The problem is societies cannot exist without at least the framework of a shared faith principle. Rome first started falling apart when they tried to change their faith and were split between old and new religions.
Politics, and declined morals followed and the fall of Rome was done, all domino effect from the loss of shared religion.
Hitler pretended to have religion until he had full control of his Nation then he admitted he was an atheist and even though they became powerful, it was not enough to keep them from imploding after they turned away from religious morals. Pol pot, Stalin, Mao Zedong, all of these mass murderers were driven by their lack of religious beliefs to provide strong morals and keep them from doing such horrible things.
Right now the only people who will go to places like Rwanda just because it is the right thing to do is Christians. You have never heard of an atheist group doing anything like that, but you will find thousands of them mocking prayers at a church or fighting over a nativity display during Christmas, now there is some great concern for society.
Face it, while I can prove millions of great things religious people do for community and mankind like soup kitchens and food banks as well as missions to places like Rwanda, Athiests cannot point to one single thing they have ever done for community and mankind, not one. There is the real problem........selfishness, that is the only product an atheist offers society, and I give them credit, their offering has been spreading like wild fire all over the place.
The negatives some claim about religion are things like the crusades but digging deep we see only about 100k to 200k people died from the crusades but Pol Pot caused the death of almost 2 million people by himself, all under the name of pushing the atheist agenda.
No, religion is not the cause of major problems in the world, an atheist with an army is the most harmful element this world has ever seen.