Ed Conrad

This is what I've been saying for these past 25-26 years.
But, of course, I can ALSO offer the physical evidence.
< (Fossils -- SOME HUMAN -- Found Between Coal Veins)
Ed Conrad
Man as Old as Coal
The age of coal is one of the most golden rules
of geology -- a minimum of 280 million years.
Just ask any geologist.
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"Danzig" <tyatcak@telus.net> wrote in message
> Ed Conrad wrote:
>> <
>> http://www.independent.ie/opinion/letters/evolution-is-one-big-hoax-858550.html
>> <
>> Hmm

> I thought that you were one big hoax as scientists around the world
> disagree with you.

47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:41:01 GMT, "grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid>

>47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
>consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
>and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.

From the evolved flower of Creationism blooms the silliness of a
failed effort to understand the universe in which we live.

The homo sapiens is the only living organism that is documenting its
own demise.

On Jul 6, 11:58 am, never@million wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:41:01 GMT, "grinder" <sea...@earthlink.invalid>
> wrote:
> >47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
> >consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
> >and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.

> From the evolved flower of Creationism blooms the silliness of a
> failed effort to understand the universe in which we live.
> The homo sapiens is the only living organism that is documenting its
> own demise.

In other words, you're saying it's better to be ignorant and stupid
about our beginnings. Yep, you sound like a perfect creationist.

Don't get on a plane, you it may fall off one of the edges of our cube-
shaped world.
<tripe snip>

What a ****ing amazing moron troll.

Change happens. The only choice is between evolution and revolution.
America embraces Dubya and rejects evolution. Draw your own
conclusion--but excuse me if I sit far back on the sidelines.

The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying laundry soap or a war.
Busheviks are simply slaves to BushCo's lies.
never@million said:
> On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:41:01 GMT, "grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid>
> wrote:
> >
> >47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
> >consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
> >and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.
> >

> From the evolved flower of Creationism blooms the silliness of a
> failed effort to understand the universe in which we live.
> The homo sapiens is the only living organism that is documenting its
> own demise.

Those who wrote the Bible had infinte knowledge, were far more advanced and
were far better educated than anyone on earth today.

Races and peoples not mentioned in the Bible have no right to exist and we must
carry out their extermination with all the weapons at our disposal.

The Bible is the only science we need and the only set of rules we've ever
needed, in the 6,000 years that the Universe has existed.
Reverend Jim wrote:
> never@million said:
>> On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:41:01 GMT, "grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>> 47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
>>> consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
>>> and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.

>> From the evolved flower of Creationism blooms the silliness of a
>> failed effort to understand the universe in which we live.
>> The homo sapiens is the only living organism that is documenting its
>> own demise.
>> DCI

> Those who wrote the Bible had infinte knowledge, were far more advanced and
> were far better educated than anyone on earth today.
> Races and peoples not mentioned in the Bible have no right to exist and we must
> carry out their extermination with all the weapons at our disposal.
> The Bible is the only science we need and the only set of rules we've ever
> needed, in the 6,000 years that the Universe has existed.

take the tin hat off
On Jul 6, 7:54 pm, Reverend Jim <rmj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> never@million said:
> > On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 18:41:01 GMT, "grinder" <sea...@earthlink.invalid>
> > wrote:

> > >47% of the American population including two 'pub presidential candidates
> > >consider themselves creationists. No wonder a country with this much power
> > >and this stupid scares the hell out of the rest of the world.

> > From the evolved flower of Creationism blooms the silliness of a
> > failed effort to understand the universe in which we live.

> > The homo sapiens is the only living organism that is documenting its
> > own demise.

> > DCI

> Those who wrote the Bible had infinte knowledge, were far more advanced and
> were far better educated than anyone on earth today.
> Races and peoples not mentioned in the Bible have no right to exist and we must
> carry out their extermination with all the weapons at our disposal.
> The Bible is the only science we need and the only set of rules we've ever
> needed, in the 6,000 years that the Universe has existed.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

If God created man in His image then God needs His ass kicked
and I'm just the man to do it because I have a pair of holey boots.

If God created me, He must be phucked-up, right?

Then God is not perfect and therefore, does not exist.

So human beings have been around for about 2 million years.

But not for much longer though (good riddance).

Earth will be like Venus in about 1000 years.