Ex-Alabama Karl Rove-Railroaded Governor to Be Freed Friday.


Harry Hope

After having been railroaded by Rove machine, Siegelman released


The House Judiciary Committee also announced that it wants to hear
Siegelman's views when it probes claims of selective prosecution by
the Justice Department.

Siegelman has maintained that certain Republicans targeted him after
he was elected governor in 1998.

The House committee has begun reviewing his case as part of a broader
investigation into allegations of political meddling in federal

The committee hopes to hear from Siegelman in May.

Committee Chairman John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, believes
Siegelman "would have a lot to add to the committee's investigation
into selective prosecution," committee spokeswoman Melanie Roussell

From The Associated Press, 3/28/08:

Ex-Ala. Governor to Be Freed Friday

By BOB JOHNSON | Associated Press Writer


Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman is expected to be released from a
federal prison in Louisiana sometime Friday, officials said.

A federal appeals court on Thursday ordered Siegelman released pending
the appeal of his corruption case.

Prison spokeswoman Tammy Jarvis said he cannot be released until court
documents are received, but the papers were expected sometime Friday.

In its ruling, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the former
governor had raised "substantial questions of fact and law" in
challenging his conviction.


Turd Blossom's ass is headed for the pokey.
