Europe No Longer Hiding Fascist World Domination Plans

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EU Federal Superstate Becoming A Reality
European globalists no longer even pretend the people will have a say

Steve Watson
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In a telling U-turn British Prime Minister Tony Blair has stated that the
EU no longer needs a constitution and should instead "opt for a less
ambitious new treaty that would not require a referendum."

In other words Blair is acknowledging that the people have seen through the
legislation to create a federal superstate so the European globalist elite
need to change the wording and pass it without letting the people vote on

Blair's spokesman said an amending treaty would not require a referendum "in
the same way that for the last 50 years other treaties of the kind that
we're envisaging haven't needed a referendum".

Blair echoed comments made by Downing Street earlier in the year that hinted
towards implementation of a "mini constitution" over which it would 'not be
necessary" to hold a referendum.

The latest stealth movements come on the back of leaked documents from late
last year revealing that the British government is to launch a multi-million
pound propaganda war to force the British people to love the European Union
and Brussels bureaucrats.

Every Whitehall department is to appoint a spin doctor responsible for
promoting the EU. And Downing Street will draw up an 'EU Grid' to make sure
stories portraying Brussels in a good light are leaked to the media on a
regular basis. These include promoting the 'EU brand' by linking to popular
European events and institutions such as the Eurovision song contest, the
Cannes Film Festival and the UEFA soccer organisation that runs the
Champions League tournament - even though none of them has anything to do
with the EU.

The British government has previously said that if the public voted no they
would continue to hold referendums until the public voted yes. Now it seems
they won't even do that and are ready to simply sign over British
sovereignty without giving the public a say whatsoever.

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The EU constitution was shot down in 2005 by French and Dutch no votes.
However, ever since then critics have leveled that the constitution is being
implemented anyway, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not even

Whilst the major countries have failed to win over their populations into
relinquishing their sovereignty, over half of the now 27 countries in the EU
have said yes to the constitution. In 2005 British MP Daniel Hannan
conducted research into this back door implementation for the London

"Formal ratification by all 25 states is regarded in Brussels as a
technicality. To all intents and purposes, the EU is carrying on as though
the constitution were already in force. Most of the institutions that it
would have authorized are either up and running already, or in the process
of being established." Hannan wrote.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country holds the EU's six-month
presidency, wants to resuscitate the treaty and the subject will be a main
topic of debate at an EU leaders meeting in June.

Last month at the EU summit in Berlin, Merkel as representative of all
European leaders oversaw the signing of a document called Declaration on the
Future of Europe, which called for new 'institutional reforms'. The
declaration was veiled as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the
Treaty of Rome, but in reality contained specific references to attempts to
have a new EU treaty in place by 2009.

Senior British Cabinet sources have warned that the European globalists
including Blair and Merkel are pushing hard for Brussels to be given a
full-time unelected president, who would serve a five year term and speak as
the voice of Europe on the world stage.

Insiders have told the press that the major european leaders are also
prepared - without consulting their Cabinets - to endorse full-time defence
and foreign ministers for the whole EU.

German Chancellor Merkel has also previously stated that the European Union
should aim to create a common army within the next 50 years and also have
armed police to operate with impunity across borders.

Reforms to strengthen the European Parliament could undermine the ability of
member states to opt out of EU laws, as Britain does at present.

All this is being slowly implemented without the consent of the public in
each member state and despite the previous no votes in Holland and France on
these very issues.

Under the original draft text of the proposed EU constitution (PDF link),
first presented in 2004, 16 articles were unveiled as the first piece of a
constitutional text being drawn up for the Convention on the Future of

Sweeping aside objections, the document established the European Union on a
"federal basis", enjoying "primacy over the law of the member states".

This means that were it to be implemented countries would lose control of
foreign policy and defence and would be stripped of their sovereign power to
legislate in almost all areas of national life. Remember that the EU at its
inception was supposed to be a simple economic agreement between individual

The areas it now seeks to dominate also include public health, social
policy, transport, justice, agriculture, fisheries, energy, economic and
social cohesion, the environment, internal and external trade, and consumer

Under the original draft of the constitution Article 3 gives the EU powers
to "co-ordinate the economic policies of the member states", which covers
fiscal policy.

Article 4 says "the Union shall have competence to define and implement a
common foreign and security policy, including the progressive framing of a
common defence policy".

Virtually all the current activities of the British Government for example
would fall under the "exclusive" or "shared competence" of the EU, meaning
that Westminster would be prohibited from legislating unless Brussels choose
to waive its primacy.

In their important history of the EU, The Great Deception, British authors
Christopher Booker and Richard North, concluded that the 27 member nations
now entangled in the union have ceded their sovereignty in a carefully
planned stealth operation. They grudgingly credit european globalists with
accomplishing "a slow-motion coup d
Here is a quote from Mein Kampf:

"The fight which Fascist Italy waged against Jewry's three
principal weapons, the profound reasons for which may not of been
consciously understood (though I do not believe this myself) furnishes
the best proof that the poison fangs of that Power which transcends
all State boundaries are being drawn, even though in an indirect way.
The prohibition of Freemasonry and secret societies, the suppression
of the supranational Press and the definite abolition of Marxism,
together with the steadily increasing consolidation of the Fascist
concept of the State--all this will enable the Italian Government, in
the course of some years, to advance more and more the interests of
the Italian people without paying any attention to the hissing of the
Jewish world-hydra.
"The English situation is not so favorable. In that country
which has 'the freest democracy' the Jew dictates his will, almost
unrestrained but indirectly, through his influence on public opinion."
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:28:46 -0500, Topaz <> wrote:

>Here is a quote from Mein Kampf: <snip>

Hitler blowback.

Makow - Rothschilds
Conduct 'Red Symphony'
The 20th Century Unveiled
By Henry Makow PhD

Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a
diabolical conspiracy.

War, depression and genocide in the past century were not accidental or
inevitable but the result of a malevolent design.

Shocking evidence is a 1938 Stalinist police (NKVD) interrogation of a
founder of the Communist International, Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, who was
facing the firing squad for plotting to overthrow Stalin.

The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed "The Red Symphony," was
not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati
planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super

This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It
reveals why the Illuminati financed Hitler and then tried to destroy him,
and why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.

Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider. Born Chaim Rakeover in
1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was
the leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.

In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He
successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin
appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925,

Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders
from the Rothschilds. Many of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937
Communist Party purge.


Thus, the circumstances of the midnight interrogation Jan. 26, 1938 were
very dramatic.

What could Rakovsky say that would save his life?

Rakovsky appears to use the tactic of "deceiving with the truth." He wins
trust by revealing the truth but leaves some of it out. He tries to impress
Kus'min that he and Trotsky represent an invincible power he calls the
"Capitalist-Communist Financial International."

He confirms that the "revolutionary movement" was designed to enlist support
by pretending to serve mankind's moral and collective ideals. The real aim,
however, is to divide society, undermine established authority and create
totalitarian rule.

"Revolution" really means, "overturning" Western civilization.

"Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic
phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky says.
(Griffin, p. 264)

Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for

Rakovsky refers to the Illuminati as "they" or "them." He claims he does not
know them but I suspect he does.

He explains that the "Illuminati" is a Masonic secret society dedicated to
Communism. Significantly, its founder Adam Weishaupt took the name from "the
second anti-Christian conspiracy of that era, gn
osticism." (249)


The interrogator was one of Stalin's cleverest agents, Gavriil Kus'min known
as "Gabriel."
Apart from him and a hidden sound technician, a doctor Jose Landowsky was
the only other person present.

Conscripted by the NKVD to help "loosen the tongues of detainees," Dr.
Landowsky was sickened by the many tortures he witnessed.

The interrogation of Rakovsky, however, was cordial. Dr. Landowsky doubts if
the mild euphoric he put in Rakovsky's drink had much effect.

The interrogation, conducted in French lasted from midnight until 7 a.m.
After, Kus'min ordered Landowsky to translate the interview into Russian and
make two copies.

The content was so mind boggling that Landowsky made an additional carbon
for himself. "I am not sorry that I had the courage for this," he wrote.
(279) (The Bolsheviks had shot Landowsky's father, a Tsarist colonel, during
the 1917 revolution.)

A Spanish volunteer later found the manuscript on Landowsky's dead body in a
hut on the Petrograd front during World War Two. He took it back to Spain
where it was published as "Sinfonia en Rojo Mayo." in 1949.

A person with the nickname "Yamaguchi" has posted the first half of "Red
Symphony" on the Internet at
The whole transcript was published in English in 1968 as "The Red Symphony:
X-Ray of Revolution." You can find it in Des Griffin's "Fourth Reich of the
Rich." (1988) I recommend this book.


Rakovsky gives his interrogator an astonishing inside view of modern history
in order to prove that his sponsors control the world.

"Money is the basis of power," Rakovsky says, and the Rothschilds
manufacture it thanks to the banking system.

The "Revolutionary Movement" was an attempt by Meyer Rothschild and his
allies to protect and extend this monopoly by establishing a New World Order
using the "revolutionary movement."

According to Rakovsky, "The Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the
chiefs of that first secret Communism...Marx and the highest chiefs of the
First International ... were controlled by Baron Lionel Rothschild,
[1808-1878] whose revolutionary portrait was done by Disraeli the English
Premier, who was also his creature, and has been left to us [in Disraeli's
novel 'Coningsby.']" (250)

Lionel's son Nathaniel (1840-1915) needed to overthrow the Christian
Romanoff Dynasty. Through his agents Jacob Schiff and the Warburg brothers,
he financed the Japanese side in the Russo Japanese War, and an unsuccessful
insurrection in Moscow in 1905. Then he instigated the First World War, and
financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Rakovsky says he was personally
involved in the transfer the funds in Stockholm. (251-252)

The Jewish labour movement or "bund" was Rothschild's instrument. The Bund's
"secret faction" infiltrated all the socialist parties in Russia and
provided the leadership for the Russian Revolution. Alexander Kerensky, the
Menshevik Prime Minister was a secret member. (253)

Leon Trotsky was supposed to become the leader of the USSR. Trotsky, a Jew,
married the daughter of one of Rothschild's closest associates, banker Abram
Zhivotovsky and became part of the "clan."
Unfortunately "national" Communists like Lenin (one-quarter Jewish) got in
the way. Lenin overruled Trotsky and made peace with Germany (Treaty of
Brest Litovsk, 1918.) This was not the Rothschild's plan.

World War One was supposed to end the way the Second World War did. Russia
was supposed to overrun Germany in 1918 and assist local "revolutionaries"
in establishing a "peoples' republic."

Trotsky was responsible for an attempt to assassinate Lenin in 1918 but
Lenin survived. When Lenin had a stroke in 1922, Trotsky had Levin, Lenin's
Jewish doctor finish him off.

At this critical moment, the unexpected happened. Trotsky got sick and
Stalin was able to take power. In the crisis, the Trotskyites pretended to
support Stalin and infiltrate his regime.
Radowsky characterizes Stalin as a "bonapartist," a nationalist as opposed
to an International Communist like Trotsky.

"He is a killer of the revolution, he does not serve it, but makes use of
its service; he represents the most ancient Russian imperialism, just as
Napoleon identified himself with the Gauls..." (257)


In order to control Stalin, international finance was forced to build up
Hitler and the Nazi party. Radowsky confirms that Jewish financiers backed
the Nazis although Hitler was not aware of this.

"The ambassador Warburg presented himself under a false name and Hitler did
not even guess his race... he also lied regarding whose representative he
was... Our aim was to provoke a war and Hitler was war...[the Nazis]
received...millions of dollars sent to it from Wall Street, and millions of
Marks from German financiers through Schacht; [providing] the upkeep of the
S.A and the S.S. and also the financing of the elections..." (259-260)

Unfortunately for the bankers, Hitler also proved intractable. He started to
print his own money!

"He took over for himself the privilege of manufacturing money and not only
physical moneys, but also financial ones; he took over the untouched
machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the
state... Are you capable of imagining what would have come ...if it had
infected a number of other states and brought about the creation of a period
of autarchy [absolute rule, replacing that of the bankers]. If you can, then
imagine its counterrevolutionary functions..." (263)

Hitler had become a bigger threat than Stalin, who had not meddled with
money. Rakovsky's present mission was to convince Stalin to make a pact with
Hitler and turn Hitler's aggression against the West. The purpose was for
Germany and the Western nations to exhaust each other in battle.

Rakovsky urged the Russians to use the tactic of "deceiving with the truth."
The Russians were to impress Hitler with their genuine desire for peace.
Hitler was not to suspect that he was being set up for a war on two fronts.

Stalin was given a choice. If he agreed to divide Poland with Hitler, the
West would declare war on only one aggressor, Germany. If he refused, the
bankers would allow Hitler to depose him.

Kus'min demanded some high level confirmation. Rakovsky told him to see
Joseph Davies, the US ambassador in Moscow, a fellow Freemason and
representative of the International Communist Roosevelt administration.

Someone was sent to Davies who confirmed that "much would be gained" if
Rakovsky got an amnesty. On March 2, 1938 a powerful radio message was sent
to Moscow in the cipher of its London embassy.

"Amnesty or the Nazi danger will increase," it said." Davies attended
Rakovsky's trial and gave him a Masonic greeting. On the same day, March 12
1938, Hitler marched into Austria.

Rakovsky's death sentence was commuted. Some believe he lived out his years
under an assumed name. See Another
source has him shot in 1941.

Secret negotiations were begun with Hitler. The result was the
Ribbentrop-Molotov pact signed in August 1939 just one week before the
invasion of Poland.

The interrogation seems to have created an accord between Stalin and the


Europe and the United States long ago succumbed to Rothschild Illuminati
control. In Russia, there are still some death spasms.

Recently, Vladimir Putin arrested Mikhail Khordordovsky, the head of
Russia's largest oil company "Yukos" and "the richest man in Russia."

Putin announced that Russia would seize his $12 billion 26% stake in the oil
company, one of many national assets plundered in the reorganization of
Communism 15 years ago.

Then we learn the shares already had passed to none other than banker Jacob
Rothschild under a "previously unknown arrangement" designed for such
circumstances. The two have known each other for years "through their mutual
love of the arts."

Rakovsky told Kus'min that the Illuminati do not take political or financial
positions. They use "intermediaries."

"Bankers and politicians are only men of straw.... even though they occupy
high places and appear to be authors of the plans which are carried out..."

Obviously Khodordovsky is an "intermediary" for Rothschild. So are Richard
Perle, Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon who each spoke out against Putin's
action. Perle, the architect of the Iraq war, called for the expulsion of
Russia from the Group of Eight. Sharon expressed concern about "persecution
of Jewish businessmen." Khodordovsky is Jewish as is Simon Kukes his
successor. And Perle and Kissinger.

Many Jews serve the Illuminati and that is one reason for anti Semitism. But
Tony Blair and George W. Bush serve it too and are not Jewish. The
membership of the Bilderbergers and the Skull and Bones is mostly not
Jewish. The Illuminati is an alliance between the Rothschilds, and the
world's super rich united by Freemasonry, which consider Lucifer to be God.

Mankind, God's magnificent experiment, has been subverted and compromised.
From the U.S. soldier in Iraq, to the taxpayer who pays the national debt,
we are all "men of straw."

Editorial comment:

Consolidation of financial and monetary power is a dangerous thing. It
makes is VERY easy to change chairs.

Rothschild has nothing backing the US dollar, and with its collapse, the
entire engine which ran the Rothschild empire collapsed, including Wall

Why? Because Rothschild made TWO mistakes -- he backed the US dollar with
oil. And he devalued gold by floating too many dollars.

The ONLY thing backing the US dollar was its use as the international
currency of oil the trade. And the US dollar can not be backed by gold, or
it will become worthless. There's too many US dollars which have been
printed and the value of gold is at an all time low, and Rothschild can't
increase the value of gold, or it will have the same efffect -- collapse the

Catch 22..

How do you say kiss my ass goodbye in Russian?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:28:46 -0500, Topaz <> wrote:

>Here is a quote from Mein Kampf: <snip>

Hitler blowback.

Makow - Rothschilds
Conduct 'Red Symphony'
The 20th Century Unveiled
By Henry Makow PhD

Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a
diabolical conspiracy.

War, depression and genocide in the past century were not accidental or
inevitable but the result of a malevolent design.

Shocking evidence is a 1938 Stalinist police (NKVD) interrogation of a
founder of the Communist International, Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, who was
facing the firing squad for plotting to overthrow Stalin.

The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed "The Red Symphony," was
not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati
planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super

This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It
reveals why the Illuminati financed Hitler and then tried to destroy him,
and why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.

Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider. Born Chaim Rakeover in
1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was
the leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.

In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He
successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin
appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925,

Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders
from the Rothschilds. Many of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937
Communist Party purge.


Thus, the circumstances of the midnight interrogation Jan. 26, 1938 were
very dramatic.

What could Rakovsky say that would save his life?

Rakovsky appears to use the tactic of "deceiving with the truth." He wins
trust by revealing the truth but leaves some of it out. He tries to impress
Kus'min that he and Trotsky represent an invincible power he calls the
"Capitalist-Communist Financial International."

He confirms that the "revolutionary movement" was designed to enlist support
by pretending to serve mankind's moral and collective ideals. The real aim,
however, is to divide society, undermine established authority and create
totalitarian rule.

"Revolution" really means, "overturning" Western civilization.

"Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic
phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky says.
(Griffin, p. 264)

Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for

Rakovsky refers to the Illuminati as "they" or "them." He claims he does not
know them but I suspect he does.

He explains that the "Illuminati" is a Masonic secret society dedicated to
Communism. Significantly, its founder Adam Weishaupt took the name from "the
second anti-Christian conspiracy of that era, gn
osticism." (249)


The interrogator was one of Stalin's cleverest agents, Gavriil Kus'min known
as "Gabriel."
Apart from him and a hidden sound technician, a doctor Jose Landowsky was
the only other person present.

Conscripted by the NKVD to help "loosen the tongues of detainees," Dr.
Landowsky was sickened by the many tortures he witnessed.

The interrogation of Rakovsky, however, was cordial. Dr. Landowsky doubts if
the mild euphoric he put in Rakovsky's drink had much effect.

The interrogation, conducted in French lasted from midnight until 7 a.m.
After, Kus'min ordered Landowsky to translate the interview into Russian and
make two copies.

The content was so mind boggling that Landowsky made an additional carbon
for himself. "I am not sorry that I had the courage for this," he wrote.
(279) (The Bolsheviks had shot Landowsky's father, a Tsarist colonel, during
the 1917 revolution.)

A Spanish volunteer later found the manuscript on Landowsky's dead body in a
hut on the Petrograd front during World War Two. He took it back to Spain
where it was published as "Sinfonia en Rojo Mayo." in 1949.

A person with the nickname "Yamaguchi" has posted the first half of "Red
Symphony" on the Internet at
The whole transcript was published in English in 1968 as "The Red Symphony:
X-Ray of Revolution." You can find it in Des Griffin's "Fourth Reich of the
Rich." (1988) I recommend this book.


Rakovsky gives his interrogator an astonishing inside view of modern history
in order to prove that his sponsors control the world.

"Money is the basis of power," Rakovsky says, and the Rothschilds
manufacture it thanks to the banking system.

The "Revolutionary Movement" was an attempt by Meyer Rothschild and his
allies to protect and extend this monopoly by establishing a New World Order
using the "revolutionary movement."

According to Rakovsky, "The Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the
chiefs of that first secret Communism...Marx and the highest chiefs of the
First International ... were controlled by Baron Lionel Rothschild,
[1808-1878] whose revolutionary portrait was done by Disraeli the English
Premier, who was also his creature, and has been left to us [in Disraeli's
novel 'Coningsby.']" (250)

Lionel's son Nathaniel (1840-1915) needed to overthrow the Christian
Romanoff Dynasty. Through his agents Jacob Schiff and the Warburg brothers,
he financed the Japanese side in the Russo Japanese War, and an unsuccessful
insurrection in Moscow in 1905. Then he instigated the First World War, and
financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Rakovsky says he was personally
involved in the transfer the funds in Stockholm. (251-252)

The Jewish labour movement or "bund" was Rothschild's instrument. The Bund's
"secret faction" infiltrated all the socialist parties in Russia and
provided the leadership for the Russian Revolution. Alexander Kerensky, the
Menshevik Prime Minister was a secret member. (253)

Leon Trotsky was supposed to become the leader of the USSR. Trotsky, a Jew,
married the daughter of one of Rothschild's closest associates, banker Abram
Zhivotovsky and became part of the "clan."
Unfortunately "national" Communists like Lenin (one-quarter Jewish) got in
the way. Lenin overruled Trotsky and made peace with Germany (Treaty of
Brest Litovsk, 1918.) This was not the Rothschild's plan.

World War One was supposed to end the way the Second World War did. Russia
was supposed to overrun Germany in 1918 and assist local "revolutionaries"
in establishing a "peoples' republic."

Trotsky was responsible for an attempt to assassinate Lenin in 1918 but
Lenin survived. When Lenin had a stroke in 1922, Trotsky had Levin, Lenin's
Jewish doctor finish him off.

At this critical moment, the unexpected happened. Trotsky got sick and
Stalin was able to take power. In the crisis, the Trotskyites pretended to
support Stalin and infiltrate his regime.
Radowsky characterizes Stalin as a "bonapartist," a nationalist as opposed
to an International Communist like Trotsky.

"He is a killer of the revolution, he does not serve it, but makes use of
its service; he represents the most ancient Russian imperialism, just as
Napoleon identified himself with the Gauls..." (257)


In order to control Stalin, international finance was forced to build up
Hitler and the Nazi party. Radowsky confirms that Jewish financiers backed
the Nazis although Hitler was not aware of this.

"The ambassador Warburg presented himself under a false name and Hitler did
not even guess his race... he also lied regarding whose representative he
was... Our aim was to provoke a war and Hitler was war...[the Nazis]
received...millions of dollars sent to it from Wall Street, and millions of
Marks from German financiers through Schacht; [providing] the upkeep of the
S.A and the S.S. and also the financing of the elections..." (259-260)

Unfortunately for the bankers, Hitler also proved intractable. He started to
print his own money!

"He took over for himself the privilege of manufacturing money and not only
physical moneys, but also financial ones; he took over the untouched
machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the
state... Are you capable of imagining what would have come ...if it had
infected a number of other states and brought about the creation of a period
of autarchy [absolute rule, replacing that of the bankers]. If you can, then
imagine its counterrevolutionary functions..." (263)

Hitler had become a bigger threat than Stalin, who had not meddled with
money. Rakovsky's present mission was to convince Stalin to make a pact with
Hitler and turn Hitler's aggression against the West. The purpose was for
Germany and the Western nations to exhaust each other in battle.

Rakovsky urged the Russians to use the tactic of "deceiving with the truth."
The Russians were to impress Hitler with their genuine desire for peace.
Hitler was not to suspect that he was being set up for a war on two fronts.

Stalin was given a choice. If he agreed to divide Poland with Hitler, the
West would declare war on only one aggressor, Germany. If he refused, the
bankers would allow Hitler to depose him.

Kus'min demanded some high level confirmation. Rakovsky told him to see
Joseph Davies, the US ambassador in Moscow, a fellow Freemason and
representative of the International Communist Roosevelt administration.

Someone was sent to Davies who confirmed that "much would be gained" if
Rakovsky got an amnesty. On March 2, 1938 a powerful radio message was sent
to Moscow in the cipher of its London embassy.

"Amnesty or the Nazi danger will increase," it said." Davies attended
Rakovsky's trial and gave him a Masonic greeting. On the same day, March 12
1938, Hitler marched into Austria.

Rakovsky's death sentence was commuted. Some believe he lived out his years
under an assumed name. See Another
source has him shot in 1941.

Secret negotiations were begun with Hitler. The result was the
Ribbentrop-Molotov pact signed in August 1939 just one week before the
invasion of Poland.

The interrogation seems to have created an accord between Stalin and the


Europe and the United States long ago succumbed to Rothschild Illuminati
control. In Russia, there are still some death spasms.

Recently, Vladimir Putin arrested Mikhail Khordordovsky, the head of
Russia's largest oil company "Yukos" and "the richest man in Russia."

Putin announced that Russia would seize his $12 billion 26% stake in the oil
company, one of many national assets plundered in the reorganization of
Communism 15 years ago.

Then we learn the shares already had passed to none other than banker Jacob
Rothschild under a "previously unknown arrangement" designed for such
circumstances. The two have known each other for years "through their mutual
love of the arts."

Rakovsky told Kus'min that the Illuminati do not take political or financial
positions. They use "intermediaries."

"Bankers and politicians are only men of straw.... even though they occupy
high places and appear to be authors of the plans which are carried out..."

Obviously Khodordovsky is an "intermediary" for Rothschild. So are Richard
Perle, Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon who each spoke out against Putin's
action. Perle, the architect of the Iraq war, called for the expulsion of
Russia from the Group of Eight. Sharon expressed concern about "persecution
of Jewish businessmen." Khodordovsky is Jewish as is Simon Kukes his
successor. And Perle and Kissinger.

Many Jews serve the Illuminati and that is one reason for anti Semitism. But
Tony Blair and George W. Bush serve it too and are not Jewish. The
membership of the Bilderbergers and the Skull and Bones is mostly not
Jewish. The Illuminati is an alliance between the Rothschilds, and the
world's super rich united by Freemasonry, which consider Lucifer to be God.

Mankind, God's magnificent experiment, has been subverted and compromised.
From the U.S. soldier in Iraq, to the taxpayer who pays the national debt,
we are all "men of straw."

Editorial comment:

Consolidation of financial and monetary power is a dangerous thing. It
makes is VERY easy to change chairs.

Rothschild has nothing backing the US dollar, and with its collapse, the
entire engine which ran the Rothschild empire collapsed, including Wall

Why? Because Rothschild made TWO mistakes -- he backed the US dollar with
oil. And he devalued gold by floating too many dollars.

The ONLY thing backing the US dollar was its use as the international
currency of oil the trade. And the US dollar can not be backed by gold, or
it will become worthless. There's too many US dollars which have been
printed and the value of gold is at an all time low, and Rothschild can't
increase the value of gold, or it will have the same efffect -- collapse the

Catch 22..

How do you say kiss my ass goodbye in Russian?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 14:00:09 -0400,
<> wrote:

>Hitler blowback.
>Makow - Rothschilds
>Conduct 'Red Symphony'
>The 20th Century Unveiled
>By Henry Makow PhD
>Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a
>diabolical conspiracy.
>War, depression and genocide in the past century were not accidental or
>inevitable but the result of a malevolent design.
>Shocking evidence is a 1938 Stalinist police (NKVD) interrogation of a
>founder of the Communist International, Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, who was
>facing the firing squad for plotting to overthrow Stalin.
>The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed "The Red Symphony," was
>not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati
>planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super
>This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It
>reveals why the Illuminati financed Hitler and then tried to destroy him,
>and why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.

Makow wrote some great things but he is a Jew and that is why he
disses Hitler. He says the Illuminati financed Hitler and then tried
to destroy him. What if Hitler won the war, then they would not be
able to destroy him. It was a pretty close war.

Hitler solved all the problems in Germany and made everything good.
He won because he went after the Jews. He went after something
tangible. He knew that there were a few Jews who were good people.
But that doesn't mean Jews are not an enemy race. Makow wants us to
fight something intangible like the Illuminate. We will never get
anywhere that way. He is leading us up a dead end.

>Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider. Born Chaim Rakeover in
>1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was
>the leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.
>In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He
>successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin
>appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925,
>Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders
>from the Rothschilds. Many of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937
>Communist Party purge.
>Thus, the circumstances of the midnight interrogation Jan. 26, 1938 were
>very dramatic.
>What could Rakovsky say that would save his life?
>Rakovsky appears to use the tactic of "deceiving with the truth." He wins
>trust by revealing the truth but leaves some of it out. He tries to impress
>Kus'min that he and Trotsky represent an invincible power he calls the
>"Capitalist-Communist Financial International."
>He confirms that the "revolutionary movement" was designed to enlist support
>by pretending to serve mankind's moral and collective ideals. The real aim,
>however, is to divide society, undermine established authority and create
>totalitarian rule.
>"Revolution" really means, "overturning" Western civilization.
>"Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic
>phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky says.
>(Griffin, p. 264)
>Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for
>Rakovsky refers to the Illuminati as "they" or "them." He claims he does not
>know them but I suspect he does.
>He explains that the "Illuminati" is a Masonic secret society dedicated to
>Communism. Significantly, its founder Adam Weishaupt took the name from "the
>second anti-Christian conspiracy of that era, gn
>osticism." (249)
>The interrogator was one of Stalin's cleverest agents, Gavriil Kus'min known
>as "Gabriel."
>Apart from him and a hidden sound technician, a doctor Jose Landowsky was
>the only other person present.

It's too long and depends too much on one guys take on things.
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 14:51:58 -0500, Topaz <> wrote:

>He is leading us up a dead end.

So, do you think Rothschild will be able to assassinate Putin and Chavez so
he can steal enough oil to keep the US dollar propped up by maintaining oil
trade in dollars, or not?

This is a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY.

Rothschild needs the USA in order to maintain his life style.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 16:36:35 -0400,
<> wrote:

>So, do you think Rothschild will be able to assassinate Putin and Chavez so
>he can steal enough oil to keep the US dollar propped up by maintaining oil
>trade in dollars, or not?
>This is a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY.
>Rothschild needs the USA in order to maintain his life style.

I don't know.
This clearly shows that Europe is a catholic state. It is now a very
dangerous place, mass murders of dissidents will continue catholic states
are not democracies. However to my many catholic freinds "you cannot avoid
death by pretending it does not happen, look again at the Biblical message
and Jesus words as uncorrupted as possible by Paul (the imposter), "you need
brains not wool". A reference to "wooly thoughts" some one in the audience
coughed perhaps.

Paul (the liar) agressively selected the affidavits to fit his plan of a
profit making business based on the teachings of the Jews and Jesus. Look at
the Hebrew song (knesset I think it called) all Hebrew children chant in the
kindergarten and laugh with joy.

"silly Jesus, he won't come back, so we'll use him to help the immortality
thing and well take all the money they get nouwt and die".

"But what if he does - oh he won't the stars are to far away - hooray!"

Since the reality of death cannot be undone and prentending it don't happen
wont stop it happening being honest to youself and get on and live life
fully while it is here and the Bible contains a lot of philosophy about how
to live with that knowlege, ignorance is not an alterative. Look to the

Try Ephesians "the leadership struggle" and near the end there is a
reference to "the anathema" or "scarface" who knew that Jesus was a starship
commander from one of the stars in the sky, you will read how they decided
to lie because there was no money in it and selling immortality and the
messiah was more profitable.

Every priest knows that it is in the training and the maiming and disabling
people who work this out is their way of preserving this lie. "becuase it me
job and my income depends on and all those lovely girls" some priests are
honest, it is good life a preist.

You don't have to lead a life of lies deciet and murder do you and hiss and
you speak you could choose happiness instead - hebrews.

Try to be nice and throw of this sickess caused by the paranoid fear of
death for it is "Terminal fault condition". It is an illness that causes
severe pain and death usually by suicide.

If you did you would have paradise back, it was this knowlege that took
paradise away, but now you have it try to deal with it and a very bright
future lies ahead if you succeed.

Knowlege brings wealth and health and long live the end of sickness. Hitler
said that, he was a good man.

Hitler went to the Moon in 1927 and Mars in 1930 and his surviving
scientists have now collonised Proximal centuri.

Now that seems a better future. One man's Jelousy (the office of pope) lost
all that knowlege by murder and destruction.

This behaviour is foolish.

Remember the word "Basilica" means "castle" and the word "church" means
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:50:22 GMT, "PureGold" <> wrote:

>This clearly shows that Europe is...

......aiding and abetting Zionist banking criminals who are trying to steal
other countries oil in a last ditch effort to stave off the collapse of
their fiat money backed financial empire.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:50:22 GMT, "PureGold" <> wrote:

>This clearly shows that Europe is...

......aiding and abetting Zionist banking criminals who are trying to steal
other countries oil in a last ditch effort to stave off the collapse of
their fiat money backed financial empire.

What we are witnessing is the end of the New World Order, who has been in
control since the inception of the Federal Reserve.

They had their 15 minutes of fame. It's time for the 1776 option.

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