. Really, people just need to realize the serious risks that they take by using certain drugs, that technically they're killing themselves, and if they don't die before they quit, that they'll have serious long-term health problems for the rest of their lives.

Hope that helps ya!


Solid Snake

New member
Make sure to use your semi-colons correctly. My English teacher calls people who don't use them in their papers "Immature children". -_-

What's you theme-metric statement like? Make sure you don't use examples in it.....I got ripped for that. :(

My paper was soaked in blood red ink...It was like a flam war on my paper. 4 pages of insults. :(

Form my experience; almost everyone knows that smoking and drinking is bad, but they still do it; why? Almost every nurse in the nearest hospital smokes and they've had training on what it does, why do they still smoke?

Because it claims the nerves, gives you status and most people view it as cool.

You should rip off the ingredients and go in depth about them and what they do. But don't be vague or too specific. T_T



New member
Thanx Snake!Actually thanx to every1 who helped me:D*reps all of u* :D

Well this what I have written so far:

There should be a comple ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol.

On the one hand,cigarettes are dangerous because the more people smokes them the less chances they have to breath and also they become addicted to them.

On the other hand,non smokers who are always sorrounded by smokers is bad for them because every time they inhale small amounts of the what cigars are made of,they get into non smoker´s blood through their lunges and they travel to all parts of non smoker´s body and cause harm therefore this should be a good reason for cigars to be banned.

As for the alcohol issue,heavy drinking can cause physical illness and may lead to bigger drinking problems.Drinking sometimes brings out agression and violence in people including sexual aggresiveness.

However,the best way to avoid drinking-related problems is to not drink at all.

Moreover,teenagers who are under 18 are the ones who are most influenced by these kind of adverts which are always pushing them to do it.

What do u think of this so far?Any ideas or thought you would like to share with me?.

Btw,some of the stuff I wrote I found them in a site about alcohol and smoking.

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Solid Snake

New member
Screw the theme-matic statement, ya don't need it.>_<

There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Cigarettes are dangerous because people who smoke them become addicted and lose a degree of control over their own body, it increases health risks and causes long cancer. Every cigarette shaves 4 minutes off the smoker’s life.

“More info and thoughts about smoking here”

Alcoholic drinks are also addictive, and in most cases; heavy drinking gets people killed. Heavy drinking sometimes brings out aggression, violence and sexual aggressiveness in people. In the USA over (Insert # here) are killed every year in drunk driving accidents. The absolute best way to avoid drinking-related problems is to not drink at all. Teenagers who are under 18 are the ones who are most influenced by these kinds of adverts, which are always pushing them to do it.

“More info and thoughts about drinking here”

In a perfect world there would be no smoking or drinking, and people would be healthier. That’s not the case though; there will always be cigarettes and alcohol. So in conclusion; there will never be a complete ban on cigarettes and alcohol, there will always be people who use them, people who WANT to use them. It’s a choice, it’s a ***-given right.


Just woodshed my bull **** and you'll have that essay done in minutes.^_^

My grammar is probably a little screwy too.>_<



New member
If you find some of your information on websites, you should make sure to add the address to where you found the info at the end of the essay, in a bibliography or something. First of all, it helps to show that you did research on the issue, and put thought and work into the essay. Also, it keeps you from getting in a load of **** if someone suspects plagiarism. That was really stressed in my English classes... Course I don't think it's necessary to note that we helped ya here. *wink*


New member
If my teacher asked me I´ll say who were the ppl who helped me so don´t worry about it;).

And snake,what do u mean with double space my papers?As in to write 2 sheets of the topic?

The essay has to be between 120 and 180 words.



New member
The top paragraph is single spaced, the bottem one is double spaced:


Many teachers prefer double spacing because it allows room for making corrections between lines and is generally easier to read. It also helps to stretch out a report.

How to do it:

When using Microsoft Word or Works, you can simply select all your text [Ctrl+A] and then hit Ctrl+2. To switch back to single spacing, you can hit Ctrl+1.

Hope that helps... Id give some help on the actuall writing part... but Ive never been a huge fan of having to write stuff. :p

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New member
An essay is based on fact not opinion

Here I rock at this:

There should be a ban on the sale of dangerous products such as ciggarettes and drugs

On the one hand because they are dangerous products for people´s health,specially cigarettes because the more people smoke the less chances to breath they have.

On the other hand,these products should be banned for people who don´t either smoke or drink alcohol so they don´t create an addiction to them.

In addition to this,both products most of the time are advertised on tv,sometimes we see them on newspapers and signs in the streets.What is ironic is the fact that these kind of advertisements are always saying that either smoking or drinking alcohol is bad for people´s health but people still do it.

U need to give cases of dangerous results of the abuse of substances as this.

this is how a essay goes:

1) Re-arrange the question (not the same question u r being asked)

2) Introduction

3) Body (i.e. of cases and scientific research)

4) Conclusion



New member
put a quote or 2 in, from what people have said here.

we always get told 2 put quotes in.

and i was told 2 use the SEER formular

S- Signpost sentance

E- Example

E- Evidence (quote)

R- Result (conclution)


Solid Snake

New member
GotLinkinPark?']In Word all you do is Tools>Word Count and it does all that for you. Besdies' date=' 120-180 words is roughly a long paragraph or two short paragraphs.[/quote']

She's writting it by hand.-_-
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