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Hi Freudi,

I have been fighting with these repeated updates for a few days now and I am happy to find this thread. I don't know if it is caused by my computer or my internet browser (I tried both Firefox and Explorer) but there is a crucial part of your explanation that is missing. I am referring to the command line to run in safe mode.

Also, I was wondering if it was a common problem associated with this update that the list of installed updates doesn't load anymore. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

Thank you for your reply in advance,


Ottmar Freudenberger wrote:

KB977165 is a kernel update and ever since these are released forWindows XP,


KB977165 is a kernel update and ever since these are released for

Windows XP, MS does not get those to install correctly as soon as it is an

OEM system (with OEM drivers installed) on which these kind of updates

should be installed on.

To get these updates for Windows XP installed properly on these systems,

you will need to download the update from DownloadCenter:


save the file into a folder and execute the EXE with the parameter "/o"

(like "/overwriteoem") afterwards.

Let's assume you have downloaded the english version of KB977165 into a

folder "Downloads" which is located on your C: drive. In this case

please restart Windows in Safe Mode (hit the [F8] key after the BIOS

screen occured while booting your machine). Then enter the following

including all blanks and quote signs into "Run" in the Start menu

and hit [Enter] or click on OK afterwards:

"C:\Downloads\WindowsXP-KB977165-x86-ENU.exe" /o

After rebooting Windows, the update should not be reoffered by WU/AU once


These installation/recogniation issues are independend from issues you

may run into, if a malware (rootkit) is already residing on your system

before you install KB977165. In case there is a rootkit and you install

KB977165 afterwards, you may see your Windows system rebooting or presen-

ting a BlueScreen to you. The cause for these issues is the infection of

the system with malware and not KB977165.



Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:26 AM

2harts4ever wrote:

KB977165 wants to install over and over

Good morning,

I successfully (I thought) downloaded and installed KB977165 on Feb. 10 but

as soon as I was finished it was once again offered as an available update. I

have my Microsoft Updates set to notify me when one is available but not to

download it.

For the record I am using a Compaq Presario AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor

3300+, 2411MHz/1.93 GBs RAM, running Windows Xp Home, SP3., with IE8 and

fully patched. I utilize Avast (Free) as my anti-virus and Comodo (Free) as

my firewall and also check for spyware with Windows Defender, Spybot S&D,

Spyware Blaster, Trojan Hunter and SUPERAntiSpyware Professional. I utilize

SUPERAntiSpyware as my only 'real-time' spyware protection program, the

others are on demand scanners. All programs are fully patched and updated.

In addition, PSI.exe gives me a clean bill of health.

The KB977165 update has shown as being installed on the 'Add/Remove

Programs' page since the initial day I downloaded and installed it.

While searching for the cause of this update being offered over and over I

have seen where some say if a Security update is listed as installed in your

Add/Remove folder then you are okay and it is then okay to 'hide' it from

being offered in the future.

So, what I am really trying to find out is if 'hiding it' is okay as long as

it shows as being installed on my computer?

Also, has or will Microsoft issued a fix to stop this update from being

offered over and over?

Outside of it being offered over and over I have experienced no problems

whatsoever since installing it.

Thanks and regards,


On Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:43 AM

RE: KB977165 wants to install over and o wrote:

"2harts4ever" wrote:

"2harts4ever" wrote:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:06 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

Hello, again!

Hello, again!

1. Stop the Automatic Updates service:

Start > Run > (type in) services.msc > [OK]

Double-click Automatic Updates > Click on Stop

(Stopping the service will take a moment)

2. Delete the contents of the Download folder:

Start > Run > (type in) %windir%\SoftwareDistribution > [OK]

Open the Download folder and delete its contents

Close the window.

3. Open Internet Explorer (only) to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com OR

http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate | Select CUSTOM and scan |

Uncheck/deselect KB977165 and hide it ("Don't show me this update again")

but install any/all critical security updates offered. If a Root

Certificates update is listed in the Optional Software updates category on

the left-hand side of the scan results window, install it to take full

advantage of IE8's enhanced security.

4. Start the Automatic Updates service:

Start > Run > (type in) services.msc > [OK]

Double-click Automatic Updates > Click on Start

(Starting the service will take a moment)


~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

2harts4ever wrote:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:41 PM

2harts4ever wrote:

Hi PA Bear,Glad to see you answered.

Hi PA Bear,

Glad to see you answered. I have done what you suggested but I am curious

about what you had me do.

(1) The 'Download' folder you had me empty had 119 items in it. What were


(2) Do you think M/S will ever fix what was causing KB977165 to try to

download over and over or will I just have to be content to let it in its

'hidden' state from here on out?

Once again, thanks for your help and expertise,



"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 4:40 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:


A1. The folder contained installers & related files used by Automatic

Updates in the past to install updates. Over the course of time, the

contents of the folder would have been deleted anyway.

A2. I dunno why you kept seeing AU trying to (re)install KB977165,

especially since it was "pulled" [1] less than 48 hours after it was

released; cf.


PS: The reason KB977165 was pulled had nothing to do with what happened to

you; cf.



[1] No longer being offered by Automatic Updates, even if the installer had

been downloaded to the Downloads folder already. KB977165 remained (and

remains AFAIK) available for manual installation via Windows/Microsoft

Update website.


~PA Bear

2harts4ever wrote:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 7:47 PM

2harts4ever wrote:

Hi Pa Bear,One more time please.

Hi Pa Bear,

One more time please.

Right now I know KB977165 in installed on my computer because it says so on

my Add/Remove Program page and Windows Update History lists it as being

successfully installed on 2-10-10.

After doing what you suggested the repeat notification now rests in my

Hidden Updates folder and everytime I go to Windows Update I am notified I

have hidden an important security update.

I have and always have had Automatic Updates set so it notifies me that an

update is available and then it is up to me when and if I want to download

and install it.

In a nutshell ... am I okay with all this?

As always your insight is always appreciated!

Thanks and regards,


"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

On Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:46 PM

Harry Johnston [MVP] wrote:

On 2010-02-19 1:47 p.m., 2harts4ever wrote:Neither of those are conclusive.

On 2010-02-19 1:47 p.m., 2harts4ever wrote:

Neither of those are conclusive.

The update contains four files:





Check the versions of these files. They should all be 5.1.2600.5913 or later,

assuming you have service pack 3 installed.


On Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:13 PM

2harts4ever wrote:

Harry,I have SP3 and all four files are 5.1.2600.5913.


I have SP3 and all four files are 5.1.2600.5913.



"Harry Johnston [MVP]" wrote:

On Friday, February 19, 2010 2:04 AM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

What Harry said & you confirmed.Yes, you are OK.

What Harry said & you confirmed.

Yes, you are OK. Automatic Updates will not offer KB977165 again but it will

always be a hidden update as far as Windows/Microsoft Update website is

concerned. IOW, if and when you update manually, you will always get that

"You've hidden an important security update" prompt. Learn to live with it

and dismiss it when you see it. That being said...

The prompt will apply to all updates you have hidden (e.g., if you choose or

had chosen to hide others).

KB977165 is the most recent in a long line of Windows kernel updates. If

and when another kernel update is issued, it will supersede KB977165 and

Windows/Microsoft Update website will "forget about" KB977165. The same

applies to any update which supersedes a previous one (or a cumulative

update, like IE updates).

Confused enough yet? <wink>

2harts4ever wrote:

On Friday, February 19, 2010 7:31 AM

2harts4ever wrote:

Pa Bear,As usual you have shown why you are a M/S MVP.

Pa Bear,

As usual you have shown why you are a M/S MVP. That is the kind of

explanation I have been looking for on this subject.

Now I have an idea of what is actually happening and how it eventually will

be solved. M/S is lucky to have folks like you around who, while not on

their payroll, still take the time to educate their customers in what is

actually happening with their computers.

Have a great weekend Pa Bear. As usual you have helped make mine!

Thanks and regards,


"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

On Friday, February 19, 2010 11:12 AM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

You're very welcome and thank you for your very kind words.2harts4ever wrote:

You're very welcome and thank you for your very kind words.

2harts4ever wrote:

On Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:12 AM

Ottmar Freudenberger wrote:

KB977165 is a kernel update and ever since these are released forWindows XP,

KB977165 is a kernel update and ever since these are released for

Windows XP, MS does not get those to install correctly as soon as it is an

OEM system (with OEM drivers installed) on which these kind of updates

should be installed on.

To get these updates for Windows XP installed properly on these systems,

you will need to download the update from DownloadCenter:


save the file into a folder and execute the EXE with the parameter "/o"

(like "/overwriteoem") afterwards.

Let's assume you have downloaded the english version of KB977165 into a

folder "Downloads" which is located on your C: drive. In this case

please restart Windows in Safe Mode (hit the [F8] key after the BIOS

screen occured while booting your machine). Then enter the following

including all blanks and quote signs into "Run" in the Start menu

and hit [Enter] or click on OK afterwards:

"C:\Downloads\WindowsXP-KB977165-x86-ENU.exe" /o

After rebooting Windows, the update should not be reoffered by WU/AU once


These installation/recogniation issues are independend from issues you

may run into, if a malware (rootkit) is already residing on your system

before you install KB977165. In case there is a rootkit and you install

KB977165 afterwards, you may see your Windows system rebooting or presen-

ting a BlueScreen to you. The cause for these issues is the infection of

the system with malware and not KB977165.



On Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:16 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

Ottmar Freudenberger wrote:mad:Freudi: KB977165 is no longer being offer to WinXP

Ottmar Freudenberger wrote:

@Freudi: KB977165 is no longer being offer to WinXP (x86) via Automatic

Updates anyway; cf.




On Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:14 AM

Ottmar Freudenberger wrote:

I am more than aware of that, but that is only true in these cases,

I am more than aware of that, but that is only true in these cases, when


a) has not been downloaded via Auto or Windows Update already but the

installation has not been detected to be successful for whichever reason

(thanks to the SoftwareDistrubution\Download)

b) Auto Update is configured to download and install updates automatically

Since the OP did already install KB977165 without any BSODs already, but

the installation itself is not detected as successful, most likely the

paramater /o will do the trick for the OP.



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<R Square> schrieb:

> I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

And I've reffered to KB997165 for Windows XP only .


Freu"Shut Egghead down! Use direct newsgroup access!"di