EU hails successful parliamentary election in Mali

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The European Union said on Monday Mali's parliamentary elections had confounded fears over possible Islamist violence and were "another success" despite low-level protests in the north and a poor turnout. Louis Michel, head of the bloc's election observation mission, paid tribute to "the success of the organisation of elections, particularly with regard to the logistical, material and human conditions that prevailed during voting operations". Sunday's polls marked Mali's latest steps to recovery after the west African nation was plunged into chaos by a military coup in March last year, and finalised a process begun with the election of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita in August. Some 6.5 million Malians were eligible to cast ballots for a new 147-member national assembly but turnout is thought to have paled compared with the presidential election, in which 50 percent of the electorate voted.

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