Ex-Republican House aide to plead guilty in Abramoff probe


Harry Hope

From The Associated Press, 4/23/07:

Abramoff probe snags ex-House aide



An aide to Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, accepted $30,000 worth of tickets
from influence peddler Jack Abramoff and went on a golf junket to
Scotland in exchange for assisting the lobbyist, according to court
papers filed Monday in the Abramoff scandal.

Mark Zachares will plead guilty Tuesday to conspiracy in the Abramoff
investigation, said Zachares' lawyer, Edward MacMahon.

Zachares left Young's staff in 2005.

Abramoff and his lobbying team supplied Zachares with tickets on more
than 40 occasions from August 2002 to February 2004, says a 10-page
Justice Department document filed in the case.

In early 2002, Zachares accepted $10,000 in wire transfers from
Abramoff through a nonprofit foundation the lobbyist controlled, the
papers state.

Young's office did not return repeated phone calls seeking comment.

From June 2002 through November 2004, Zachares worked for the House
Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, providing Abramoff contact
information for prospective businesses that would be affected by the
creation of the Homeland Security Department, the court papers stated.

The two men worked out a "two-year plan" in which Abramoff would build
a homeland security lobbying practice that Zachares ultimately would

The papers also state that:

-Zachares sent an e-mail saying he was willing to help Abramoff
regarding the lobbyist's Sun Cruz venture, which involved the purchase
of a fleet of Florida gambling boats. Zachares offered to help with
administrative issues involving the U.S. Maritime Administration,
which regulated financial assistance Abramoff was seeking for Sun

-Zachares used his influence over disaster aid from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to advance Abramoff's prospective business
with the territory of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.

Zachares went on an August 2003 golfing trip to Scotland with Abramoff
and six others including Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Fla.

Feeney's office said the Justice Department has contacted the
congressman to request more information and that Feeney is

Early this year, Feeney agreed to reimburse the government $5,643 for
the trip.

The cost of the trip was more than $160,000 for private jet service,
luxury hotel accommodations, twice-daily golf at St. Andrews and other
famous courses, meals, drinks and local transportation, states the
document that federal prosecutors filed in court.

Zachares provided information to Abramoff about pending congressional
action on the homeland security reorganization "that would assist
Abramoff's potential business opportunities and clients," the papers

The details of Zachares' activity were contained in a criminal
information, a document filed by a federal prosecutor that bypasses
action by a grand jury.

Zachares would become the fifth congressional staffer to plead guilty
in the Abramoff scandal.

In addition, the scandal has led to convictions for former White House
official David Safavian, ex-Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, and two former
Interior Department officials, including former Deputy Secretary
Steven Griles.

All pleaded guilty except Safavian, who was found guilty by a jury.


And on and on and on
